
作品: a-2219 瑠璃色なる心 Azure Benediction

詩:瑠璃色なる心 Azure Benediction







Azure Benediction



”Azure Benediction”

The embrace of dawn,
Whispering prayers,

Where lapis lazuli flowers
and light intersect,

Echoes of tranquil souls,
Blessings woven
by threads of fate,

Lapis lazuli flowers,

Pure like morning dew,
Healing the thirst of the heart,

Azure light descends,
In the lapis lazuli morning,

A heart imbued with azure.


God bless you.

Created by Bing Creator.

絵画「瑠璃色なる心 Azure Benediction」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

添付のデジタル絵画「瑠璃色なる心 Azure Benediction」は、鮮やかな瑠璃色を基調とした、静謐で優美な作品です。朝焼けの光に照らされた瑠璃唐草の花々が、生命力と希望を感じさせます。繊細な線画と光と影の表現は、見る人の心を惹きつけます。

2. 色彩


3. 構図


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 美術的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値


10. タグ

詩「瑠璃色なる心 Azure Benediction」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

詩「瑠璃色なる心 Azure Benediction」は、静寂な朝焼けの風景と、瑠璃唐草の花を題材とした、静謐で美しい作品です。朝焼けの光に照らされた瑠璃唐草の花々は、生命力と希望を感じさせます。繊細な言葉遣いと美しい比喩表現は、見る人の心を惹きつけます。

2. 韻律


3. 修辞


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 文学的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値


10. タグ






  • 絵画の瑠璃色は、詩の「瑠璃色の光」や「瑠璃色の花」と呼応しています。

  • 絵画の朝焼けの光は、詩の「暁の抱擁」や「蒼い光落ちる」と呼応しています。

  • 絵画の瑠璃唐草の花々は、詩の「生命の糸で織られた祝福」や「純粋 like 朝露」と呼応しています。


絵画「瑠璃色なる心 Azure Benediction」と類似作品の比較・類似性・評価


  • 作品名: 朝顔図

  • 作者: 酒井抱一

  • 時代: 江戸時代

  • 特徴: 朝顔の繊細な描写、淡い色彩、静寂な雰囲気

  • 類似点: 静寂な雰囲気、花卉の描写

  • 相違点: 時代背景、技法、色彩


  • 作品名: 睡蓮

  • 作者: モネ

  • 時代: 印象派

  • 特徴: 光と水の表現、鮮やかな色彩、動的な構図

  • 類似点: 花卉の描写、光と影の表現

  • 相違点: テーマ、技法、構図



詩「瑠璃色なる心 Azure Benediction」と類似作品の比較・類似性・評価


  • 作品名: 瑠璃光

  • 作者: 北原白秋

  • 時代: 明治時代~昭和時代

  • 特徴: 瑠璃色の光を様々な比喩で表現、美しい言葉遣い、静謐な雰囲気

  • 類似点: テーマ、言葉遣い、静謐な雰囲気

  • 相違点: 韻律、修辞、構成


  • 作品名: 朝の歌

  • 作者: 谷川俊太郎

  • 時代: 現代

  • 特徴: 朝の風景をシンプルな言葉で表現、軽快なリズム、希望を感じさせる

  • 類似点: テーマ、希望を感じさせる点

  • 相違点: 言葉遣い、韻律、表現方法




デジタル絵画「瑠璃色なる心 Azure Benediction」と詩「瑠璃色なる心 Azure Benediction」は、静寂な朝焼けの風景、瑠璃唐草の花々、そして希望という共通のテーマを持っています。









瑠璃色 朝焼け 瑠璃唐草 希望 静寂 生命力 詩 文学 現代詩 アート Lapis_lazuli_color morning_glow lazuli_arabesque hope silence life_force poetry literature modern_poetry art

Commentary on the painting “Azure Benediction”

1. Overall impression

The attached digital painting "Azure Benediction" is a tranquil and elegant work with a vibrant lapis lazuli color as its base color. The lapis lazuli flowers illuminated by the sunrise give a sense of vitality and hope. The delicate line drawings and expressions of light and shadow captivate the viewer.

2. Color

The lapis lazuli color that covers the entire screen symbolizes holiness and eternity. The golden color of the sunrise is a symbol of hope and new beginnings. The gradation of white and blue expresses delicate light and shadow, giving the work depth.

3. Composition

The lapis lazuli flowers depicted in the center of the painting are a symbol of vitality and prosperity. The petals spread out in a radial pattern, giving movement to the entire screen. Sunrise light shines diagonally from the top of the screen, giving the work depth.

4. Technique

It features delicate line drawings and expressions of light and shadow that are unique to digital paintings. The petals and leaf veins of lapis lazuli are carefully drawn down to the smallest detail, giving a sense of vitality. The light of the morning glow is expressed using blur and gradation, creating a fantastic atmosphere.

5. Expressive power

The tranquil landscape of the sunrise and the vibrant lapis lazuli flowers are in vivid contrast. This is a richly expressive work that gives a sense of hope even in the midst of silence.

6. Artistic value

This is a unique work that expresses traditional lapis lazuli arabesque motifs using modern digital techniques. The delicate line drawings and expressions of light and shadow captivate the viewer.

7. Thoughts put into the work

Through this work, the author wanted to express the beauty of a tranquil sunrise, the vitality of lapis lazuli flowers, and the importance of hope.

