

PBS NewsHour Sept. 15, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:43] United Auto Workers strike after deadline expires between the union and automakers

The United Auto Workers launched a strike Friday, the first time it began a strike by picketing against the three big automakers simultaneously. The union, under new leadership, has also changed its traditional approach to a walkout by starting with a shot on the production of popular truck models. Automakers say the workers' demands will endanger their ability to compete. Amna Nawaz reports.
《United Auto Workers strike; UAWストライキ開始、Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody Analytics; 》

[08:10]★今日のおすすめ★ Devastation grips Libya after catastrophic flooding

The deadly floods that inundated eastern Libya earlier this week have now led to a tide of the dead, with a death toll of more than 11,000. This amid a race that pits dignity and respect for those lost, against the threat of disease and further calamity. Stephanie Sy reports.
《リビア洪水、リビア東部洪水、Libya flooding; Libya floods; 》

[10:52] As appeals for help go out, prayers are lifted up. Hundreds of survivors filled a mosque still standing in Derna, grieving, but not without faith.

[** to lift up prayers (for someone) = (…のために)祈る・祈りをささげる ]

[11:26] News Wrap

New England residents are preparing for the impact of Hurricane Lee, climate change protests kick off worldwide, federal prosecutors say former President Trump is trying to intimidate potential witnesses in his Jan. 6 case and Birmingham, Alabama marked 60 years since the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church killed four young Black girls.
《Hurricane Lee; climate change protests start worldwide; The U.S. Central Command says it will interview more troops about the Kabul Airport bombing two years ago; a former Marine said he spotted two men behaving suspiciously, but never got orders to take action; Li Shangfu, China's defense minister, has not been seen in public for more than two weeks, reportedly being investigated for corruption; Trump is trying to intimidate potential witnesses in his Jan. 6 case; Birmingham, Alabama, marked 60 years today since the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church killed four young Black girls; Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson; psychedelic drug MDMA can significant reduce PTSD symptoms in military veterans; Fernando Botero (91), Colombian painter and sculptor, died of pneumonia; 》

[16:19] Ohio town searches for answers months after toxic train derailment

In February, a Norfolk Southern train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in the Ohio village of East Palestine, leading officials to burn the toxic freight to avoid an explosion. Residents soon began to claim a range of health issues. Months later, as remediation efforts continue, concerns in the area remain. Alan Shaw, the CEO of Norfolk Souther, joins Geoff Bennett to discuss.
《Norfolk Southern train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in February; Alan Shaw, CEO of Norfolk Souther; 2月のノーフォーク・サザン列車脱線火災事故》

[17:02] ALAN SHAW, President and CEO, Norfolk Southern: Geoff, it's a pleasure to be with you. Last time you and I were together, it was about seven months ago on the ground in East Palestine in the immediate aftermath.
[** 7ヵ月前のインタビュー ]

[18:29] GEOFF BENNETT: Does Norfolk Southern have a full accounting [accounting = 説明 ] of the chemicals that were spilled and the ones that were created during that controlled burn?
ALAN SHAW: And we certainly know what was on the consist of the train.

[* = A lineup or sequence of railroad carriages or cars that form a unit. 列車の編成 ]

[22:08] I'm also for enhanced car safety standards and more research and development for hot box detectors.

[** hot box = 熱軸箱:注油不足または異物のために,車軸の摩擦過度で過熱した軸箱 (ランダムハウス)]

[23:57]★今日のおすすめ★ Iran tightens security before anniversary of Mahsa Amini's death

One year ago, a young Iranian woman died in police custody after she was arrested for taking off her headscarf, or hijab, required under the laws of the Islamic Republic. Huge protests followed, led by women. Tehran special correspondent Reza Sayah has the story of some of the women who participated in the protests and others who did not.
《マフサ・アミニの死から1年、one-year anniversary of Mahsa Amini's death; Reza Sayah, correspondent; hijab; ヒジャーブ、ヒジャブ、Zeinab Marzoughi, journalist for one of Iran's conservative newspapers 》

[23:51] AMNA NAWAZ: The U.S. today imposed new sanctions on Iran, explicitly designated on the grim one-year anniversary of the death of a young Iranian woman in police custody. Mahsa Amini was arrested for taking off her headscarf, or hijab, required under the laws of the Islamic Republic. She never left custody. Huge protests followed, led by women with a common refrain "Women, Life, Freedom," that shook Iran for months.

[** = Woman, Life, Freedom... or Woman, Life, Liberty is a popular political Kurdish slogan used in both the Kurdish independence and democratic confederalist movements. The slogan became a rallying cry during the protests which occurred in Iran as a response to the death of Jina (Mahsa) Amini... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman,_Life,_Freedom ]

[27:48] When people see that the leadership is sensitive to the issue of the hijab, then they push their button and remove the hijab.

