

PBS NewsHour July 31, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:10] 今日の主要ニュース

[07:19] ★今日のおすすめ★ 法的問題でも揺るがない共和党内のトランプ優位/リポートのあと共和党世論調査会社North Star Opinion ResearchのWhit Ayres社長に聞く

[14:42] And so I think those three candidates you mentioned are very effective in making a never-Trump argument, but I think they're going to tap out at [*  以前にも同じ人がこの表現を使っています ] 10 to 12 percent of the electorate.

[15:08] オピオイド問題和解金の使い道(前編)/今後18年間に500億ドル以上が地方政府へ支払われる/ノースカロライナ州からCat Wise記者とMike Fritzプロデューサーがリポート/使い道は州が柔軟に決められるが、依存治療・予防に85%以上使うことが条件

[25:07] Jason Aldeanのカントリーミュージック『Try That in a Small Town』/歌詞が人種差別や暴力を助長するとの批判/The Tennessean紙のMarcus K. Dowling記者に聞く

[32:07]★今日のおすすめ★ 大統領令で軍内の性的暴行への対処法を明文化/空軍退役中佐でSouthwestern Law School教授のRachel VanLandinghamと、陸軍退役軍人で弁護士のLindsey Knappに聞く/改革は不十分

[35:30] there are no standing [** = permanent. 常設の ] courts, like in federal court, or like downtown Los Angeles -- Los Angeles, where I am. They are pop-up [** = temporary; operating or existing for a brief period only. 期間限定の。仮設の ] courts that a commander -- even if a special trial counsel sends a charge, a sexual assault charge, for example, to trial, a commander is still the one convening the court.

[38:00] RACHEL VANLANDINGHAM: Yes, so for example, the president has the maneuver room [** = room for maneuver = The space and ability to make changes to something ] for ordering pretrial confinement. Right now, the new implementing regulations leave it vested in [* to vest in = to place something, such as authority, property, or rights, in the control of someone ] commanders.

[39:05] What was the most disappointing component of the hundreds of pages that were released on Friday is one line. That one line says, oh, by the way, commanders, despite the fact that the special trial counsel has exclusive authority over covered offenses, if you, any commander, feel that there will be a detrimental impact on national security or the prosecution of a war, you're to go VFR direct [** = bypassing normal channels, particularly skipping intervening levels in the chain of command; While flying under visual flight rules, finding one's own route without formal reliance on navigation aids, defined fixes, or the like (wiktionary) ] to the secretary concerned and state your concerns. There's already a formal process to give those concerns. Instead, this just seems like a tangible symbol that hey, by the way, everybody, this is a reminder, commanders are still in charge here. And it doesn't matter if a special trial counsel decided to prosecute. They can go around them.

[39:50] And that clearly shows where the Pentagon's head is. [** where someone's head is at = The way in which one is thinking about something or dealing with something emotionally (thefreedictionary)]

[41:39]★今日のおすすめ★ 宇宙人は存在するか?/元国防総省情報職員David Gruschが議会で証言/UFOは実在し、国民は真実を知らされていない/ジャーナリストでUFO関連の著作をもうすぐ出版するGarrett Graffに聞く

[42:21] GEOFF BENNETT: One of the reasons why this congressional hearing resonated with so many people and one of the reasons why we're still talking about it is because that former Air Force intelligence officer told Congress that the U.S. government has a longstanding program that retrieves UFOs. And he also said that -- quote -- "Nonhuman biologics [** = non-human biological material ] have been found at crash sites."

[43:19] In that sense, David Grusch actually fits into a long tradition dating back into the 1970s and 1980s of these sorts of so-called UFO whistle-blowers who come forward with what the UFO community calls FOAF tales [** FOAF taleとは何かの説明 ] , not folk tales, but FOAF tales, friend of a friend tales who say sort of: This is what I have heard. I don't have firsthand knowledge.

[44:04] GARRETT GRAFF: Yes, and I think this is part of a very historic change that we have seen since 2017, when there were new revelations around the Pentagon's engagement on what used to be called UFOs that the government now calls UAPs, unidentified anomalous phenomenon. [** UAP = unidentified aerial phenomenon (wiktionary) という説明も辞書にありました。 ]

[48:48] 史上最高の水泳選手 ケイティ・レデッキー(Katie Ledecky)/USA Todayのスポーツ・コラムニストChristine Brennanに聞く

[51:54] She's moved to the University of Florida, and she is training with men. She has gone to the stable [** = a group of people (such as athletes, writers, or performers) under one management ] of male distance swimming in the United States. The best distance swimmers in the country, the men, are at the University of Florida training for an Olympic gold medalist, now coach Anthony Nesty.

[52:28] AMNA NAWAZ: I don't know if you can answer this briefly, but what do you think about this debate about the greatest of all time? Is she the GOAT [** = greatest of all time] ?

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

