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[PBS NewsHour June 26, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:05]★今日のおすすめ★ ワグネル反乱 落ち着きを取り戻しつつあるように見えるロシア/リポートのあと専門家(Center for European Policy Analysis所長のAlina Polyakova)に聞く/これからどうなるのか
[07:29] So it wasn't clear what this means for Prigozhin himself. Based on what you know of Yevgeny Prigozhin, will he truly just cede the floor [** to cede the floorのもともとの意味は、「議会で発言権を譲る」だが、この文脈では「だまって引き下がる」「このまま退場する」くらいの意味か ] , or will he regroup and wait for confrontation at a future date? I mean, he still has a significant amount of standing and influence.
[10:40]★今日のおすすめ★ ワグネル反乱 ウクライナ戦争への影響/海軍分析センター(Center for Naval Analyses)のロシア軍事アナリストSamuel Bendettに聞く/ワグネルは今後の戦いに必要か/ウクライナにとって好機か/ロシア兵の士気への影響/反乱による威信失墜 軍指導者としてのプーチンにどのように影響するか
[13:26] SAMUEL BENDETT: The morale can't be good, especially when the president officially pardons the Wagnerites [** = a Wagner Group mercenary; a member of the Wagner Group ] , who have shut down Russian military aircraft and killed the pilots. Probably there's a lot of bad feelings right now and there's a lot of anger and resentment at Wagner across the military
[14:40] And, certainly, there are issues within the government and the government's response to these crises that have to be considered. But we shouldn't necessarily rush to judgment and we shouldn't write Putin off quite yet. He can survive certain crises. And he's probably going to try and survive this one as well. And, again, all roads lead to Putin [** < all roads lead to Romeをもじったものだと思うが、意味は、すべての中心にいるのはプーチンだ、くらいの意味だと思われる ] at this point. And he is still the chief decision-maker and the one who is the arbiter of a lot of disputes and decisions in the government. So, we will have to see.
[15:25] 今日のその他の主要ニュース
[16:34] The shooter, Anderson Lee Aldrich, who identifies as nonbinary [** = having or pertaining to a gender identity not represented by the gender binary; not exclusively male or female (wiktionary) ] , used an AR-15-style rifle in the attack. Now 23 years old, they [** このtheyは三人称複数ではなく、nonbinaryの人を表す三人称単数。男性か女性かという分類にうまく当てはまらないのがnonbinaryなので、theyを使う。基本的に、本人が希望する代名詞を使うのがマナーだと思う。itは、まず使わない ] pled guilty and received one life sentence for each person killed, adding up to hundreds of years in prison.
[17:12] I ask you, Your Honor [** 判事への丁寧な呼びかけ ] , to please give this assailant the maximum possible sentence.
[17:17] AMNA NAWAZ: For months, families argued the shooter should acknowledge their [** 上で説明したように、nonbinaryだから単数でもtheir ] targeting of the LGBTQ community. But today's plea included no details for their motive, even as they pleaded no contest [** = (US, law) a plea in a criminal case which means that the defendant admits no guilt but is no longer contesting the charges brought against them. (wiktionary) 不抗争の答弁:刑事訴訟で,被告人が有罪を認めないが検事の主張を争わないという答弁(ランダムハウス) = nolo contendere ] to bias-motivated crimes.
[21:58] テキサスなど南部で記録的熱波/フロリダ州Tampaのテレビ局WFLA-TVの気象専門家Jeff Berardelliに聞く/熱波の原因/最近の竜巻などとの関係/気候変動との関係/どう備えたらいいのか/いつまで続くのか
[21:58] GEOFF BENNETT: Texas is entering its third week of a record-breaking heat wave. The heat index [** = A figure used by American meteorologists to describe the apparent heat felt by a person as the result of a combination of temperature and humidity. 熱指数。体感温度] could top 120 degrees.
[25:39] Then you add to it all the humidity from the Gulf of Mexico, because a lot of this heat will be along the Gulf Coast, and you're talking about heat index, feels-like temperatures [** feels-like temperatur = 体感温度 ] 115 to 120 in spots.
