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[00:00] Introduction
[02:42]★今日のおすすめ★ A look at life inside Gaza amid airstrikes and worsening humanitarian crisis
Israel intensified its bombing of Gaza, launching 400 airstrikes Tuesday across the Palestinian territory. Foreign ministers from around the world met at the United Nations urging a ceasefire to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza. With constant bombing and dwindling necessities, the crisis is only growing worse. Nick Schifrin reports on what life is like for the people facing the horrors of war.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い18日目; The Gaza Health Ministry run by Hamas reports more than 700 people UNICEF says the number includes 2,300 children. Israel says 1,400 of its citizens were killed in the Hamas terror attack that ignited the war; 20 more trucks loaded with aid stood by in Egypt today, but none were allowed into Gaza; 》
[07:57] Israel steps up raids and deadly strikes in occupied West Bank
In the West Bank, tensions are also reaching a boiling point. Since the Hamas attack in southern Israel, 95 Palestinians have been killed in clashes with Israeli troops, arrest raids and attacks by Jewish settlers. Another 1,250 Palestinians have been arrested as the Israeli government says it is going after militants. Special correspondent Leila Molana-Allen reports from Jenin.
《ヨルダン川西岸の街ジェニーンからのリポート; Leila Molana-Allen; 》
[12:59] Netanyahu adviser discusses hostages held by Hamas and risks of continued Israeli bombing
While Israel prepares for an expected ground invasion of Gaza, about 200 people are still being held there by Hamas. Amna Nawaz discussed the hostage situation with Mark Regev, a senior adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a former Israeli ambassador to the U.K.
《ネタニヤフ首相の顧問で元駐英イスラエル大使のMark Regevへのインタビュー; 人質問題と戦争の現状について; 85-year-old Yocheved Lifshitz was kidnapped from her home and taken to Gaza on October 7. She was released yesterday, and, today, said she had been through hell; more than 200 hostages, 30 different nationalities; 》
[20:43] News Wrap
The United Auto Workers expanded its 40-day-old strike to a GM plant in Texas, crews in Louisiana spent much of the day clearing wreckage after a 158-vehicle highway pileup, the Chinese government removed General Li Shangfu as defense minister and women across Iceland, including the prime minister, staged a one-day strike to protest gender inequality.
[21:12] Crews in Louisiana spent much of the day clearing wreckage after a so-called super fog triggered sweeping highway pileups. Seven people died Monday in crashes involving 158 vehicles near New Orleans.
[** = Super fog forms when a mixture of smoke and moisture released from damp smoldering organic material such as brush, leaves and trees, mixes with cooler, nearly saturated air. Visibility is lowered to less than 10 feet. Under light wind conditions, super fog meanders through low terrain areas such as creek beds or drainage ditches. Super fog can be very dangerous when present over highways, and has been the cause of several large, multi-vehicle pileups.
https://www.weather.gov/safety/fog-super ]
[23:28]★今日のおすすめ★ GOP loses 3rd House speaker nominee after pushback from Trump dooms Emmer’s bid
The House Republican Conference has lost another speaker nominee, its third this month. Pushback from former President Trump and his allies doomed Congressman Tom Emmer’s bid and he withdrew hours after getting the nomination. Lisa Desjardins has been following the chaotic infighting and reports from Capitol Hill.
《下院議長選び、共和党の3人目の指名候補Tom Emmerが撤退; Tom Emmer around noon Eastern was elected speaker-designate among House Republicans, and, by 4:30 Eastern, he had dropped out; there were holdouts against him, enough of them that prevented him from getting that 217 that's needed to become speaker; Dopnald Trump wrote: "Voting for a globalist RINO" -- Republican in name only -- "like Tom Emmer would be a tragic mistake." Emmer did not have a chance after that, and withdrew his nomination altogether; Emmer, unlike 147 other House Republicans, he voted to certify Joe Biden's win; Emmer voted to codify the idea that same-sex marriage is legal in this country; What happens next?; Kevin Hern, he's in charge of the Republican Study Committee; Mike Johnson of Louisiana, also known as a conservative; it is three weeks until our government runs out of funding; トム・エマー》
[24:51] He [* = Trump ] wrote: "Voting for a globalist RINO" -- Republican in name only -- "like Tom Emmer would be a tragic mistake." There was the idea that Trump didn't like Emmer, but here it was, the former president going out of his way to kneecap his party's own nominee for speaker of the House. Emmer did not have a chance after that, and withdrew his nomination altogether.
[** RINO = Republican in name only. Typically used by conservative members of the U.S. Republican Party to describe liberal Republicans or Republicans seen as liberal ]
[** to kneecap = To attack (someone) in a way that is excessively and needlessly damaging: To cut (someone) off at the knees (wiktionary) ]
[26:44] But one sign this is also capturing even more of the public imagination, just anecdotally, I'm getting more text from my neighbors, even my mom, about this situation. The concern about the chaos in the House really is expanding, clearly.
