

PBS News Weekend Dec. 10, 2023


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[00:00] Introduction 

[01:53] News Wrap 

Emergency responders searched for survivors after deadly tornadoes tore through parts of Tennessee, the Palestinian death toll continues to climb amid heavy fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, UPenn’s president and board chair both resigned after backlash over testimony about antisemitism on campus, and Elon Musk restored conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ X account.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い65日目; University of Pennsylvania President Elizabeth Magill and Board Chairman Scott Bok resigned last night; テネシー州; 竜巻; イーロン・マスク; アレックス・ジョーンズ; 》

[05:19]★今日のおすすめ★ Your questions answered about staying safe from COVID, RSV and flu this winter 

As we head into the winter holidays, John Yang speaks with epidemiologist Katelyn Jetelina about the current state of affairs with COVID, RSV and flu infections, lagging vaccination rates and how to stay healthy this season.

[06:23] There's actually been a very dramatic effect, particularly around vaccine disparities. Like you said, the funding is gone, which means campaigns, education, pop-up clinics, partnerships, incentives. those are all gone as well.

[** pop-up = temporary; operating or existing for a brief period only. 期間限定の。仮設の ]

[09:00] Yeah, long COVID is certainly a thing. There are millions of people suffering right now, and we are working very hard in public health to try to figure out the patterns and the treatments for it.

[** thing = (informal) A genuine concept, entity or phenomenon; something that actually exists (often contrary to expectation or belief) (wiktionary) ]

[11:56]★今日のおすすめ★ How the black-footed ferret is making a comeback from the brink of extinction 

When President Nixon signed the Endangered Species Act into law 50 years ago, one of the first on the endangered list was the black-footed ferret, North America’s rarest animal. Once thought to be extinct, they are making their way back thanks to the work of dedicated conservationists. John Yang reports on some of that work for our ongoing series, “Saving Species.”
《Black-footed ferrets were first put on the endangered species list in 1967. And then in 1979, when the last known member of the species died in captivity, they were declared extinct; But two years later came a surprising discovery made by a Wyoming ranch dog named Shep. He took a dead black-footed ferret home to his owner. That led to the discovery of 24 black-footed ferrets alive and well in Northwest Wyoming. All members of the species known today are descendants of that group; complexity comes in part from the black-footed ferret's relationship with prairie dogs, which make up 90% of their diet. ... They require prairie dogs to thrive. They require prairie dogs for their burrows, for their homes, and also it's their primary prey source. The prairie dogs are not very popular with the farmers, especially because they do so much damage to the farmland. And so the prairie dogs are actively removed from farmland; So it's a balance. And they're all occurring naturally and they should all be occurring naturally and keeping each other in balance. But if you take out one piece of that, which is usually caused by humans, then everything falls out of balance and then we have complete loss of species. But anytime you have an extinction event like that caused by human intervention, obviously we're doing something really catastrophic to the ecosystem; If we can save the black-footed ferret, our thought and all of our partners' thought is that we can save the other 130 unique plants and animals that are native to the north american prairie. And it's a pretty special ecosystem; another threat to the black-footed ferret, a bacterial disease called sylvatic plague. both black-footed ferrets and the prairie dogs they eat are highly susceptible to it. it's transmitted by fleas and has been known to infect humans; sylvatic plague; 森林ペスト; プレーリードッグ; 》

[13:33] Each day, the staff carries out a carefully choreographed routine to separate the kits from their mothers for inspection. After they've been checked out and placed in a fresh, clean box...
>> We're going to pick it up and she just goes right back in.
>> ... the kits are returned to their mothers, who sometimes give the caretakers a piece of their mind.

[** a piece of (one's) mind = One's true thoughts or feelings about something, especially angry or frustrated criticism ]

[20:29] In 2020, researchers used the frozen cells of a black-footed ferret that had been dead for 30 years to produce the first-ever cloned member of the species, Elizabeth Ann.

[** see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Ann ]

[21:42] A Brief But Spectacular take on legacy and poetry 

Anastacia-Renee is a writer, educator and interdisciplinary artist. In collaboration with New York City’s Lincoln Center, she performs pieces from “Side Notes from the Archivist,” her new book that explores five decades of American history through her perspective as a Black, queer feminist. She shares her Brief But Spectacular take on legacy and poetry.
《I am not the kind of person that's probably gonna be outside with a picket sign. Writing is my act of resilience. Writing is my way to make change. Writing is my way to see the ripples go; 詩; 》

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

