








そこでなにか突き刺さるものを感じた。そうだった。植物園とは植物を研究・普及・保護し、住民に植物を観賞する場を提供する施設、つまり植物を「花見」する専門の場所だ。われわれはその場所に陣取って「花見」をしている。植物園という大きな「花見」の中にプライベートな「花見」を作ったというわけだ。さすがに美大生らしく、当時流行したアンデパンダンライク斬新なアイデアだと感心するばかりだった。 今なら植物園で花見をするなど「けしからん」と場合によっては警察がやってくるような出来事でも、当時は寛容で何組もの花見グループが騒いでも、セキュリティが来るわけでも、警察が乗り込んで来るわけでもなかった。 

われわれは楽しい時間への感謝の代わりに、だれが言い出すでもなく、それぞれが黙々と掃除して、元通りの美しい植物園に戻して解散する。口々に「楽しかった、ありがとう」「また来年」の挨拶で惜しみながら別れた。 植物園での花見はその年一度きりだった。次の年は親友夫妻の引っ越しと重なり、花見引っ越しパーティに姿を変えた。翌年はわたしが海外出張で参加できず、帰国後、土産をネタに祝杯をあげたのが最後で、親友は当時の夫と分かれ、ヨーロッパに移住した。


わたしたちを大いに楽しませてくれた京都府植物園は、2024年の今年、創立100周年を迎える日本最古の公立総合植物園である。この京都府立植物園は、大正天皇の即位記念に内国博覧会の用地として、上賀茂神社の境外末社「半木(なからぎ)神社」の鎮守の森を敷地に、結果的に「大典記念京都植物園」となったと案内されている。 計画通りの博覧会でなく、植物園になったおかげでわれわれはあの年、盛大に花見を楽しんだ。後にも先にもたった一度の植物園の思い出は、あの「花見」の「花見」がいかにもパーフェクトで、「」がなくてよかったと思うのである。 


Hanami's "Hanami" Bustled on That Day

On that day, both the era and the people were sparkling. We, a group of fledgling creators, novice painters, and traditional craft artisans, mostly had no connection to money, but it didn’t bother us much. We felt a sense of anticipation that something was about to happen just within our reach.

With our homemade bento boxes and side dishes, we set off for hanami...

Friends who graduated from Kyoto University of the Arts, their friends, colleagues from work, and relatives often gathered together. We attended kiln openings and exhibitions of potters, helped a friend who, after graduating from the art university, had entered the Buddhist priesthood and was managing a neglected mountain temple without a resident priest by temporarily playing the role of a novice monk. We participated in filming with a filmmaker, savoring those moments of bliss that others couldn't experience.

Back then, we rarely had plans, living in a state of improvisation, which felt strangely natural to us.

During the peak cherry blossom season, I was invited to the customary lunch. When I went to pick up my friend, they suggested we head out with our bento. Despite my friend’s usual grumbling, "Ah, such a hassle," we seamlessly prepared rice balls and side dishes with swift and practiced movements. Carrying tea and juice in one hand and heaping bento boxes in the other, we stepped outside, where her impatient husband packed us into the small car, urging us to hurry. We finally arrived at a nostalgic botanical garden where we had gone on school excursions.

A Splendid Hanami with Performances and Dance by Art and Music University Alumni

The purpose of the day was hanami at the botanical garden. The hanami organized by the art university crowd was extraordinarily flamboyant, overwhelming those around us. A slightly tipsy guitarist, a music university graduate, proudly blasted his blues, creating an impromptu live concert atmosphere. Members with children danced with them, while the kids’ races filled the air with loud cheers. The art university folks, adept at performances, occasionally raised their voices in delight as the cherry blossoms fluttered in the gentle breeze, further enlivening the gathering.

The Perfect Day of Hanami at the Botanical Garden

There, I felt something poignant. Indeed, a botanical garden is a facility dedicated to the study, promotion, and conservation of plants, offering a place for people to admire them, essentially making it a specialist in "hanami" of plants. We had settled in this spot to enjoy hanami, creating a private hanami within the grand hanami of the botanical garden. True to the innovative spirit of art students, this independent and novel idea was impressive. Nowadays, such a hanami at a botanical garden might draw police intervention, but back then, it was lenient, and no matter how many hanami groups made noise, neither security nor police showed up.

Instead of expressing our gratitude for the enjoyable time, we silently cleaned up, returning the beautiful botanical garden to its original state before dispersing. We reluctantly parted ways with words of thanks and promises of "see you next year." That year’s hanami at the botanical garden happened only once. The following year, it coincided with the close friends’ move, transforming the hanami into a moving party. The year after, I couldn’t participate due to an overseas assignment, and after returning, the last celebration with souvenirs became the final gathering before my close friend moved to Italy with her then-husband.

She blossomed as a painter there, rapidly gaining skill and recognition. Now a successful artist, she’s invited to world cruises on luxury ships and spends her days touring exhibitions worldwide.

The Kyoto Prefectural Botanical Garden, which provided us with such joyous times, celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2024. Established as Japan's oldest public comprehensive botanical garden, it was initially intended for the Domestic Expo to commemorate Emperor Taisho’s enthronement, using the sacred forest of the Nagara Shrine, an outer shrine of Kamigamo Shrine. Due to the shift from the planned expo to a botanical garden, we enjoyed a grand hanami that year. Our singular memory of the botanical garden remains perfect, needing no sequel.

This article was created to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Kyoto Prefectural Botanical Garden in 2024.