[** to capture someone's imagination = to intrigue someone; to interest someone in a lasting way; to stimulate someone's imagination (thefreedictionary) ]
[28:27] Former attorney Michael Cohen testifies against Trump in civil fraud trial
Donald Trump is facing legal hurdles on several fronts, both civil and criminal, in state and federal courts. In New York, the $250 million civil fraud trial against Trump and his company is in its fourth week. Tuesday, Michael Cohen took the stand and put the blame squarely on Trump for inflating the value of his assets. Laura Barron-Lopez discussed the latest with Andrea Bernstein of NPR.
《トランプの元顧問弁護士&フィクサーのマイケル・コーエンが、民事詐欺裁判でトランプを非難する証言; Andrea Bernstein, NPR; a judge already found that Trump committed persistent and repeated fraud. And the question here is, was there a conspiracy, and how much money does Trump have to pay back to New York state?; When Cohen was sentenced to prison back in 2018, he said that he wanted to make sure that history didn't remember him as the villain in this story... He really wanted to say how Trump fraudulently valued his assets; he gave this description of being called into Trump's office and Trump saying: I'm not worth $4.5 billion. I'm really worth $6 billion. And then he would direct Cohen and the chief financial officer to basically go back and find numbers to, as Cohen said, reverse-engineer the asset value. So, this is what Cohen did; Judge Arthur Engoron said that Trump committed fraud by misrepresenting his wealth; already, there is a procedure going on, a parallel procedure, to basically force Trump to sell most of his business and activity in New York. And at stake is $250 million, which is a lot of money for Donald Trump; In Georgia's Fulton County today, a third former lawyer for Trump, Jenna Ellis, pled guilty and expressed regret; ABC is reporting that Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former chief of staff, has been granted immunity by special counsel Jack Smith in exchange for his testimony; 》
[28:42] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Amna, in New York, the state attorney general's $250 million civil fraud trial against Trump and his company is in its fourth week. Today, Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen took the stand for their first face-to-face confrontation in five years. Cohen put the blame squarely on Trump for inflating the value of his assets.
[** fixer = A person who uses influence or makes arrangements for another, especially by improper or unlawful means ]
[31:50] Now, I should say his [* = Trump's] team very strongly pushed back. And at the end of the day, they really leaned in to what the former president said, that Cohen had been convicted of lying and that he was somebody who is not to be trusted.
[** to lean in = to lean forward or towards something 前のめりになる。積極的に何かをする ]
[32:47] How significant are these guilty pleas in Georgia, Andrea, and specifically Ellis' testimony and whether or not that impacts Trump and Rudy Giuliani?
ANDREA BERNSTEIN: Right. Well, this is all of a piece with what we see, Michael Cohen in New York, a former attorney who worked closely with Trump.
[** all of a piece = Consistent with or similar to something else; sharing the same character and features ]
[33:26] So you really see this pattern of people who worked with Trump feeling that he betrayed them or let them hang out loose, and are now deciding that they want to do what they can to cut him loose.
[** to cut someone loose = To end a personal or professional relationship with someone, often abruptly; to get rid of someone ]
[34:37]★今日のおすすめ★ Colleges rethink legacy admissions in the wake of decision against affirmative action
The Supreme Court’s decision to limit the use of race in admissions was a game-changer for colleges. While the ruling's biggest impact is on the most selective schools, a survey found nearly a quarter of all colleges considered race to some degree before the pandemic. Special correspondent Hari Sreenivasan looks at how some schools are reevaluating admissions for our series, Rethinking College.
《大学入学者選考での積極的差別是正措置(人種的少数派に対する過去の差別を反省し、差別是正のために、少数派を優遇)を違憲とした連邦最高裁判決後、大きく変わりつつある入学者選考; legacy admissions; one of the reasons people choose to go to a highly selective school is because of the network it makes available to you, all the more reason not to let families hoard the wealth. You benefit from the system, you want your children to benefit from the system. It's a natural thing for a mother and father to want. It's not necessary that an institution, especially a wealthy institution, give the preference to people who already have the benefits of the opportunities you have given them; A civil complaint that was filed against Harvard claimed legacy applicants were nearly six times more likely to be admitted compared to non-legacy applicants. And, this summer, a new analysis of several elite schools found children of alumni were nearly four times as likely to be admitted as applicants with the same test scores; in his opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote, universities can still consider an applicant's discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise; 》
[35:01] HARI SREENIVASAN: The Supreme Court's decision left burden on the schools. And many have been cautious, revealing what they may or may not do since the court issued its opinion. But Wesleyan University President Michael Roth has used it as an opportunity to end the practice of letting students in because of their family connections. What went into the decision to do away with legacy admissions?
