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[PBS NewsHour June 22, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:35]★今日のおすすめ★ 行方不明だった潜水艇 タイタニック号から数百メートル地点に残骸散乱 リポートのあと専門家に聞く(カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(University of California San Diego)のScripps Institution of Oceanographyの海洋学者Jules Jaffe)
[08:15] JULES JAFFE: Well, I guess my dad used to say, hindsight is 20/20 [** = in hindsight things are obvious that were not obvious from the outset (wiktionary) ] .
[10:40] 今日の主要ニュース
[14:28]★今日のおすすめ★ インドのNarendra Modi首相 国賓として訪米 人権問題や中国の影響に懸念 リポートのあとアメリカ平和研究所(U.S. Institute of Peace)のDaniel Markeyに聞く
[15:14] JOE BIDEN, President of the United States: We discussed our work through the Quad [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadrilateral_Security_Dialogue
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日米豪印戦略対話 ] , and how India and the United States, together with Australia and Japan, can ensure the vital Indo-Pacific region remains free, open, prosperous and secure.
[16:10] Democracy is in our DNA. Democracy runs in our veins. We live democracy. We have always proved that democracy can deliver [** to deliver = to produce or achieve what is desired or expected ] . And when I said deliver, this is regardless of caste, creed, religion, gender. There's absolutely no space for discrimination.
[18:42] With Narendra Modi, President Biden and his team have soft-pedaled [** to soft-pedal = to play down; to downplay; to tone down; to make less emphatic ] many of the criticisms they often leveled at other leaders who they believe are falling short on democratic values.
[21:58] DANIEL MARKEY: No, this is serious. This is something that it's been in the works for some time. Haven't quite cracked the code [** to crack the code = to solve a difficult problem. もともとの意味は、暗号を解読する ] on how to get India to buy huge amounts of U.S. military equipment or fundamentally turn toward American and Western suppliers and away from Russia. But this may be the moment for that to happen.
[22:35] GEOFF BENNETT: The Indian prime minister does not often do press conferences. His team tightly controls his message, his media availability [** = press availability = an event at which a politician is made available for questioning by the media.] . But he did engage in a press conference today. And he was asked by Sabrina Siddiqui at The Wall Street Journal about his human rights violations, his alleged record of human rights violations.
[23:07] Your setup piece, I think, appropriately identified a number of the problems that have happened on his watch with respect to communal violence [** communal = relating to different groups within a society (thefreedictionary); (India) based on religion (wiktionary) ] , particularly with respect to the Muslim community, which is over 200 million or so in India. It's an enormous part of the Indian society.
[25:21] 2024年大統領選共和党候補者 Will Hurd元下院議員(テキサス州選出)が出馬表明
[27:22] WILL HURD: [** この部分は以前の番組で放送されたインタビューの一部です] We know, if you move -- if you turn the age to have a high-caliber rifle to go from 18 to 21, which is -- it's you have to be 21 to get a handgun, that alone would have changed Uvalde and would have changed the lives of 21 families.
[27:56] WILL HURD: We don't always agree -- didn't always agree, and we showed that we could disagree without being disagreeable [** = unpleasant, offensive ] .
[28:41] 若年移民に対する国外強制退去の延期措置(DACA) テキサスの連邦裁判所が無効とする判決を出す可能性 DACA対象者の不安の声
[29:29] I attend Rutgers University. I'm a rising senior [** rising = planned or destined to advance to an academic grade in the near future, after having completed the previous grade; soon-to-be.(wiktionary)] .
[30:03] I'm part of this country. I'm part because I'm paying taxes. I have a good job. I'm going to school and I'm getting in-state tuition [** in-state = Applicable to or available to individuals of or from the state. 州内出身学生に適用される(安い授業料) ] . I get all the benefits as a U.S. citizen or a green card holder, and everything.
[30:24] JONATHAN RODAS: The only con [** = a disadvantage of something, especially when contrasted with its advantages (pros) ] on it is that -- is that we are in constant fear, in a constant fear that, like, for example, this judge can strike it down real quick. And then we're in limbo.
[33:18] イリノイ州Evanston 人種的少数派への過去の差別に対して現金支給で補償するプログラム 2019年の全米初の取り組み その後をリポート
[38:17] ROBIN RUE SIMMONS: It's the ghetto lottery [** = a financial windfall obtainable by a socioeconomically disadvantaged person (wiktionary) ] , or, you know, you monkey, you slave, and go back to Africa, that type of stuff.
[41:56]★今日のおすすめ★ CIAやWブッシュ政権、オバマ政権で秘密軍事作戦に携わったMichael Vickersの回顧録『By All Means Available: Memoirs of a Life in Intelligence, Special Operations, and Strategy』 著者へのインタビュー
[42:52] You were chief strategist for the Afghanistan covert action program that was arming the mujahideen [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mujahideen
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ムジャーヒディーン ] that were fighting the Soviets, who'd invaded in 1979.
[45:11] And some of the fundamentalist groups did make common cause with [** to make common cause = to cooperate, to enter into an alliance for a shared goal (wiktionary) ] the Taliban after 1996, and then became -- we became their enemies and they became ours.