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[00:00] Introduction
[02:22]★今日のおすすめ★ What's next for Trump after his 4th criminal indictment
[02:24] For the fourth time this year, former President Donald Trump is defendant Donald Trump. Late yesterday, a grand jury in Georgia charged Mr. Trump and 18 others and a far-reaching racketeering [** < to racketeer = to carry out illegal business activities or criminal schemes; to commit crimes systematically as part of a criminal organization ] case related to efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.
[03:45] LISA DESJARDINS: The Georgia indictment charges Trump and 18 others with a combined 41 counts in a wide-ranging case, among them, violation of the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization, or RICO, Act [** ここでは州法の話だが、連邦法も参考になる: The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization... Under RICO, a person who has committed "at least two acts of racketeering activity" drawn from a list of 35 crimes (27 federal crimes and eight state crimes) within a 10-year period can be charged with racketeering if such acts are related in one of four specified ways to an "enterprise" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racketeer_Influenced_and_Corrupt_Organizations_Act Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります] , often used to prosecute organized crime, soliciting a violation of oath by a public officer, filing false documents, and making false statements.
[05:47]★今日のおすすめ★ Breaking down the charges Trump and 18 allies face in Georgia election case
[06:11] [** なぜこの件にRICOが使われるのかの説明 ] And, as we heard in Lisa's reporting, they are charged with engaging in a criminal enterprise under a Georgia racketeering law. This RICO law was initially designed to prosecute mob bosses. Help us understand why a RICO charge is an appropriate charge in this case.
GWEN KEYES FLEMING, Former Georgia District Attorney: Certainly. So, Georgia RICO statute is one of the greatest tools that a prosecutor has to be able to tell the whole story when you have a long list of defendants, each of whom were operating in concert towards some sort of common goal, whether it's maintaining or obtaining a part of an enterprise. And so, in this case, what the DA has done is identified several predicate acts. [** predicate = (adj) (law) Relating to or being any of a series of criminal acts upon which prosecution for racketeering may be predicated (wiktionary).// to predicate = to base ] Those are acts or crimes that are listed in the RICO statutes, such as things like false statements, false swearing, influencing witnesses, solicitation to commit forgery. She only needs to successfully prosecute two of them, but she's listed several.
[12:45] He proposed a bunch of primary challengers against popular Republicans in Georgia that got blown out of the water [** to blow someone out of the water = to totally defeat someone; to thoroughly overwhelm someone ] .
[14:25] There also is sufficient evidence that these are purely state crimes involving actions that would have been outside that color of law or color of federal responsibility [** color = an appearance of authority ] , and, therefore, the case should stay in Fulton state court.
[14:56] News Wrap
[20:05] Biden takes economic message on the road amid questions about his re-election campaign
[21:11] KAMALA HARRIS, Vice President of the United States: Recall, these fancy people [** fancy peopleは「裕福で洗練された人達」というような意味だが、この文脈では、景気後退は不可避だと物知り顔で言っていた立派な人達、という皮肉を込めた表現 ] used to say, well, a recession is inevitable. Now, however, those same people acknowledge that President Biden and I have delivered strong and steady growth for our nation.
[24:34] CORNELL BELCHER: And I know there's been some hesitation with people in the administration about, OK, people aren't feeling good about the economy, so should we, in fact, lean in [** to lean in = to lean forward or towards something 前のめりになる。積極的に何かをする] and talk about how good the economy is?
[25:06] DONALD TRUMP: Anything that's good that's happening with the economy, it's only because they're running on the fumes of what we built. [** be running on fumes = to be continuing to operate with no or very little enthusiasm, energy, or resources left.] . You understand that. They're running on the fumes, but those fumes can't last much longer.
[26:02] Life in Afghanistan remains dire 2 years after collapse of U.S.-backed government
[37:11] Daughters of American held in Iran discuss his 5-year confinement and move to house arrest
[37:10] GEOFF BENNETT: Iran has for years used American dual nationals as hostage bargaining chips with the West. Last week, the Biden administration struck a deal to relocate five American Iranians from prison to house arrest [** 関連ニュース ] . It's hoped they will come home to the U.S. in the coming weeks.
[45:09] 再放送: モンタナ州の若者のグループ 州議会の気候変動対策は不十分として提訴/その根拠になった州憲法の条項とは
[51:57]★今日のおすすめ★ Young activists in Montana win landmark climate change lawsuit against state
この部分の直前の「再放送 モンタナ州の若者…」が背景説明になっています。