

PBS NewsHour May 2, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[03:00]★今日のおすすめ★ デフォルトは回避できるか Janet Yellen財務長官「早ければ6月1日にもデフォルト」 ホワイトハウス、議会担当記者に聞く 5月9日に議会指導者4人(上下院の民主・共和トップ)を招きホワイトハウスで会談 デフォルトが現実になったらどうなる

[04:47] It's going to be a test, as it has been, I think, in the last few weeks for House Republicans. Right now, they also are not changing their strategy. I will report that we know Speaker McCarthy and also Republican Leader McConnell do plan to go to that meeting on May 9. They will both be there. But House Republicans insist they will not back a clean -- so-called clean debt ceiling bill [* clean = (この文脈では)交換条件なしの。債務上限引き上げを認める代わりに、交換条件として歳出削減を求める案が共和党側から出されているが、そのような交換条件のついてない債務上限引き上げ法案のこと ] . That's the only thing the president says he will accept, hence our major problem here.

[05:20] In the House of Representatives, Speaker McCarthy has just a four-vote majority. In addition, as part of the deal to become speaker, he agreed to a rule that allows any member to force a vote on his own removal [* motion to vacateのこと。McCarthyが議長になる際、党内の超保守派の支持を取り付けるために譲歩した。   関連ニュース    ] . So, in other words, a clean debt bill, should it come down to it, if McCarthy even feels that's the right thing to do, politically, would be suicide for him.

[07:42] Their role in the Senate, but truly what we have seen from Democrats and Republicans is acknowledgement that this really is not in the Senate's wheelhouse [* in (one's) wheelhouse = in line with one's abilities // wheelhouse = a person's area of authority or expertise] altogether.

[08:16] There are some Democrats talking about a maybe a discharge petition in the House. [* discharge petition = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discharge_petition ] That's complicated. We will come back to that. There are bills being filed as sort of worst-case scenarios. But there's just not clear that they have the votes in either chamber.

[10:02] Laura, while I have you here, I need to ask you about another situation I know you have been tracking on the U.S. Southern border. Title 42 [* 今まで何回か出てきました  ] , as you have talked about a lot, set to lift very soon. The administration is preparing for what will surely be an increase of people coming.

[11:14] 今日のその他の主要ニュース

[14:05] Back in this country, more than 11,000 movie and TV writers walked off the job. Picket lines quickly went up in New York in the Writers Guild's first strike in 15 years. Members are demanding higher pay from the rise of streaming services. Several late-night talk shows said they will start airing reruns immediately. [* = 関連ニュース ]

[16:22]★今日のおすすめ★ 上院司法委員会公聴会 連邦最高裁判事の疑わしい接待や不動産取引が次々露見 最高裁判事に倫理規定は必要か 公聴会証言者の1人(法科大学院教授Amanda Frost)に聞く

[17:35] ProPublica reported in April that Justice Clarence Thomas failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of gifts, including luxury trips from a billionaire donor. They later reported the same donor purchased properties from Thomas including Thomas' mother's home, which he still lives in today. [* 関連ニュース ]    Politico later reported Justice Neil Gorsuch sold a Colorado property to the CEO of a law firm with regular business before the court and didn't disclose that the CEO was a buyer.

[21:15] AMANDA FROST: Absolutely. I was really disappointed that he [* he = Chief Justice John Roberts ] didn't take the opportunity to have an interbranch [* (この文脈では)司法府と立法府の間の ] dialogue on this question.

[24:58] 世界食糧計画(WFP)のCindy McCain新事務局長へのインタビュー 干ばつと紛争が続くソマリアの食糧危機

   [* 関連ニュース David Beasley前事務局長へのインタビュー ]

[25:29] Cindy McCain, businesswoman, philanthropist and, most recently, U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, [* 夫は故John McCain上院議員 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain ] became the WFP's 14th executive director last month.

[26:05] They're not only facing drought and the inability to be able to feed themselves, but they're also facing conflict as well. So those two combinations are almost a perfect storm [* perfect storm = a situation in which several problems come together and make everything worse 様々なマイナス要因が重なり、最悪の事態になること ] for what could be famine.

[31:59] 記録的な降雪が急に解けてミシシッピ川が氾濫 昨秋の歴史的低水位から一転

[35:34]★今日のおすすめ★ 「新たな流行病は孤独」 Vivek Murthy公衆衛生局長官へのインタビュー 孤独は心の健康だけでなく心臓疾患、脳梗塞、認知症に大きく影響 パンデミックやソーシャルメディアで孤独が加速 人間関係の量と質

[40:02] The key is to remember there are individual steps that we can take in our own lives today that will make a difference, just spending 15 minutes a day with people we care about, making sure that we're fully present [* = attentive; focused; not distracted ] when we're interacting with others, and we're not distracted by technology, looking for ways to help other people, neighbors and co-workers, recognizing that small acts of service can be powerful in making us feel more connected with one another.

[43:47] HBCU(歴史的に黒人向けに創設された大学)の卒業率を高める取り組み

[43:46] As we enter another graduation season, historically Black colleges and universities are working hard to grow the number of students who walk across their stages [* to walk across the stage = This is what graduating students do. They walk across a stage to receive their diploma.https://englishbaby.com/vocab/word/1399/walk-across-the-stage (比喩表現)卒業する ] in the years to come. One program is doing that by focusing on reenrollment and giving students access to one-on-one educational support.

[47:52] HARI SREENIVASAN: Curtis Clark Jr. is an academic success coach who hears those and other challenges from students adapting to college life, especially first-generation college students [* Being a first-gen student means that your parent(s) did not complete a 4-year college or university degree, regardless of other family member's level of education. https://firstgen.naspa.org/ ] .

[50:47] 多様性のいい面に注目して偏見を防ぐ

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■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