[** to push someone's buttons = to do things that create a very strong emotional reaction in someone, especially anger, irritation, or exasperation ]

[31:20] Princeton student’s sister urges action months after suspected abduction by Iraqi militia

Princeton graduate student Elizabeth Tsurkov has been missing for six months. A dual Russian-Israeli citizen with family in the U.S., she was conducting research for her doctoral degree in Baghdad when she was believed to be kidnapped by an Iraqi militia. Amna Nawaz spoke with her sister, Emma Tsurkov, about efforts to bring her home.
《Elizabeth Tsurkov, Princeton graduate student, dual Russian-Israeli citizen with family in the U.S., kidnapped by Iraqi militia Kataib Hezbollah; Emma Tsurkov, Elizabeth's sister; 》

[34:52] I expected Princeton to be a strong ally of mine and help get my sister back. But, in fact, what they have done is treat it mainly as a P.R. problem. I was passed from one administrative person to another. Princeton had started this whisper campaign in which the Israeli and the U.S. governments were told that -- which is untrue -- that she was there on her own. And all of that is deeply damaging to my sister's case and to her chances of survival.

[** whisper campaign = Deliberate spreading of derogatory rumors, with the intent of damaging a person's reputation ]

[36:08] But it seems that, so far, everyone is passing the buck. Everyone wants to know what's happening, but no one wants to take the lead and take the responsibility of doing everything possible to bring my sister back.

[** to pass the buck = to transfer responsibility or blame from oneself onto another ]

[37:05] Reports shows staggering spike in Louisiana prison deaths

A new report sheds light on a rise in the number of people dying behind bars in Louisiana prisons, jails and juvenile detention centers. The Incarceration Transparency Project at the Loyola University Law School says there's been a 50 percent jump in deaths from 2019 to 2021. Roby Chavez, NewsHour's community's correspondent based in New Orleans, joins John Yang to discuss.
《rise in the number of people dying behind bars in Louisiana prisons, jails and juvenile detention centers; Incarceration Transparency Project at the Loyola University Law School; Roby Chavez, NewsHour's community's correspondent based in New Orleans; Andrea Armstrong, Loyola University Law School; 》

[41:02] ANDREA ARMSTRONG: We don't draw any conclusions about whether a death is preventable or not. But what this project does do is, it identifies patterns and trends in deaths, both in jails and in prisons, and that this information is helpful for administrators of that facility to identify what types of things they can look to to improve, such as supervision protocols or searching protocols, and the ways in which they might be able to reduce preventable deaths inside.

[** searching = (この文脈では)武器や麻薬などを隠し持っていないか調べる身体検査 ]

[42:11]★今日のおすすめ★ Brooks and Capehart on Biden's impeachment inquiry and tensions among House Republicans

New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart join Geoff Bennett to discuss the week in politics, including rising tensions in the House as lawmakers launch an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.
《金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る; David Brooks; Jonathan Capehart; 》

[45:38] And I get where the senator is coming from.

[** where someone is coming from = One's motivation or reason for doing something or holding some position or opinion. (thefreedictionary)]

[46:29] GEOFF BENNETT: For Kevin McCarthy to green-light this inquiry, does he now have to follow this to its natural end? I mean, does he have any off-ramp here?

[** off-ramp = an exit strategy]

[47:30] JONATHAN CAPEHART: Yes, some F-bombs were dropped in this Republican Caucus meeting. But, yes, the pressure is getting to the speaker, which is why he is dropping F-bombs.

[** F-bomb = the word fuck ]
[** to get to = to upset or annoy ]

[47:52] The speaker, I thought, from the reporting, he thought that, oh, I will just say that I'm authorizing an impeachment inquiry, and that will be enough to satisfy Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, and we can get on with the business of a C.R. and then get to the point of passing a budget. That is off the table now, and so we're less than, what, 10 working days before Congress runs out of runway to come up with a budget by October 1.

[** C.R. = continuing resolution = An act of Congress which extends the current governmental budget situation through allocation of further funds in the same manner as the current budget, to avoid a government shutdown due to lack of allocated funding (wiktionary)]

[54:07] AMNA NAWAZ: And, tomorrow, on "PBS News Weekend," the rise of robo-taxies and the benefits and risks they pose.

[** = A robotaxi, also known as robo-taxi, self-driving taxi or driverless taxi, is an autonomous car ... operated for a ridesharing company... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robotaxi 自動運転タクシー ]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News


