
a-1752 懐色光 Nostalgic light 複製画(プリモアート)

Size F4,F2,F3

詩:懐色光 Nostalgic light









Nostalgic Sunset.



”Sakura Blossom Serenade”

Atop the hill overlooking the town,

A river flows in the distance.

In those days,
When we played by the riverbank,

Just like now,
In the early evening,

The moments we played
By the waterside, the three of us,


Today, like this,
From this hill,

With my daughter by my side,
Watching the sunset.

Nostalgic Sunset.


God bless you.

絵画「懐色光 Nostalgic light」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

デジタル絵画「懐色光 Nostalgic light」は、夕暮れ時の風景を描いた作品です。画面全体を覆う暖かい光と、淡い色彩が印象的な作品です。画面中央の白色の光は、公園の生け垣越しに見えるぼやけた街の中央を流れる河の水面の反射を抽象的に表現しています。

2. 色彩


3. 構図


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 美術的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値


10. タグ

#夕焼け #風景 #懐かしさ #抽象画 #モザイク #デジタル絵画 #美術 #art #painting #sunset #nostalgia #abstract #mosaic

詩「懐色光 Nostalgic light」の解説

1. 全体的な印象


2. 韻律


3. 修辞


4. 技法

  • 現在と過去の風景を交差させることで、懐かしさやノスタルジアを表現。

  • 感覚的な描写を用いて、読者に情景を体感させる。

  • 言葉のリズムや音韻を用いて、美しい響きを生み出す。

5. 表現力

  • 夕暮れ時の風景を鮮やかに描写し、読者に情景を想像させる。

  • 過去の思い出と現在の感慨を丁寧に表現し、共感を呼ぶ。

6. 文学的価値

  • 作者の情感が込められた、文学的価値の高い作品。

  • 読者に懐かしさや感動を与える作品。

7. 作品に込められた想い

  • 作者は、夕暮れ時の風景を通して、過去の思い出や現在の感慨を表現したかった。

  • 過ぎ去った時間は二度と戻らないが、記憶と追憶を通して生き続けることを伝えたかった。

  • 親子二代で同じ風景を眺めることで、時間の流れと人生のつながりを表現したかった。

8. 作品の鑑賞方法

  • 作品全体をゆっくりと読み、夕暮れ時の風景や、作者の情感を味わう。

  • 過去と現在の風景を対比しながら、時間の経過と人生の変化について考える。

  • 言葉のリズムや音韻にも耳を傾け、作品全体の美しさを感じ取る。

9. 作品の価値

  • 文学的価値の高い作品であるだけでなく、読む人に懐かしさや感動を与える作品である。

  • 時間の大切さや人生のつながりについて考えさせてくれる作品である。

  • 親子二代で一緒に読むことができる作品である。

10. タグ

#夕焼け #風景 #懐かしさ #ノスタルジア #詩 #poem #sunset #nostalgia #親子 #時間 #人生


絵画「懐色光 Nostalgic light」と詩「懐色光 Nostalgic light」は、それぞれが独立した芸術作品でありながら、共通のテーマである「懐かしさ」と「家族の絆」を通じて強く結びついています。絵画は色彩と形の抽象的な表現を通じて、詩は言葉とリズムを通じて、同じ感情を異なる方法で表現しています。両者は相互に補完し合い、視覚と言語の両方で感情を呼び起こすことに成功しています。このように、絵画と詩は互いに対話を行い、鑑賞者に深い共感と感動を与えることができるのです。

夕焼け 風景 懐かしさ ノスタルジア 詩 親子 時間 人生 poem sunset nostalgia sunset landscape nostalgia abstract_painting mosaic digital_painting art painting

Explanation of the painting “Nostalgic light”

1. Overall impression
This painting is characterized by its abstract and colorful expression. It's visually appealing, with a colorful mix of colors and shapes.

The digital painting "Nostalgic light" is a work depicting a landscape at dusk. This work is impressive with its warm light that covers the entire screen and its pale colors. The white light in the center of the screen abstractly represents the reflection of the river flowing through the center of the town, which is visible through the hedge of the park.

2. Color
The use of rich colors such as bright yellow, red, blue, and pink is impressive.

The sunset light that covers the entire screen is expressed in warm colors such as orange, yellow, and pink. The white light in the center of the screen represents the reflection of the river's water surface, and is expressed in a pale color that seems to be a mixture of blue-purple and white.

3. Composition
Fragments of shape and color come together to create one large image, and the seemingly chaotic fragments create a sense of harmony as a whole.

The entire painting is colored in warm mosaic colors, and by emphasizing the reflection on the water surface in the center of the painting, the composition creates a composition in which the line of sight and the image spread out from the center of the painting.

