■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend June 1, 2024
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[09:10] And two, the most important issue is whether organized crime will seek to whip or suppress the vote on behalf of Morena come Sunday.
[** whip the vote = to exert pressure to vote in a certain way //
see also: whip = https://note.com/wgc888/n/na3175cafcf13#61515a4b-a3d2-427c-9a51-f410039ff59e ]
[12:50] >> My name is Ngozi Alston. I have scleroderma, which is an autoimmune condition. There is just so much erasure that exists, right? Like, we are not part of public spaces, we are not part of mass movement. We can't be, they are not safe.
[** erasure = (sociology) A tendency to ignore or conceal an element of society ]
[15:16] It used to be like, we are in this together. Now, no, you do you, you are on your own. You look after yourself.
[** you do you = Do whatever you want to do ]
[20:06] JOHN YANG: And also last year when we talked, evictions had gone up again after the pandemic-era protections came off.
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