[26:41] バイデン政権 高速インターネットのない850万の家庭や事業所に高速ネット拡大/インフラ法で420億ドル出資して2030年までに/ホワイトハウス担当記者に聞く
[29:27] NICOL TURNER LEE, Brookings Institution: The pandemic demonstrated that it's a lot of people. And it's not so much people that we suspected, the poor, people who live in tribal communities, people who are older, people who are foreign-born, people in rural America, but it also extended to people that we didn't even realize, people on the exurban [** exo-urbanと発音しているような… exo- = ex- (= outside) ] side, people in suburban America who couldn't get online with their kids to actually learn, or teachers who couldn't teach because they lived in areas where they didn't have broadband or couldn't afford it.
[31:11] 6月はLGBTQ+プライド月間 保守派の反動で取り組みを見直す企業も/LGBTQ+マーケティングの専門家(Witeck CommunicationsのBob Witeck社長)に聞く
[33:06] But the backlash that we're witnessing is hardly spontaneous or authentic or organic [** = developing in a gradual or natural fashion (wiktionary) ] . It's primarily instigated backlash.
[38:00] What the community leaders want to do is embolden and stiffen the spines of corporate America, who are traditional allies and partners in the gay community. They have been with us and on our side, I think, for decades. What they want to do is make sure they understand that fair-weather friends [** = someone who remains a friend only when things are going well but abandons others during times of trouble or difficulty (thefreedictionary) ] are no friends.
[38:41]★今日のおすすめ★ 成績優秀な高校生向けに大学レベルの科目を履修させるアドバンスト・プレースメント/その一つ「アフリカ系アメリカ人学講座」に賛否両論/最初の一年を振り返る
[38:38] AMNA NAWAZ: The school year is coming to a close and, with it, the first year of Advanced Placement African American studies [** advanced placement = 成績優秀な高校生に大学レベルの科目を履修させること。または、その教科。 関連ニュース ] , an interdisciplinary class by the College Board that's attracted praise by professors and also fierce opposition from some Republican politicians.
[40:16] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Instead, this four-part curriculum spans centuries, from ancient African kingdoms to the transatlantic slave trade, Reconstruction [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconstruction_era ] and the Harlem Renaissance [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harlem_Renaissance ] , and modern civil rights movements.
[41:46] RON DESANTIS: If you want to do things like gender ideology, go to Berkeley [** カリフォルニア大学バークレー校。リベラルの牙城のような大学] .
[41:57] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Backing the effort is Moms for Liberty [** 関連ニュース https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moms_for_Liberty ] , a national organization challenging hundreds of books across the country.
[42:15] JENNIFER PIPPIN: And when they polled [* ??] that AP American history course, they saw that there was a lot of Critical Race Theory [** 以前の番組に出てきました ] and also queer studies [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queer_studies ] in there that had nothing to do with the African American teachings that were offered in the course.
[42:32] JENNIFER PIPPIN: Look at both sides and let's have critical thinking [** critical thinking = the application of logical principles, rigorous standards of evidence, and careful reasoning to the analysis and discussion of claims, beliefs, and issues. 「批判的思考」 と訳されるが、「批評的論理思考」「分析的論理思考」くらいの訳の方がいいかも ] with this.
[42:45] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Since Florida's announcement, four other Republican-led states launched similar investigations into the class, which Green said does not teach Critical Race Theory or queer theory [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queer_theory ] . It does teach about queer activists, like James Baldwin [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Baldwin ] , who Willie Rogers calls a personal hero.
[44:03] They took a field trip to study housing discrimination and redlining [** 以前の番組に出てきました ] in the city, visiting the birthplace of the Black Panther Party [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Panther_Party ] and historic Black-owned businesses like this diner.
[45:13] Social divisions have been a part of slavery, right, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, right, the Black Codes [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Codes_(United_States) ] , civil rights movement.