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[PBS NewsHour June 29, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:21]★今日のおすすめ★ 連邦最高裁判決 大学入学者選考で積極的差別是正措置(affirmative action)は違憲/最高裁アナリストのMarcia Coyleに聞く
[02:22] The U.S. Supreme Court today dealt a major blow to affirmative action [** 積極的差別是正措置。アファーマティブ・アクション。人種的少数派に対する過去の差別を反省し、差別是正のために、少数派を優遇すること。https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirmative_action_in_the_United_States ] in higher education, striking down race-conscious admissions programs at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina.
[02:49] Chief Justice John Roberts, who has long been skeptical of such policies, authored the majority opinion. He wrote: "Many universities have concluded wrongly that the touchstone of an individual's identity is not challenges bested [** to best = to beat; to defeat; to overcome] , skills built, or lessons learned, but the color of their skin. Our constitutional history does not tolerate that choice."
[05:37] GEOFF BENNETT: Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson recused herself [** to recuse oneself = to declare oneself disqualified from trying a court case due to an actual or potential conflict of interest or lack of impartiality (wiktionary) ] from the Harvard case, because she had served for years on one of Harvard's governing bodies, but she participated in the North Carolina case.
[05:48] GEOFF BENNETT: And she wrote a scathing dissent, part of which reads this way: "With let-them-eat-cake obliviousness [** let them eat cake = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_them_eat_cake 他人の窮状に対する無関心や無理解を表す表現 ] , today, the majority pulls the rip cord [** rip cord = a cord to release a parachute from its sack // to pull the rip cord = 手を引く。やめる ] and announces colorblindness [** colorは肌の色のこと。colorblindnessは、肌の色の違いが見えないかのように、人種を一切考慮しないこと。一見、それが理想的で良いことのように聞こえるが、構造的人種差別が歴然として残るアメリカ社会では、かえって差別を助長する結果になる可能性もある ] for all by legal fiat. But deeming race irrelevant in law does not make it so in life."
[06:35] Justice Jackson used her dissent to very specifically address how the University of North Carolina's admissions policy worked and how it has -- its policy has really inured to the benefit of [** to inure to the benefit of someone = to benefit someone or take effect in a way to give someone an advantage ] everybody, not just those students who were getting the racial preference.
[07:09]★今日のおすすめ★ 積極的差別是正措置に基づく選考廃止を2006年に余儀なくされたミシガン大学(University of Michigan) 学長のSanta Onoに聞く/多様性を確保する他の方法とは/実際にうまく行っているのか
[07:54] We have been using multiple strategies, a holistic review, Pathways programs, and really looking for low-income, high-ability, and first-generation students [** Being a first-gen student means that your parent(s) did not complete a 4-year college or university degree, regardless of other family member's level of education. https://firstgen.naspa.org/ ] to build a diverse class.
[08:34] SANTA ONO: Well, that's because that approach is not as efficient and direct as an instrument or a lever [** lever = a tool; a means of accomplishing ] to accomplish diversity.
[10:05] SANTA ONO: There are a number of things that work, for example, the Pathways program, where you actually go into communities that are diverse, you work with the school systems and the students and the families and prepare them for application to the institution. They are then more successful in the application process and they matriculate [** = to be enrolled at a college or university ] at higher numbers.
[10:43] AMNA NAWAZ: What about legacy admissions [** 以前の番組で詳しく取り上げています ] ? We do know those tend to privilege white students. Should we get rid of those to equal out the opportunities?
[10:59] And we know that, in several colleges, a large proportion of admits are legacy or development admits. [** < development case https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_case ]
[12:09] 今回の訴訟で専門家として証言したRichard Kahlenberg/積極的差別是正措置に反対の立場の考え方を聞く
[18:40] 今日のその他の主要ニュース
[25:25] 記録的熱波 送電網は大丈夫か/テキサス大学オースティン校の(University of Texas at Austin)Michael Webber教授に聞く
[27:18] We basically built our grid for the weather of the past. We built out [** to build out = to expand ] the transmission system mostly from the 1930s, 1970s.
[29:50] So, we can ask people, in their better angels [** = the part of a person's character or nature that is said to guide the person's thoughts and behavior; morally upright or otherwise positive attributes of human character ] , to voluntarily conserve, maybe dial back their air conditioner or turn off noncritical appliances.
[31:01] And if we look towards the future with growth of electric vehicles and induction stove tops [** = IHコンロ] and electric heat pumps, we're going to electrify many more things in the economy, especially as we decarbonize.
[32:19]★今日のおすすめ★ 医師不足 2034年までに4.8万人のプライマリーケア医が不足/医師と患者の新しい医療モデル(Direct Primary Care)をリポート
[35:46] They don't tell you how much you're -- they're going to charge you, and it could be $100, or it could be $1,500. And that's a tough pill to swallow [** = something, especially a fact or piece of news, that is unpleasant or difficult but which is unavoidable or must be accepted (thefreedictionary)] sometimes.
[36:19] TIANA KRISTENSEN, Patient: Not that we didn't like the health care system that we had before. Like, they did great. We had great physicians. We had good care. It's just, being such a big system, you fall through the cracks. [** = to go unnoticed or undealt with; to be unintentionally neglected or ignored.]
[38:56] The people that I see here, I do an exhaustive dig [* = search] into their old records. It's shocking and kind of horrifying at how common I find things that have fallen through the cracks. And that's just the nature of doing medicine in 15-minute increments [** = 1回に15分間の診療を重ねて行けば、こうなって(見落としが起こって)当然] .
[39:51] 重い物質が動くことで伝わる重力波 長い波長(1光年以上)で遍在することを発見
[41:18] Jeffrey Hazboun helped me out with this. He's at Oregon State University. He gave me a little 101 which we can sink our teeth into [** to sink one's teeth into = to become enthusiastically involved in ] .
[41:43] And so you can imagine smack it on one side of a big giant cube of Jell-O and a wave would pass through that cube of Jell-O. And so things would compress and expand as that perturbation [** = a deviation of a system, moving object, or process from its regular or normal state or path, caused by an outside influence (Oxford Languages). 外からの影響によって生じる、通常の状態からのずれ ] moves through the chunk of Jell-O.
[45:33] ウクライナ セサミストリートが救う 戦争で傷ついた子どもの心
[46:48] JANE FERGUSON: Tatyana Sorokopud runs a small school near Kyiv. As the war grinds on [** to grind on = to drag on endlessly; to continue for a long time ] outside, she and her staff fight to help little minds grow, despite the undeniable stresses they must endure.