4. Technique
I use digital art techniques to create colorful, geometric patterns.

A soft atmosphere is expressed using the blurring and gradation unique to digital paintings. In addition, by carefully depicting the way the light hits and reflections, we create a realistic work.

5. Expressive power
Emotions and energy are expressed through the combination of colors and shapes.

The tranquil atmosphere at dusk and a nostalgic scene are beautifully expressed using colors, compositions, and techniques.

6. Artistic value
This work is visually appealing due to its abstract nature and rich use of color.

This work is of a high level in terms of color, composition, technique, and power of expression, and can be said to be a work of high artistic value.

7. Thoughts put into the work
As the title suggests, this work expresses past memories and emotions.

The author may have wanted to express past memories and nostalgia through the scenery at sunset. In addition, the reflection of the sun on the surface of the river flowing through the center of the town, visible through the hedge of the park, depicts a moment that evokes a sense of nostalgia. Perhaps he was trying to get the viewers to use their imagination.

8. How to view the works
It may look chaotic when viewed up close, but from a distance the bigger picture emerges.

We recommend that you take your time to look at the entire work, imagining the quiet atmosphere at dusk or a scene that evokes a nostalgic feeling. It would also be interesting to pay attention to the white light in the center of the screen and think about what it represents.

9. Value of the work
It can be interpreted differently by each individual and can evoke a variety of emotions.

It can be said that it is not only a work of high artistic value, but also a work that evokes nostalgia and emotion in the viewer. In addition, by using abstract mosaic techniques, the work is created to stimulate the imagination of the viewer.

10. Tag

#sunset #landscape #nostalgia #abstract painting #mosaic #digital painting #art #painting #sunset #nostalgia #abstract #mosaic

Commentary on the poem “Nostalgic light”

1. Overall impression
The poem is warm and emotional, expressing the nostalgia that connects past memories with the present.

This work beautifully depicts the landscape at sunset, intersecting the past and present, and expressing nostalgia.

2. Prosody
Even though it takes the form of free verse, the rhythmic choice of words gives it a pleasant resonance.

It is free verse and does not rhyme.

3. Rhetoric
Contains expressions that use metaphors and symbols to give readers a strong impression.

He uses rhetoric such as metaphors and personification to vividly describe scenes.

4. Technique
He uses repetition and contrast to emphasize the theme of the poem.

  • Expresses nostalgia by intersecting the present and past landscapes.
    *Use sensory description to let the reader experience the scene.

  • Create beautiful sounds by using the rhythm and phonology of words.

5. Expressive power
The poet's inner feelings and memories are vividly portrayed through words.

  • Describe the scenery at sunset vividly and let the reader imagine the scene.

  • Carefully express past memories and present emotions to evoke empathy.

6. Literary value
Although he deals with universal themes, he presents a unique perspective through his personal experiences.

  • A work of high literary value that is imbued with the author's emotions.

  • Works that give readers a sense of nostalgia and excitement.

7. Thoughts put into the work
It embodies the beautiful memories of the past and the importance of the bonds with the families who share them.

  • The author wanted to express past memories and present emotions through the scenery at sunset.

  • I wanted to convey that the time that has passed will never come back, but it will continue to live on through memories and memories.

  • I wanted to express the flow of time and the connections between lives by having two generations of parents and children looking at the same scenery.

8. How to view the works
By thinking about the background of the poem and the poet's experiences, and reading it in conjunction with your own memories, you can gain deeper empathy.

  • Read the entire work slowly and enjoy the scenery at sunset and the author's emotion.

  • Think about the passage of time and changes in life while contrasting the past and present landscapes.

  • Listen to the rhythm and phonology of the words and sense the beauty of the work as a whole.

9. Value of the work
It has the power to evoke empathy for readers and nostalgia for the past.

  • It is not only a work of high literary value, but also a work that evokes nostalgia and emotion in the reader.

  • This is a work that makes you think about the importance of time and the connections in life.

  • This is a work that can be read together by parents and children.

10. Tag

#sunset #scenery #nostalgia #nostalgia #poem #sunset #nostalgia #parent -child #time #life

General comment on the relationship between painting and poetry

Although the painting "Nostalgic light" and the poem "Nostalgic light" are independent works of art, they are strongly connected through the common themes of "nostalgia" and "family ties." Paintings express the same emotion in different ways through abstract expressions of color and form, and poetry through words and rhythm. The two complement each other and succeed in evoking emotion both visually and verbally. In this way, painting and poetry can have a dialogue with each other, giving the viewer deep empathy and emotion.


a-1752 懐色光 Nostalgic light 複製画(プリモアート) | gallerygai

Size F4,F2,F3

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