今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.31]
PBS NewsHour March 30, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:21]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプ前大統領を起訴 ポルノ女優への口止め料支払いに関連 2人の元連邦検事に聞く
[03:00] we knew the Manhattan grand jury works on Mondays and Wednesdays, and there was reporting that the jury was planning to take off [* to take off = to absent oneself from (work or other responsibility), especially with permission 休暇をとる] much of April for a preplanned break.
[03:25] one of the extraordinary things about a grand jury is that it does its work in secrecy. And so we don't know precisely when they voted on it. Presumably, it was after they heard the last witnesses who were presented by the district attorney's office to shore up the testimony of Mr. Cohen and his credibility, presumably after the witness had been called who was requested by former President Trump to impugn [* = to attack as false or questionable; challenge in argument (信頼性を)攻撃する。非難する] his credibility.
[04:19] Well, I will say, Alvin Bragg must know that this is going to be his legacy one way or the other. I'm sure his office has handled many cases. And he has obviously had a lengthy career. But the bottom line is that this is a case for the history books, regardless of what the end result is. And so he and his team must feel very confident that they have the goods [* to have the goods (on someone) = to have evidence showing that someone has done something wrong 有罪を示す証拠がある] here.
[06:43] So what we would expect is that there would be a date that would be set for an initial appearance and an arraignment [* < to arraign = to call (a defendant) before a court to answer to an indictment. 罪状認否] . That's essentially a hearing where the charges are traditionally formally read, not so much nowadays, but formally read, and the defendant is advised of his rights and the potential penalties.
[08:45] 今日のその他のニュース
[10:30] Doctors say Pope Francis is showing marked improvement at a Rome hospital. He was admitted Wednesday with bronchitis [* = 気管支炎] . The doctors say he rested well last night and is responding to antibiotics.
[11:25] China considers Taiwan a renegade province [* = 反乱(反逆)地域] and has warned Tsai not to meet with U.S. leaders.
[13:55]★今日のおすすめ★ アメリカ人ジャーナリスト ロシアで拘束 ロシア反体制政治家の妻とロシア専門家にインタビュー
[17:12] Last April, authorities arrested him. He's now on trial for high treason [* = criminal disloyalty to one's country 国家に対する反逆] .
[19:33] I can tell you that the Russian authorities are now using a whole spectrum of intimidating techniques and repressive mechanisms that include the use of punitive psychiatry [* = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_abuse_of_psychiatry] , torture, sexual violence, all -- and prison terms that can go up to 15 years for just saying no to the war,
[25:39] This regime cannot be transformed into a democracy. It has to stand trial [* to stand trial = to be put on trial in a court of law 裁きを受ける。法廷で裁かれる] for all the crimes committed against the Russian people and against everyone else around.
[26:13] 債務上限引き上げを巡る攻防
[26:13] A looming global financial crisis of Congress' own making [* of one's own making = caused by one's own actions 自らが作り出した] is still months away. But time is already running short on Capitol Hill.
[27:49] He's saying essentially that the House Republican Conference [* The House Republican Conference is the party caucus for Republicans in the United States House of Representatives ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_Republican_Conference ] plans to pass something.
[28:22] Dueling letters and dueling press conferences right now. But you do have some new reporting on what could be a short term off-ramp [* = an exit strategy 出口戦略] .
[29:07] We saw this op-ed [* = a newspaper page containing signed articles by commentators expressing viewpoints that may not agree with those espoused by the editorial board, traditionally printed opposite the editorial page ] from Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia come out today, in which he said the Biden administration is determined to pursue an ideological agenda, rather than confront debts and deficits.
[32:19]★今日のおすすめ★ テキサスの連邦裁判所判決 オバマケアの予防医療を雇用主は負担する必要なし
[32:19] A federal judge in Texas has ruled that employers cannot be required to cover key preventative health care benefits under the Affordable Care Act. It jeopardizes free coverage of a wide range of services for some 160 million Americans. The Biden administration is expected to request a stay [* = a suspension or postponement of a legal action or an execution. 執行の停止あるいは延期] on the ruling.
[32:45] Just to set the table here, this ruling stems from a case brought by Christian-owned businesses and some others who argued they shouldn't have to cover HIV PrEP, which is a pre-exposure prophylaxis [* = prevention of, or protective treatment for, disease 病気の予防法] .
[33:18] On the other hand, this is a very significant decision; 100 million people in a typical year use the preventive services that the Affordable Care Act requires and requires insurers to provide with no deductibles [* = 控除免責金額。免責] and no co-pays [* co-pay = The insurance copay is an out-of-pocket insurance expense that doesn’t go away after you meet your deductible. 免責金額を超えた後も必要になる自己負担額。医療保険に関する語句はこちらを参照:https://note.com/wgc888/n/n12706227b9f8#a15d9d8e-21ce-4e59-b9be-fbdd7ace7c87].
[37:04] And Republicans really are not publicly talking about repealing the ACA anymore. But this ruling potentially puts them on the hot seat [* on the hot seat = in a difficult position; subject to much attention or criticism. ]
[37:37] 新型コロナ流行期のホームレス市民をホテルの空き部屋に滞在させるプログラム終了へ
[45:13] イラク戦争開戦から20年 イラク系アメリカ人女優・脚本家Heather Raffoの映画を通して振り返る
[48:12] They have deep and complicated feelings, both politically and personally, and that we can't pigeonhole [* = to categorize 分類する] them to one side of an issue.