
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.15]

PBS NewsHour March 14, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:48] 米軍の偵察用非武装無人機 ロシア戦闘機の体当たりで墜落

[05:45] 今日のその他のニュース

[09:39] Starting in 1973, Schroeder served 12 terms and made a name with her sharp wit. She branded Ronald Reagan the -- quote -- "Teflon president" [* Teflon = Able to easily shrug off or deflect criticism or blame. テフロン加工のフライパンにものがくっつかないように、批判をいくら受けても悪いイメージが定着しない ]

[10:49] バイデン政権 大統領令で銃規制強化

[16:50]★今日のおすすめ★ 銀行破綻 現状と対策 利上げへの影響 Sheila Bair連邦預金保険公社(FDIC)元総裁に聞く

[18:43] So, Silicon Valley was a $200 billion bank. We have a $23 trillion banking system. It was not systemic [* = spread throughout and affecting a whole system システム全体に広がっている ] by any imagination. And most of its uninsured depositors were very wealthy venture capitalist and the portfolio companies [* = A portfolio company is a company (public or private) that a venture capital firm, buyout firm, or holding company owns equity. In other words, companies that private equity firms hold an interest in are considered portfolio companies. Investing in a portfolio company aims to increase its value and earn a return on investment through a sale] that they invest in.

[19:15] I think most of them are quite, quite able to withstand some haircut [* = a reduction in the value of an asset] on their uninsured deposits.

[19:23] The administration makes the argument that that extraordinary rescue action was necessary to avoid a run on the banks that could have collapsed the banking sector and tanked [* to tank ぶっつぶす。壊滅させる] the overall economy.

[19:53] I think the Fed's lending facility [* = A lending facility is a mechanism that central banks use when lending funds to primary dealers such as banks, broker-dealers, or other financial institutions who are approved to conduct business with the U.S Federal Reserve. Lending facilities provide financial institutions with access to funds in order to satisfy reserve requirements, using the overnight lending market. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/lending-facility.asp] did do a lot to calm the market.

[20:21] A question about how we got here, because lots of people are pointing to the rollback [* = A return to a prior state by undoing some operation, especially of policy or price changes. 以前の状態に戻す。取り消す。後退させる。縮小する] of the consumer protections in the Dodd-Frank Act back in 2018...

[21:00] One is, I think banks need at least an annual stress test [* (banking, finance) A test of an organization's ability to meet its financial obligations in adverse financial circumstances (wiktionary) ストレステスト,健全性審査,急激な景気低迷などに対して金融機関が経営に耐えられるかどうかを調べる金融機関監督当局による審査(『英辞郎』)]

[22:02] It's a teachable moment [* = an event or experience which presents a good opportunity for learning something. 学ぶのにいい機会] maybe, perhaps, reminding people how banks work, how deposit insurance works.

[23:04]★今日のおすすめ★ 米国環境保護庁(EPA) 水道水のPFAS規制を提案 記者に聞く

[23:04] For the first time, the federal government is on the cusp of regulating a class of deadly so-called forever chemicals [* 「永久化学物質」。非常に安定していて永久に(非常に長い間)分解されない化学物質。PFASのこと] out of America's drinking water. The EPA's proposal applies to six of those chemicals known as PFAS compounds, and would require water utilities to clean any detectable level out of their systems.

[24:17] They are ubiquitous in the environment. And because of that very strong bond that makes them so useful, they're also extremely difficult to break down in the environment. So once they're there, they typically stay there and they bioaccumulate [* (biology) The process by which substances accumulate in the tissues of living organisms; used especially of toxic substances that accumulate via a food chain. 生物蓄積する。生物濃縮する] .

[28:43] アメリカの工作機械メーカー 対ロシア輸出規制違反の疑い Simon Ostrovskyがリポート

[32:27] They're so good, in fact, that the U.S. military also uses lathes [* 旋盤 ] and mills [* フライス盤] produced by Haas.

[34:26] Agiya Zahrebelska is the head of the sanctions department on the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, the Ukrainian government body that sets sanctions policy. She told the "NewsHour" the problem was much wider than just Haas. [* ウクライナによると、アメリカのHaas社だけでなく、ドイツと日本の企業もロシアの兵器生産を助けているという。その企業の名前] Germany's Siemens and Japan's DMG Mori are also computer numerical control machine tool manufacturers Ukraine believes to be key to the continuing function of Russia's arms industry.

[37:23]★今日のおすすめ★ 米英豪の攻撃型原子力潜水艦合意 リポートのあと今回の合意とロシアによる無人機墜落についてMara Karlin政策担当国防副次官代行に聞く

[38:31] NICK SCHIFRIN: As we saw for ourselves late last year aboard the same Virginia-class USS Missouri. 

[43:20] Will the U.S. shipbuilding industry have to build extra submarines for Australia, or will Australia got to cut the line [* = To go ahead of other people who are waiting for something in a line, rather than standing behind the last person, as is customary 列に割り込む] and get a sub that was supposed to go to the U.S. Navy?

[46:55] Barter Theatre 90年の歴史と地域に根差した劇場

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
