今日の英語ニュースから [2023.04.05]
PBS NewsHour April 4, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:31] トランプ罪状認否 34件の重罪について無罪を主張 リポートのあと法廷で見ていた記者に聞く
[03:13] This afternoon, Mr. Trump traveled by motorcade from Trump Tower to surrender to authorities [* = 当局に自首する。△出頭する] at the district attorney's office in Lower Manhattan.
[09:22]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプ罪状認否 法律面について2人の元検事に聞く
[09:53] The very first line of the statement of facts [* = a legal document putting forward factual statements without any arguments or opinions. このように https://lawyer.zone/statement-of-facts/ では説明があったが、発言の内容を考えると少し違う意味のような感じもする。オーストラリアのサイトだが、次のような説明があった。The statement of facts is a document that contains a summary of the conduct of an offender as well as relevant facts in relation to the offence a person has been charged with. https://victimsandwitnesses.cdpp.gov.au/prosecution-process/prosecution-proceedings/what-statement-facts この説明の方が、あとに続くことに近いような気もする] reads this way: "The defendants, Donald J. Trump, repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal criminal conduct that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election."
[10:13] [* 起訴内容を説明している部分] CHUCK ROSENBERG, Former U.S. Attorney: Sure, and I think I can simplify it a bit. The charges relate to a hush money scheme, payments to Stormy Daniels through an intermediary, Michael Cohen. And each payment to Cohen to reimburse him generated a number of false documents, maybe a false ledger, a false invoice, a check that was falsely recorded. And so what the district attorney did was take each of those false documents, 34 in total, and charge each one as a felony under New York state law. I don't think it's an inordinately complex case. I read the indictment, which is bare-bones, and a statement of facts that accompanied it, the narrative, if you will. And it doesn't involve thousands of documents or dozens of witnesses. It's a fairly straightforward case.
[12:00] You have to have dual intents to commit these crimes. You have to have the intent to defraud. And then you have to have a secondary intent to aid or cover up or commit another crime. And that other crime is not charged in the charging document itself. But in the people's [* the people = 検察側] statement of facts that they issued today along with the indictment, they suggest that it's -- it could be campaign violations or tax violations, but that's not in the body of the charge.
[12:47] MARC AGNIFILO: So they have to -- they have to find that Trump acted with specific intent, not just to commit fraud, but to violate a second statute. And that's really going to be where the rubber meets the road [* = the point at which someone's or something's efforts, resolve, or viability are put to the test; the point at which things become truly or meaningfully challenging. 肝心な点] in this case, in my opinion.
[15:47] He's very experienced, and he's probably one of the office's go-to people. [* go-to = relied on and regularly turned to for expert knowledge, skill, or performance 頼りになる]
[16:52] Chuck, given what we now know about the charges and what we have seen so far, we don't want to get ahead of ourselves [* to get ahead of oneself = (idiomatic) To develop an opinion based on insufficient information or to take action prematurely 先走る ] , but what is the world of potential possible outcomes with these kinds of charges being prosecuted where they are?
[18:22] トランプの抗議呼びかけで新たな政治的暴力の恐れ
[18:47] So, first off, a number of those who support the president, House Speaker McCarthy called this weaponization of government [* 政敵に対して政府機関を武器として使う。前にも似た表現が出てきました(weaponization of the FBI)] .
[20:32] KATHLEEN BELEW, Northwestern University: What we have here with the indictment is an opportunity for extremists who are interested not in any kind of Americanism, but instead are interested in overthrowing the United States to create a white ethno-state [* = ethnostate = A political unit that is populated by and run in the interest of an ethnic group (wiktionary) 人種国家。民族国家] .
[22:39] So I spoke to Colin Clarke, who's a senior researcher at the Soufan Center, which tracks extremism, and he's looking at Web sites like Telegram, Gab and other alt-right [* = a right-wing, primarily online political movement or grouping based in the U.S. whose members reject mainstream conservative politics and espouse extremist beliefs and policies typically centered on ideas of white nationalism. 「alternative right」を略した形] sties.
[23:19]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプ逮捕と罪状認否 その歴史的意義を大統領史研究家に聞く
[29:52] 今日のその他のニュース
[34:05]★今日のおすすめ★ フィンランドNATO加盟
[36:26] This was -- Finland was a country that wanted the closest possible relationship with NATO, but not to become a NATO member. And when that full-scale invasion began, they completely changed their opinion. They did not want to stand alone. They did stand alone in 1939, when they fought Soviet forces in the Winter War in 1939. They were able to beat them back. But they had to suffer what was called Finlandization, [* = (politics) The process by which a smaller or less powerful sovereign state comes to abide by a more powerful neighbor's foreign policy rules, while retaining its independence; a foreign policy of neutrality under the influence of the Soviet Union 「フィンランド化」] which was basically Soviet -- Soviet Union had to approve everything that Finland did.
[40:53] テネシー州私立小学校銃乱射事件後 州議事堂内で抗議運動をした州下院議員(民主党)に対し共和党が除名処分を求める その民主党議員の一人に聞く
[43:42] Those were the folks in my district and across the state, because, overwhelmingly, in my district, more than 50 percent of Republicans support gun sense measures [* 銃について分別のある対策。常識的で分別のある銃規制 ]like red flag laws [* red flag law 以前の番組に出てきました ] and safe storage laws.
[44:24] Governor Bill Lee is proposing, for example, allotting $140 million for school resource officers [* = (US, law enforcement) A police officer stationed at a school, such as a high school] , $20 million for public school security improvements, $7 million for private school security, as well as mental health liaisons in schools.