
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.16]

PBS NewsHour Feb. 15, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:38]★今日のおすすめ★ トルコ・シリア地震 甘い建築基準や違反で被害拡大

[05:36] 今日のその他のニュース

[06:28] SIMONE CRAWLEY, Granddaughter of Victim: You are a cowardly racist. Every single person that has been instrumental in molding you and supporting you and informing [* to inform = (精神・性格を)形成する(ランダムハウス) To form (the mind or character) by teaching or training. ] you, aiding and supplying weapons needs to be held accountable and not protected, as they have been.

[08:46] The so-called NOTAM [* 以前説明したことがあります https://note.com/wgc888/n/n1980ecad512d#bd75533c-eb1d-483b-be74-fdf69d7f84a5 ]system used to communicate with pilots went down last month and briefly grounded thousands of flights.

[11:16]★今日のおすすめ★ ミシガン州立大学乱射事件 州司法長官に聞く

[13:33] And it's not a surprise to anyone. The governor in her state of the state address that she gave in January talked about these particular bills. So we're talking about red flag bills,[* 以前説明したことがあります https://note.com/wgc888/n/n6a9f074c92c5#4698913a-e46a-4983-8543-e7edfc47ef9b] universal background checks, and safe and secure storage.

[14:52] That is such a common crime here that, if we were to lock up everyone who illegally carried a gun, we'd have to build more prisons, you know. So, to me, it's not a matter of incarcerating our way through this problem. [* 違反者を刑務所に送ることで問題を解決する(問題から抜け出す) ] It's a matter of making guns less accessible and available to people.

[17:24]★今日のおすすめ★ 若者の死因第1位フェンタニル中毒 リポートのあと記者に聞く

[23:10] And the reasons are pretty straightforward. This is a chemical mix that is pretty easy to make. It's cheap to make. The precursor chemicals [* precursor = 前駆物質,前駆体.化学反応の過程で生成される物の前物質.] do come from China.

[24:35] And so, even if you did manage to get everybody on the same page, and everybody working shoulder to shoulder, [* shoulder to shoulde = In close cooperation.] stopping fentanyl from hitting the streets would be a daunting task.

[24:53] BRIAN MANN: You know, I'm 57 years old, and I came up [* to come up = to grow up ] at a time when, yes, we told people don't do drugs, but the chances were, if you experimented a little bit, played around a little bit, you were probably going to be OK, right? Statistically, that's just the truth.

[26:31] ウクライナ戦争 強まるロシアの攻撃

[26:27] GEOFF BENNETT: NATO described it today as a grinding war of attrition, [* = A prolonged war in which the warring sides try to defeat their opponents by wearing them out. (wiktionary) 消耗戦] the fight over Eastern Ukraine, where Russian forces have launched operations in multiple areas,

[31:00] 未成年移民 親の同伴なしでイギリスへ 人身売買の被害

[31:36] Brighton is one of Britain's sanctuary cities, [* 以前説明したことがあります https://note.com/wgc888/n/n7b7b23169e29#9d3a0493-138d-47ab-a2b9-eaea9c454288 ] where refugees and economic migrants are welcomed and supposed to feel secure.

[31:45] Yet this quiet residential street was anything but safe for 76 unaccompanied minors temporarily housed in this hotel. It's feared they're now drug runners [* = someone who smuggles drugs] or sex slaves.

[37:25] インドの言論弾圧 首相批判のBBCを脱税査察

[40:03] BOBBY GHOSH, Bloomberg Opinion: Well, the Modi government historically has been very, very thin-skinned [* = oversensitive, especially to criticism or insult.] about any kind of criticism, even the mildest kind of criticism.

[40:34] And this coming from the BBC, an international media outlet with a great deal of credibility, it's much harder for the government to question the BBC. And, therefore, it really goes under their skin. [* to go under someone's skin = to get under someone's skin = to irritate or provoke.]

[44:35] Nikky Finney 詩人、教授、社会正義と文化保護の提唱者 新たな文化センター開設と特別な思い

[44:51] Every artist that has walked in here has said, don't cubbyhole this. [* to cubbyhole = (この文脈では)広い空間を細かく仕切る ] Keep it grand.

[46:26] A professor with an endowed chair [* endowed chair = An endowed faculty position which is supported by the annual payout from a privately funded endowment. 寄付基金教授。寄付によって給与や研究費がまかなわれている教授職] at the University of South Carolina since 2013, she previously taught for 20 years at the University of Kentucky.

[46:42] JEFFREY BROWN: Now she's dedicated herself to the new center, and, on a recent weekend, she opened its doors to the public for a pop-up [* = operating or existing for a brief period only; temporary.期間限定の] artist market.

[49:57] JEFFREY BROWN: History and social justice also come together in a new outlet for Finney's art, a collaboration with the famed Kronos Quartet, now being performed around the country. "At War With Ourselves: 400 Years of You" is an evening-length work [* evening length work or full evening piece. Terms referring to a classical music piece or a ballet that is long enough to be presented alone for an evening performance or concert https://www.proz.com/] for string quartet and chorus, with music composed by Michael Abels and text by Finney.

[51:54] Lamar Johnson 殺人罪で28年近く服役の黒人男性 冤罪確定へ

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)
