
Entangled Boundaries

タイトル: **絡み合う境界線**

英語タイトル: **Entangled Boundaries**


ジャンル: 抽象芸術 / Abstract Art






English Description:

The artwork titled "Entangled Boundaries" vividly portrays the complexity of emotions and thoughts in the modern era, as well as the intricate relationships that intertwine them. The green square in the center of the canvas appears to represent a stable entity at first glance, but the myriad of lines crisscrossing around it symbolize the ambiguity of boundaries. This square could be seen as a metaphor for an individual's identity or inner boundaries, yet it suggests that these are not fixed but constantly evolving.

The colorful lines running across the canvas represent various streams of emotions and thoughts, each pulling in different directions, sometimes intertwining, yet continuing on their distinct paths. The intersections of these lines reflect internal conflicts or tensions, indicating that parts of the self are not always in harmony with each other. The use of various colors like white, red, blue, and green may symbolize different emotions or experiences.

The dark tones in the background seem to represent the realm of the unconscious, the space where these emotions and thoughts originate. This realm is often unstable and unpredictable, and the lines emerging from it suggest that what surfaces in our consciousness is only a fragment of the deeper emotions and thoughts lying beneath.

This artwork invites the viewer to confront their inner self, to unravel the complex threads of emotions and thoughts. It challenges the viewer to discern which lines represent which emotions, which boundaries are real, and which are imagined. Yet, the process of doing so is an integral part of self-understanding and growth, a message that this artwork subtly conveys.