8. How to view the works

Please look at the entire work quietly and feel the beauty of the lapis lazuli color and the sunrise light. We recommend that you take your time to appreciate the delicate line drawings and expressions of light and shadow.

9. Value of the work

This is a highly valuable work that expresses the beauty of a tranquil sunrise, the vitality of lapis lazuli flowers, and the importance of hope.

10. Tag

Commentary on the poem “Azure Benediction”

1. Overall impression

The poem ``Azure Benediction'' is a tranquil and beautiful work that takes as its subject the tranquil landscape of a morning glow and the flowers of lapis lazuli. The lapis lazuli flowers illuminated by the light of the morning glow give off a sense of vitality and hope. The delicate language and beautiful figurative expressions captivate the hearts of the viewers.

2. Prosody

Although it is free verse, it rhymes in places, giving the work a sense of rhythm.

3. Rhetoric

Figurative expressions and personification are used effectively, adding vividness to the work.

4. Technique

Techniques such as repetition and contrast are used effectively, adding depth to the work.

5. Expressive power

The beauty of the tranquil sunrise, the vitality of lapis lazuli flowers, and the importance of hope are expressed in delicate words.

6. Literary value

This is a unique work that sublimates the motif of traditional lapis lazuli arabesque with modern poetic expression.

7. Thoughts put into the work

Through this work, the author wanted to express the beauty of a tranquil sunrise, the vitality of lapis lazuli flowers, and the importance of hope.

8. How to view the works

Please read the entire work slowly and feel the tranquil landscape of the sunrise, the beauty of lapis lazuli flowers, and the light of hope.

9. Value of the work

This is a highly valuable work that expresses the beauty of a tranquil sunrise, the vitality of lapis lazuli flowers, and the importance of hope.

10. Tag

Relationship, correlation, and harmony between painting and poetry

Paintings and poems share common themes of tranquil sunrise landscapes, lapis lazuli flowers, and hope.

The paintings visually express these themes. Poetry, on the other hand, expresses these themes aurally.

Painting and poetry complement each other and create a harmony that creates deeper expression.

in particular

  • The lapis lazuli color in the painting echoes the poem's ``lapisole light'' and ``lapisole flower.''

  • The light of the morning glow in the painting echoes the poems ``Embrace of the Dawn'' and ``Falling Blue Light.''

  • The lapis lazuli flowers in the painting echo the poem's ``blessings woven with the threads of life'' and ``purity like morning dew.''

By appreciating paintings and poems together, you can deeply feel the tranquil landscape of the sunrise, the beauty of lapis lazuli flowers, and the light of hope.

Comparison, similarity, and evaluation of the painting “Azure Benediction” and similar works

Similar works 1.

  • Work name: Morning glory map

  • Author: Hoichi Sakai

  • Era: Edo period

  • Characteristics: Delicate depiction of morning glories, pale colors, quiet atmosphere

  • Similarities: Quiet atmosphere, depiction of flowers

  • Differences: historical background, techniques, colors

Similar works 2.

  • Work name: Water lily

  • Author: Monet

  • Era: Impressionism

  • Characteristics: Expressions of light and water, vivid colors, dynamic compositions

  • Similarities: Depiction of flowers, expression of light and shadow

  • Differences: Theme, technique, composition


This is a unique piece of work that expresses the tranquil sunrise landscape and lapis lazuli flowers with delicate line drawings and bright colors. It is highly praised for expressing the motif of traditional lapis lazuli arabesque using modern digital techniques.

Comparison, similarity, and evaluation of the poem “Azure Benediction” and similar works

Similar works 1.

  • Work name: Ruriko

  • Author: Hakushu Kitahara

  • Era: Meiji period to Showa period

  • Characteristics: Expressing lapis lazuli light in various metaphors, beautiful language, tranquil atmosphere

  • Similarities: Theme, language, tranquil atmosphere

  • Differences: Prosody, Rhetoric, Structure

Similar works 2.

  • Work name: Morning song

  • Author: Shuntaro Tanikawa

  • Era: Modern

  • Characteristics: Expressing the morning scenery in simple words, light rhythm, and a sense of hope.

  • Similarities: Theme, sense of hope

  • Differences: Language, prosody, and expression.


This is a beautiful work that uses delicate words to express the tranquil landscape of the morning glow and the lapis lazuli flowers. The work is highly praised for its sublimation of the traditional lapis lazuli arabesque motif with modern poetic expression.

General review

The digital painting ``Azure Benediction'' and the poem ``Azure Benediction'' have a common theme of a tranquil sunrise, lapis lazuli flowers, and hope.

The paintings visually express these themes. Poetry, on the other hand, expresses these themes aurally.

Painting and poetry complement each other and create a harmony that creates deeper expression.


This is a highly valuable work that expresses the beauty of a tranquil sunrise, the vitality of lapis lazuli flowers, and the importance of hope.

Comparison/similarity/evaluation with similar works

By comparing with similar works, the characteristics and originality of the work became clearer.


This is an original and highly valuable work that delicately expresses the tranquil sunrise landscape and lapis lazuli flowers. Painting and poetry complement each other and give us a deeper impression.

作品販売 Sales of work.

a-2219 瑠璃色なる心 Azure Benediction キャンバスアート - F6 | gallerygai

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