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[00:00] Introduction
[02:41] A look at the destruction in Gaza after 5 weeks of war between Israel and Hamas
Gaza's healthcare system and central hospital are in collapse five weeks since the Hamas terror attacks launched the war with Israel. Leila Molana-Allen went to Gaza with the Israel Defense Forces on Monday and reports on the fighting there.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い38日目; 現地リポート; 》
[08:43]★今日のおすすめ★ Civilians in crossfire as Israeli forces and Hamas battle around Gaza’s main hospital
Israel claims a Hamas military command center is located beneath Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital. Monday, President Biden warned Israel to be "less intrusive" in its operations there as hundreds of patients and medical staff remain inside, facing dire conditions. Nick Schifrin reports on the legal arguments over whether the hospital and what's underneath it are legitimate targets.
《イスラエルはガザのAl-Shifa病院の下にハマスの指令センターがあると主張(ハマス側は否定); 病院を標的にすることは正当化されるか; Francoise Bouchet-Saulnier, senior legal adviser for international humanitarian law at Doctors Without Borders; 国境なき医師団; Pnina Sharvit Baruch, retired colonel of the Israeli Defense Forces, former legal adviser to IDF, now with the Institute for National Security Studies; no matter what's underneath, international humanitarian law protects the hospital's doctors and patients, says Bouchet-Saulnier; the parties to the conflict are not relieved of their duty to take all precautions to ensure that the military advantage they will obtain through pursuing their attack will not affect the patient, the doctors and the civilian in a way that is disproportionate with the military advantage; hospitals have special protected status under international humanitarian law, but they can lose the status when they are actually used by the enemy forces. You still need to give an advance warning telling the enemy to stop the military use before attacking the hospital. But if the enemy continues to do so, then a hospital can also become a lawful military target; active-duty Israeli military legal adviser told "PBS NewsHour" today it had provided -- quote -- "more than ample warning," including by speaking directly to hospital administrators, opening corridors so civilians who had been living on the Shifa compound could leave, and delaying its ground operation; there are still thousands of Gazans living on the Shifa compound who could be caught in the crossfire; 》
[14:31] News Wrap
Donald Trump Jr. testified again in the civil fraud trial targeting the family business, Sen. Tim Scott is the latest to leave the Republican presidential field, Russian state media issued and then withdrew alerts that troops were pulling back in southern Ukraine and two more cities (Mumbai and Kolkata) in India joined New Delhi as places that currently have the world's most polluted air.
《Former President Trump's older sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, died overnight at her home in New York. She had been a federal judge and was a longtime confidant of her brother. But, in 2020, recordings emerged of her saying of Mr. Trump -- quote -- "He has no principles. You can't trust him." Maryanne Trump Barry was 86 years old; ティム・スコット大統領選撤退; South Korean automaker Hyundai announced a 25 percent wage hike by 2028 at its non-union plants in the U.S. That matches what the United Auto Workers' union won in its tentative contract agreement with Detroit's Big Three. Toyota and Honda already announced their own wage hikes; 》
[18:08]★今日のおすすめ★ New Supreme Court ethics code 'does very little' to hold justices accountable, expert says
The nine Supreme Court justices handed down a surprise unanimous decision binding themselves to a new code of ethics. It comes after criticism over undisclosed perks for some of the justices. Amna Nawaz unpacked the court’s new rules with Kathleen Clark, a law professor at Washington University in St. Louis specializing in legal and government ethics.
《連邦最高裁判事が全会一致で自らを縛る倫理規定を発表; 度重なる倫理問題を受けた「政治的」な動き; 倫理問題の解決にはまったくならない; Kathleen Clark, law professor with Washington University in St. Louis specializing in legal and government ethics; For the first time in the court's 234-year history, it's adopting a code of ethics; It (= Supreme Court) knew that it had to do something to address the political and ethics crisis that it finds itself in. But in terms of substance, this new code does very little. And it provides no new mechanisms for holding justices accountable when they violate the rules; It (= the new code of ethics) doesn't address donor influence. It doesn't address what will happen when justices fail to disclose gifts. It does address the recusal problem by saying, nothing will change. It views recusal as a decision for an individual justice. And if a justice fails to recuse, the court won't do anything about it; they (= Justices) felt pressure to take some sort of action, perhaps to stave off Congress from taking action and imposing an actual ethics code that would provide accountability; this should be seen really as a political document, as a way of addressing a political problem that the court had; It's a way of addressing public perception, rather than addressing the heart of the problem, which is a lack of accountability; 》
[18:08] The nine justices of the Supreme Court handed down a surprise unanimous decision today, binding themselves to a new code of ethics. Here's how they explained it, writing: "The absence of a code has led in recent years to the misunderstanding that the justices of this court, unlike other jurists in this country, regard themselves as unrestricted by any ethics rules. To dispel this misunderstanding, we are issuing this code." [** 関連ニュース ]
[18:56] It does show that the Supreme Court can read the room. It knew that it had to do something to address the political and ethics crisis that it finds itself in. But in terms of substance, this new code does very little. And it provides no new mechanisms for holding justices accountable when they violate the rules.
[** to read the room = To understand the emotions and thoughts of the people present, especially to determine what would be appropriate or inappropriate to say or do. その場の空気を読む ]
[21:08] AMNA NAWAZ: You mentioned that congressional pressure. One of those who has been calling for Congress to impose and enforce a code of ethics is Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. [** Sheldon Whitehouse上院議員の先日のインタビュー ] He tweeted some of his concerns, which get to a point you raised earlier about enforceability. He said: "The question is enforcement. Where do you file a complaint? Who reviews it? How does fact-finding occur? Who compares what happened to what's allowed? That is where the rubber hits the road."