[** legacy admissions = Legacy preference or legacy admission is a preference given by an institution or organization to certain applicants on the basis of their familial relationship to alumni of that institution... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legacy_preferences 大学卒業生の子息を優遇して入学させること ]
[39:07] You made the decision to almost cut and paste the decision of the Supreme Court as one of the essay prompts.
[** Essay prompts are typically a trigger for ideas regarding a topic or issue. It is something professors give students to get them to respond by writing an essay paper. They are usually made up of 1 to 3 sentences giving some background on the topic, followed by a question. But the truth is that there are no rules or formats to a writing prompt, and it can be made up of anything. It can be a single word or even an image, and it is all up to the student’s interpretation of what they should write about... https://writersperhour.com/blog/what-is-a-prompt-in-writing-an-essay ]
[39:17] CRISTLE COLLINS JUDD, President, Sarah Lawrence College: Well, as the decision came out, and we read the decision and the syllabus that accompanied it, there was very specific language that was guiding us about how we could continue to both explore that question, but also something we knew our students and our prospective students would really engage in.
[** syllabus = (Law) A summary or abstract of the legal rulings contained in a published judicial case opinion. 判決要旨 ]
[42:42] Dozens of states sue Meta claiming social media addiction harms children's mental health
More than 40 states and the District of Columbia have sued Meta, accusing the tech giant of building addictive features into its popular social media platforms that contribute to a youth mental health crisis. The states say Meta uses "powerful and unprecedented technologies" to engage young people. Stephanie Sy discussed the lawsuits with Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser.
《40以上の州とワシントンDCがFacebookやInstagramの親会社Metaを提訴; Phil Weiser, Colorado Attorney General; 33 states filed a federal lawsuit in Northern California today. It claims Meta is in violation of consumer protection laws and children's online privacy laws. The District of Columbia and eight other states filed a separate lawsuit. In the larger 233-page suit, the states say Meta uses -- quote -- "powerful and unprecedented technologies to entice, engage and ultimately ensnare young people"; Frances Haugen, whistle-blower; Meta has lied to people. They have been deceiving people about their platform. They have been marketing to people under 13, and they failed to protect young people; The features designed for these apps, the infinite scroll feature, for one example, are done with a awareness that they drive addictive behavior, that there are no guardrails; The statements made by the whistle-blower, the internal awareness of the company tell us a very simple message. They knew that their platform was harming young people, and yet they failed to take the actions to protect young people because it could compromise how much money they're making on their platform; 》
[48:59]★今日のおすすめ★ Former Republican strategist raises alarms about GOP in 'The Conspiracy to End America'
Stuart Stevens has spent the majority of his decades-long career getting Republicans elected to political office. But his latest book is a warning to the country about the current state of the GOP and its threat to America’s democracy. Amna Nawas spoke with Stevens about the book titled, "The Conspiracy to End America: Five Ways My Old Party Is Driving Our Democracy to Autocracy."
《共和党の元選挙参謀Stuart Stevensの新刊本; 著者へのインタビュー; 『The Conspiracy to End America: Five Ways My Old Party Is Driving Our Democracy to Autocracy』; 共和党のアメリカ民主主義への脅威; 2016年に共和党内で起きたことはナチス台頭の再現; トランプとヒトラーの類似; five autocratic building blocks are propagandists, the support of a major party, financers, legal theories to legitimize actions and shock troops; "What happened within the Republican Party in 2016 was a repeat of the rise of national socialism in the 1920s and 1930s in Germany"; the Republican establishment's acceptance of Mr. Trump echoed the German establishment's acceptance of Hitler; What happened in Germany was that the ruling class, mostly Prussian aristocrats, realized that they had lost touch with the working class, and they thought that they could control Hitler, that he would be someone who could connect them to the working class and take them into power. And it's really exactly what happened with the Republican Party; Mitch McConnell said that he was confident that Trump would change, that they would change Trump, that they were the mainstream conservative and Trump would adapt to that. And it just proved to be incredibly naive; Trump realized that if he could give the party power, the party would go along with whatever he wanted; I don't think we have seen anything like this in American history, just a complete collapse of a party; Trump has made it acceptable to embrace your worst self. And once that becomes acceptable, it's very easy. It's, I think, sort of addictive. And now that's where the party is. It's become a grievance party, and primarily a white grievance party; With regard to Republicans' inability to elect House speaker... Is that dysfunction at all related to any of this, or is that separate and apart? I think it's completely related to it. At the core, there really is no governing principles to the Republican Party; when you lack that ability to unite a party over a higher purpose, you end up in these sort of "Lord of the Flies" battles that they're in now; 》
[53:37] They -- Trump has made it acceptable to embrace your worst self. And once that becomes acceptable, it's very easy. It's, I think, sort of addictive. And now that's where the party is. It's become a grievance party, and primarily a white grievance party.
[** white grievance = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_resentment#White 「白人の不満」。白人が不当な扱いを受けているという怒り ]