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[PBS NewsHour Aug. 3, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] Introduction
[02:21]★今日のおすすめ★ What happened in the courtroom during Trump's third arraignment this year
[04:07] And when the magistrate judge [** = In United States federal courts, magistrate judges are judges appointed to assist U.S. district court judges in the performance of their duties. Magistrate judges generally oversee first appearances of criminal defendants, set bail, and conduct other administrative duties. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_magistrate_judge ] took the bench, Trump paid close attention to her.
[08:25] News Wrap
[12:25]★今日のおすすめ★ Bill Barr: Trump committed a 'grave wrongdoing' in Jan. 6 case
[13:10] WILLIAM BARR: Well, this case is a more serious -- first, I don't think Alvin Bragg's case is a legitimate case. I think it -- that is a political hit [** = political hitjob 以前の番組に出てきました ] .
[15:58] There was very grave wrongdoing here, and I think it's reasonable to say that it falls within the obstruction of a proceeding. That's not weaponization. That's enforcement of the law. And are there some -- some hair [** = (slang, uncountable) Complexity; difficulty; the quality of being hairy (wiktionary) ] on -- on the case? Is it going to be maybe hard to prove? Are there areas where they may not be able to make the case? Perhaps.
[19:38] And I also think that's sort of a bastardized [** to bastardize = to reduce from a higher to a lower state, such as by removing refined elements or introducing debased elements (wiktionary) ] version of what the real issue is. The real issue is whether it's possible to impose liability in this case without chilling other kinds of legitimate speech. I don't think the stuff that was involved here that is in the crosshairs of the prosecutor is stuff that he's entitled to do under the First Amendment.
[23:43] I'm opposed to cameras in court. I mean, our politics and our life is becoming more and more like a reality TV program, and everyone's posturing, and political conversation is all talking points [** = 政府や政党がまとめた訴えるべき論点で、それを閣僚や所属議員などがメディアで繰り返す ] and so forth. And I'd hate to see that start happening more and more in our courts, where it's performance, rather than substance.
[27:16] So, for example, the Democrats were constantly beating up the administration for not prosecuting people who lie when they get their guns, called lie and try. [** 次の文章がネット上にありました:Trump's Justice Department, as well as several states that do their own background checks, almost never prosecute what are called "lie and try" felonies. This is when someone legally barred from owning a gun — often a convicted felon, a violent spouse abuser or someone with a serious mental illness — lies on a federal background check to make a purchase. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/09/19/gun-buyers-lie-and-try-only-12-prosecuted-editorials-debates/1288699002/ ] And they said, you're weak on guns. You're not prosecuting people who do that.
[28:20] Is his [* = Trump's] nomination inevitable, do you think?
WILLIAM BARR: No, I don't think so. I think the media and Trump and many others are way ahead of themselves. [** < to get ahead of oneself = to do or say something sooner than it ought to be done. 先走る]
[28:34] I think there's about 20 percent in the Republican Party who tend to support him, but they are very much attuned to [** = sensitive to; aware of and attentive to] his problems and are willing to shift.
[32:29] I found in the -- in his first term that the only way to really talk sense into him was to say, this is going to hurt you, and it's going to hurt your reelection chances, and so forth. He would then pay attention. So I am concerned that, in the second term, he will be off the hook [** off the hook = 文脈を考えると、「危機を脱する」ではなく、unhinged, crazyくらいの意味か] . There will be no way of controlling him, and he will also surround himself with yes-men.
[33:55] El Paso mass shooting survivors reflect on gun violence and grief 4 years later
[40:10] Rising COVID hospitalizations point to another summer surge in infections
[46:13] Mojave Desert wildfire threatens California's iconic Joshua trees
[50:03]★今日のおすすめ★ Why a small New England town celebrates its heritage by honoring frogs
[52:25] SUSAN HERRICK: It's reported that it was -- there was a drought here at that time in 1754. Between late June and early July, apparently, it was pretty dry. And I think the pond had shrunk a little too much. And they gave up trying to hold territories [* = 縄張り] and did what we call mate acquisition strategy [** = 交尾相手を獲得する戦略] , switching. So instead of defending territories, they did what's called a lek [** lek = (biology) An aggregation of male animals for the purposes of courtship and display (wiktionary) ] , which is where all the males just sort of gathered together and display themselves, sort of like a singles bar, if you will.
[53:51] Nevertheless, when word got around that this little town had panicked, taking up arms against a bunch of bullfrogs... The story had legs. [** to have legs = if something has legs, people will continue to be interested in it, or it will be popular for a long time ]
[54:01] DAVID WRIGHT: The great Windham frog fight became an American Batrachomyomachia [** = The Batrachomyomachia... or Battle of the Frogs and Mice is a comic epic, or a parody of the Iliad, commonly attributed to Homer, although other authors have been proposed... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batrachomyomachia Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ] , the stuff of epic comic poems, at least three of them. Before the U.S. had a national currency, banknotes issued by the Windham Bank featured a frog standing on top of another frog. In 1905, the local opera house even mounted an operetta, a musical, "The Frogs of Windham," which has enjoyed several local revivals. And, to this day, the local brewery has an annual Hop Fest.
[54:52] SUSAN HERRICK: Apparently, it was pretty embarrassing for the colonists back then. But, nowadays, we look back and we laugh, and we think, oh, that must have been the equivalent of nowadays online ribbing [* ribbing = the act or an instance of joking or teasing (thefreedictionary)] . You know, these ribbing...
DAVID WRIGHT: So, forever, these frogs will troll [** = to move around in (an area) or go to (different places) searching for something; to stroll about in order to find a sexual partner // to sing loudly, freely or in a carefree way // to post or make inflammatory or insincere statements so as to attempt to lure others into combative argument for purposes of personal entertainment or to manipulate others' perception, especially in an online community or discussion ] the town of Windham.