
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.27☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour August 26, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[10:07] And it was mostly a down day on Wall Street today, but the Dow Jones industrial average climbed to a new all-time high, beating its old record set back in July. Some major tech stocks fell, pulling the Nasdaq down by nearly a percent. The S&P 500 also finished lower on the day.

[22:58] AMNA NAWAZ: There are just 70 days left until Election Day, and the campaigns are ramping into high gear.

[24:52] And most important, she's been able to, even as the incumbent, grab the change candidate. So people are upset with the status quo, she's part of the status quo, but she's somehow managed to also be the person who's turning the page.

[26:01] Then he went to a Vietnamese restaurant in Northern Virginia campaigning with a Senate candidate, doing these sort of small retail type events. That's not something he's typically done.

[26:55] AMNA NAWAZ: And there's another factor that could have an impact in this race that we know will be won on the margins. That was Friday's announcement of Robert F. Kennedy, saying he's suspending his campaign and endorsing Donald Trump.

[35:01] In December, the basement flooded again three feet. And then this past July, the basement flooded again. Having to figure out how to pay a mortgage and rent and get that money from FEMA, I have just spent so much time and energy trying to recover and not feel like -- instead of a disaster happening to me and not feeling like becoming the disaster.

[35:49] It's been very challenging. We're shifting from living and enjoying to preparing and bracing. All of that really just affects quality of life at the end of the day, how much we spend enjoying looking out the window versus stressed about packing a to-go bag. None of that is exciting and fun.

[37:37] BEN NGUYEN: Not once have I considered moving, until this year when the derecho and Hurricane Beryl came through. Seeing the power outages, seeing the damage on the homes, seeing the excessive heat where A.C.s can't keep up anymore, it sparked me and my partner to look somewhere else to live. And we just recently put an offer down in a house in the Seattle-Tacoma area.

[40:24] It's really important that these thrusters work as advertised when they're supposed to, because it's a very unforgiving, risky portion of the flight, to say the least. If they come in too hot, that's a problem. If they come in with not enough speed, they could skip off the atmosphere.

[42:04] AMNA NAWAZ: So an eight-day mission has now turned into a several-months-long mission. If the decision has now been made about how Suni and Butch are going to get home, why will it take so long to actually bring them home? Why until 2025?
MILES O'BRIEN: Yes, why is it "Gilligan's Island," people are asking, for sure.

[42:38] they could build a whole rocket for them to come pick them up, or, much more efficiently, a crew which is set to arrive next month is -- has -- it's a four-person crew. Two of those crew members will stay home now, opening up two seats. And Suni and Butch, for all intents and purposes, have been volunteered to be a part of this mission, which lasts six months into February.

[47:20] STEPHEN KING: I'm interested in what happens when regular people are suddenly confronted with something that's totally out of their wheelhouse, something that's entirely different. I think that literature in quotation marks is about extraordinary people in ordinary circumstances. And what I do are ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.



  • go nuclear

  • hot lights/ under the hot lights of having to answer a question that's not on a teleprompter, that's not scripted.

  • writer's writer

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