[24:33]★今日のおすすめ★ Trump's ramped-up rhetoric raises new concerns about violence and authoritarianism
Former President Donald Trump attacked his political opponents in a speech over the weekend that historians say echoed authoritarian leaders. Amna Nawaz discussed concerns about the rhetoric and the future of democracy with New York University historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat.
《独裁者を彷彿させるトランプの政敵に対する攻撃表現; 歴史家が解説; Ruth Ben-Ghiat, New York University historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat ; since the fascists, authoritarians always want to do two things -- they want to change the way that people see violence, making it into something necessary and patriotic and even morally righteous, and they want to change the way people see their targets. And so they use dehumanizing language; now he's starting to use dehumanizing rhetoric, all these groups who live like vermin. And this is what the original fascists did. Hitler started talking about Jews as parasites in 1920. So by the time he got in 1933, Germans had been exposed to this dehumanizing rhetoric for 13 years. And Mussolini literally talked about rats. After he had become dictator in 1927, he said, we need to kill rats who are bringing infectious diseases and Bolshevism from the east. And so this matches up with Trump talking about immigrants bringing disease and other such things. So this is very dangerous rhetoric with a very precise fascist history; 選挙結果否定の行きつくところは; the endgame of election denial is actually to convince Americans that elections shouldn't be the way they choose their leaders, they're too unreliable; In all cases of history that I have studied in my book "Strongmen," people did not take the various Hitlers and Mussolinis seriously until it was too late; 》
[24:33] AMNA NAWAZ: Former President Donald Trump attacked his political opponents in a speech over the weekend that historians say echoed authoritarian leaders. New York University historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat joins me now to discuss.
[** Ruth Ben-Ghiatが以前登場した関連ニュース1 ニュース2 ]
[24:51] For anyone who missed it, here is just part of what Mr. Trump had to say. [** トランプの問題発言の一例 ]
DONALD TRUMP, Former President of the United States (R) and Current U.S. Presidential Candidate: We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, that lie and steal and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible, they will do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and to destroy the American dream.
[30:15]★今日のおすすめ★ Tamara Keith and Amy Walter on another government funding showdown, shrinking GOP field
NPR’s Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report with Amy Walter join Geoff Bennett to discuss the latest political news, including another government funding showdown on Capitol Hill, the shrinking GOP presidential field and President Biden's critical meeting with Chinese President Xi.
《月曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週の動きを占う; 》
[38:36] Tensions rise in U.K. amid large-scale protests over Israel-Hamas war
In a day of political upheaval, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak fired Home Secretary Suella Braverman after critics claimed her remarks contributed to violence during pro-Palestinian marches this weekend. The British government is also pledging to crack down on antisemitism, which has surged across Europe since the Hamas attacks in Israel. Special correspondent Malcolm Brabant reports.
《イスラエル・ハマス戦争への大規模反対デモで高まる英国内の緊張; 》
[40:25] Clashes involving right-wing nationalists threatened to disrupt the traditional salute to Britain's war dead. The nationalists said they wanted to defend the Cenotaph from Palestinian supporters and were furious at being thwarted by police.
[** The Cenotaph is a war memorial on Whitehall in London, England. Designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens, it was unveiled in 1920 as the United Kingdom's national memorial to the dead of Britain and the British Empire of the First World War, was rededicated in 1946 to include those of the Second World War, and has since come to represent the Commonwealth casualties from those and subsequent conflicts... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cenotaph ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ) ザ・セノタフ ]
[41:08] PROTESTER: From the river to the sea!
[** "From the river to the sea" ... is a political slogan that refers geographically to the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, which currently includes the State of Israel and the Palestinian territories... The slogan's usage by … Palestinian militant groups has led critics to argue that the slogan implicitly advocates for the dismantling of Israel, the denial of Jewish self-determination and a call for the ethnic cleansing or genocide of the Jewish population...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_the_river_to_the_sea ]
[45:35] How a Houston hospital reversed the trend of nurses leaving the profession
There are more than five million nurses in the U.S. and a survey shows nearly a third of them are thinking of quitting. That would be a devastating blow for patients and hospitals. William Brangham reports on efforts to turn the tide for our series, Critical Care: The Future of Nursing, in collaboration with the Global Health Reporting Center and with support from the Pulitzer Center.
《看護師の離職を防ぐのに成功したヒューストンの病院の取り組み; two years into the pandemic, nurses were quitting at more than seven times the rate they were before COVID-19. Across the U.S., more than 100,000 nurses quit the profession during the pandemic. Many others left for new jobs, which put hospitals in a tough position; virtual nursing unit; virtual nurse corps; The hospital stopped hiring temporary or travel nurses. At one point, there had been more than 200 working here. For nurses who remained, they offered flexible schedules, more choice of assignments, and higher pay; Today, staff turnover is right back to where it was before the pandemic; 》
[46:59] ASHLEY ARBILO: A lot of my friends left for travel assignments.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Because the pay was so much better?
ASHLEY ARBILO: Yes, during the pandemic. WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Two years in, nurses were quitting at more than seven times the rate they were before COVID-19.
[** travel assignment < travel nurse = A travel nurse is a skilled and qualified healthcare professional who accepts a temporary assignment at a hospital in a different geographical location than where they live...
https://www.goodwin.edu/glossary/travel-nurse ]
[48:08] So, in just a second, I will populate that paperwork here on my screen, so you can follow along with me. And if you have any questions or concerns, just let me know, OK?
[** to populate = (computing) To fill (an empty field or array) with data. 現れるようにする。画面に出す ]
[53:31] ASHLEY ARBILO: I have told a lot of my colleagues, like, this is probably the best sort of job I could even dream up for a nurse. I'm still using my knowledge and skills, while also kind of balancing my home life and making sure, like, I'm mentally present and OK.
[** mentally present = focused on the task at hand without getting distracted ]