[05:19]★今日のおすすめ★ Your questions answered about staying safe from COVID, RSV and flu this winter この冬、コロナ、RSV、インフルエンザから身を守るには
[06:23] There's actually been a very dramatic effect, particularly around vaccine disparities. Like you said, the funding is gone, which means campaigns, education, pop-up clinics, partnerships, incentives. those are all gone as well.
[** pop-up = temporary; operating or existing for a brief period only. 期間限定の。仮設の ]
[09:00] Yeah, long COVID is certainly a thing. There are millions of people suffering right now, and we are working very hard in public health to try to figure out the patterns and the treatments for it.
[** thing = (informal) A genuine concept, entity or phenomenon; something that actually exists (often contrary to expectation or belief) (wiktionary) ]
[11:56]★今日のおすすめ★ How the black-footed ferret is making a comeback from the brink of extinction 絶滅したと思われたクロアシイタチ、その復活への道のり/絶滅危惧種保護法から50年
[13:33] Each day, the staff carries out a carefully choreographed routine to separate the kits from their mothers for inspection. After they've been checked out and placed in a fresh, clean box... >> We're going to pick it up and she just goes right back in. >> ... the kits are returned to their mothers, who sometimes give the caretakers a piece of their mind.
[** a piece of (one's) mind = One's true thoughts or feelings about something, especially angry or frustrated criticism ]
[20:29] In 2020, researchers used the frozen cells of a black-footed ferret that had been dead for 30 years to produce the first-ever cloned member of the species, Elizabeth Ann.