今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.28]
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[PBS NewsHour March 27, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:36] テネシー州ナッシュビル 私立学校で銃乱射事件 6人死亡 容疑者はトランスジェンダー
[04:28] JOHN DRAKE, Metro Nashville Police Chief: I hoped that we would never have this situation, that, if we ever did, we would not wait, we would immediately go in and we would immediately engage [* = to enter into battle with 交戦する] the person perpetrating this horrible crime.
[08:41] Yes, with our research, we coded [* to code = to assign a code to (something) for identification or classification (www.thefreedictionary.com)] about 200 perpetrators on nearly 200 different life history variables. We talked to perpetrators. We talked to people who knew them and tried to understand, what is that pathway to violence,
[09:21] Tennessee recently enacted a law allowing most people over the age of 21 to conceal-carry. [* = to carry a gun in public without anyone being able to see that you are carrying it. 見えないように銃を携帯する] And Tennessee is not alone.
[10:43] So, we will see if a manifesto [* = a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer. (犯行)声明文] comes out or more information emerges about motive.
[11:08] イスラエルの「司法改革」 次期国会へ持ち越し
[11:13] After weeks of protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his fragile far-right coalition, this evening, Netanyahu said he would delay, but not cancel proposed changes to take power from the judiciary. His supporters say the legislation would rein in an out-of-control bench [* bench = the place where justice is administered; court ; the judiciary 法廷。司法] .
[15:38] 今日のその他のニュース
[16:48] RONJA MARTINI, Stranded Passenger (through translator): Right now, I could honestly just cry because I'm just terribly upset by it. I mean, I understand this, and it's good to be on strike. But I have had a lot of really bad luck lately because of the strikes. And, of course, that really sucks [* to suck = to be disgustingly disagreeable. いやだ。ひどい。むかつく。].
[17:10] A U.S. aircraft carrier and its battle group [* = a military or naval task force, esp. aircraft carriers with their aircraft and support vessels. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/jp/dictionary/english/battle-group ] began naval exercises today with South Korean warships.
[18:33] イスラエル 民主主義の危機 専門家に聞く
[19:15] The last 12 weeks in Israel have been utterly dominated by this issue. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have come into the streets to protest against it. It was the source of nearly all news coverage, and heading into what is normally a very happy time of year, Passover holiday, then the Day of Independence, and Israeli celebrate with a lot of unity, the country was riven [* = split apart; divided into pieces or factions 分裂した] as it's rarely been in its history.
[21:30] Then, what really was the tipping point was yesterday, when his own defense minister from his own party, even a supporter of the judicial overhaul, said, this is not the time and this is not the way to pass it. And the reason was that it's posing a risk to Israel's security. Security is really the coin of the realm [* coin of the realm = something valued or used as if it were money in a particular sphere. (お金のように)貴重なもの。大切なもの ] in Israel.
[25:59] 最新世論調査 トランプ支持者と他の有権者の間に乖離
[27:36] In 1993, the nation watched as a standoff in Waco between federal agents and a religious cult led to 86 deaths. The event has become a touchstone [* = a fundamental or quintessential part or feature; basis.(Merriam-Webster) ] for some, including violent extremist groups, and the weeks-long siege happened exactly 30 years ago.
[30:33] トランプ決起集会 過激な発言に終始
[32:50] But when you look at it sort of broadly, the sense that right-wing extremists can find a city that may be left-leaning, or disproportionately represented by left-leaning folks, and go there and sort of draw them out into violence, which is what happened in Portland, certainly, you can imagine that happening in other blue cities surrounded by red exurbs.[* red = tending to support Republican candidates or policies. 共和党支持者が多い][* exurb = a residential area beyond the suburbs. 郊外の外の(裕福な)住宅街]
[33:32] And, Barbara, talking about the potential ideologies that are underneath and what's pushing that political violence, Trump's rhetoric during his Waco speech was seen by some historians as a dog whistle [* dog whislte = (politics) an expression or statement that has a secondary meaning intended to be understood only by a particular group of people. 「犬笛」。一般の人は気づかないが、特定の人には伝わる含みのあるメッセージ] to white nationalists.
[34:07] We will support baby bonuses [* = a government payment to parents of a newborn baby to assist with the costs of childrearing] -- so many people like that -- for the new baby boom that will be coming. We need babies.
[35:04] And you specifically explore political violence in Italy across the 17 -- across the '70s and '80s known as the Years of Lead [* = A period during the Cold War, characterized by left-wing and right-wing terrorism and the strategy of tension, beginning in Italy and later spreading to the rest of Europe].
[35:14] you also mentioned lynchings of Black people in response to Reconstruction.[* = 南北戦争時に脱退した南部連合諸州を再び合衆国の州として連邦に復帰させたこと、またその時代。]
[36:19] you look at January 6, and after that event, many people said, well, this certainly will bring the decent Republicans to their senses, they will stand up and sort of right the ship [* = to correct a bad, problematic, or otherwise troubling situation ] and say what their party actually stands for and condemn violence.
[39:11] So, two things we see different today relative to other -- the many other periods in American history where we have experienced political violence, are the Social Web [* = the internet used as a way of people communicating with others and forming relationships of various types (Cambridge)] , as you just mentioned, and this incredible scale of these platforms, where you can have extremists thoughts sort of spread in an instant. And the other is the success of the election denial movement.
[40:09] コメディアンMargaret Choへのインタビュー
[40:39] And her loyal Chihuahua mix rescue dog, Lucia, is along for the ride [* < go along for the ride = to accompany someone in a passive manner,] .
[40:54] Margaret Cho: We need to recognize that a government that would deny a gay man the right to bridal registry [* bridal registry = 結婚予定のカップルが結婚祝いとして欲しい品物のリストをデパートなどに登録しておき、友人や親戚がそこから選んで贈る。 ] is a fascist state.
[42:33] Margaret Cho: Joan Rivers, ultimately, because she was so just incredibly elegant, but also crass [* 下品な].
[46:53] But "Dancing With the Stars" is old people's jam [* jam = a musical piece, especially one that is favored or preferred over others; a favorite or much-loved item, subject, interest, activity, etc].