
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.05]

PBS News Weekend Feb. 4, 2023



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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[00:03] the U.S. Air Force shoots down a Chinese surveillance balloon off the coast of South Carolina.[* surveillance balloon (最近話題になっている中国の)偵察気球。spy balloonという表現もよく聞く。]

[01:58] 今日の主要ニュースまとめ

[02:55] Across the northeast United States tonight, it is dangerously cold. On Mount Washington in northern New Hampshire, the wind chill overnight reached 108 degrees below zero. That's the coldest on record in the United States. [* wind chill =(meteorology) The still-air temperature equivalent to a given combination of temperature and wind speed, as far as its cooling effect on exposed flesh is concerned. (Wiktionary) (気温と風を考慮した)体感温度]

[03:49] And state officials suspended the licenses of two fire department EMTs [* = emergency medical technician] for failing to provide Nichols with required care.

[04:15] Georgia and Michigan will now move ahead of Super Tuesday. [* Super Tuesday = (US politics) The day in February or March on which a large number of states hold their primary elections for the process of nominating presidential candidates.]

[05:13] ハイチ崩壊の危機

[07:05] >> With no president, no legislative quorum and a high court dysfunctional, lawlessness reigns. [*quorum = The minimum number of members required for a group to officially conduct business and to cast votes. 定足数]

[11:19] The Biden administration recently announced a two-year parole program for poor countries including Haiti. And, as long as somebody has a sponsor in the United States and that sponsor is able to show that they have the financial ability to care of someone and they pass a background check and the person in Haiti has a valid, you know, passport, then they are being paroled in. [* parole program = (移民の)臨時入国許可プログラム]

[12:25] I did a ride-along and embed [* 同行取材。(場合によっては)従軍取材] with the police last year shortly after a massacre in a particular community they took me out.

[13:50]★今日のおすすめ★ AI最前線: AIがロビー活動!? 民主主義を歪める可能性

[15:38] If an AI can submit thousands or millions of comments, it could overwhelm human comments.
>> This is sort of the ultimate fake astroturf campaign. [* astroturf campaign = astroturfing = (originally US politics, now social media, marketing) The disguising of an orchestrated campaign as a "grass-roots" event – i.e., a spontaneous upwelling of public opinion. AstroTurfはもともと人工芝の商標で、grassroots(草の根(運動))に対して、人為的に作り出したニセの運動を指すようになった。]

[19:59]★今日のおすすめ★ 2月は黒人歴史月間: Eunice Carter 組織犯罪に立ち向かった黒人女性検事補

[20:29] Eunice Carter always understood the power of public service. [* Eunice Carter see: https://themobmuseum.org/blog/eunice-carter-key-player-in-luciano-conviction/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eunice_Carter]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)
