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[PBS NewsHour June 15, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:47] 今日の主要ニュース
[05:45] President Biden has renewed his push to eliminate hidden junk fees [** junk fees 以前の番組に出てきました。不当な追加料金。あれこれ加算される不明朗な馬鹿げた料金。] . He hosted executives from Live Nation, Airbnb and others today, the companies committed to showing actual purchases -- purchase prices up front.
[07:31] ウクライナ戦争 反転攻勢の前線からIndependent Television NewsのEmma Murphy記者がリポート
[11:22] A Russian drone has been spotted. Breaking cover [** to break cover = to suddenly and quickly emerge from a place of hiding or protection (thefreedictionary) ] risks being hit.
[13:03]★今日のおすすめ★ 国連のマーティン・グリフィス(Martin Griffiths)人道問題担当事務次長へのインタビュー/ウクライナのダム決壊後の救援活動/黒海穀物イニシアティヴ再延長にロシアの合意を取り付けられるか/内戦の続くスーダンへの救援活動/アフガニスタンに救援物資を届けるためのアフガン女性のNGO勤務
[17:28] MARTIN GRIFFITHS: My response would be, that is, don't let the Black Sea initiative [** = Black Sea Grain Initiative
see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sea_Grain_Initiative ] fail, because the needs of the people in the global South, the needs of global food security are as keen now as ever.
[19:59] What we're doing at the moment, Geoff, in Afghanistan is to work for women, with women through principally Afghan NGOs, of course, because of the exemptions and exceptions and permissions that we can obtain from the Taliban, both nationally and regionally. An exception doesn't prove the rule [** この部分は、おそらく次のような意味だと思われる:タリバンから例外的にアフガン女性がNGOで働く許可を得られたとしても、アフガン女性は迫害を受けていない、という証明にはならない。] . An exception still means that women and girls in Afghanistan are a repressed minority or, indeed, majority. We need to see some sort of a viability of their reentry into the life of the country.
[22:21] 南部バプテスト協議会(Southern Baptist Convention) 女性が教会指導者になることを禁止/違反の2つの教会を除名処分(南カリフォルニアのSaddleback Churchとケンタッキー州ルイビルのFern Creek Baptist Church)/Fern Creek Baptist Church指導者を30年以上務めているLinda Barnes Popham牧師に聞く
[29:31] GEOFF BENNETT: What message do you think this vote sends to women who serve in leadership roles throughout the church, whether it's leading the music ministry [** music ministryとは… A church ministry is an action or service that is done in response to God's call on a person's life. The music ministry uses music in some way to serve God. Service to God through the music ministry is generally expressed as service to the congregation of a church. Encouraging believers, supporting the sermon, praising and worshipping God and sharing the gospel with nonbelievers through song are all responsibilities of a music ministry. https://classroom.synonym.com/the-definition-of-music-ministry-12317807.html ] or the youth ministry, running Sunday school?
[30:09] And I do believe that Jesus would say to those, woe to you [** woe to you = 汝(なんじ)に災いあれ ] . I think he would sadly say, woe to you, scribes [* = ユダヤの律法学者] and Pharisees [* = パリサイ派。 see: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Jesus/Scribes-and-Pharisees ] and teachers of the law [* = ユダヤの律法学者 ] , you hypocrites. You are not majoring on [* to major on = to deal with as the main area of interest ] the right things. You have departed from the most important things. You have neglected the things that God wants you to be doing.
[30:55]★今日のおすすめ★ 4月と5月の海面温度 過去最高/国立大気研究センター(National Center for Atmospheric Research)のKevin Trenberthに聞く/どのような影響があるか
[36:54] There's been very little indication that all of the actions that governments and people around the world are taking is really knocking back [** knock back 文脈を考えると、「削減する」「押し戻す」という意味のようだが… ] the amount of emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
[37:32]★今日のおすすめ★ 公海は犯罪の無法地帯/この問題を報道したThe Outlaw Ocean ProjectのIan Urbinaに聞く
[40:41] It was already under the E.U.'s yellow card system for violations and aggression to smaller artisanal vessels [** artisanal vessels = 文脈を考えると artisanal fishingで使うような小型の漁船のことだと思われる // artisanal fishing (or traditional/subsistence fishing) consists of various small-scale, low-technology, low-capital, fishing practices undertaken by individual fishing households (as opposed to commercial fishing) (wikipedia) ] . Operating in a pack, the Ping Shin 101 had all the advantages over that patch of ocean. A small dhow didn't stand a chance.
[42:09] Despite dozens of witnesses and troves of evidence, violent crimes occur regularly and with full impunity, because the work force that operates in this space is poor, invisible, and has no leverage with the law. It also occurs because there's no requirement under maritime law to report it, no central database for logging crimes, and flag registries don't want investigations that may require them to actually do something about it, because the legalities [** legality = (often legalities) a duty or obligation imposed by law ] of doing so are complex and costly. The old saying is, crime is only countered [* to counter = to take action in response to; to respond (wiktionary)] as much as it is counted. And, at sea, that's not much.
[45:37] IAN URBINA: The Magic Pipe [** = このあとMagic Pipeとは何かの説明がある see also : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_pipe ] is -- it's usually a four-or-five-meter-long tube that connects the storage container that holds the dirtiest waste on shipping vessels that you're supposed to carry, and then unload when you get into port. And it's costly and time-consuming for large ships to do it the right way, the legal way. So the solution is, you want a Magic Pipe that goes underneath the ship and disappears -- that's what magic -- this sludge, this oil into the ocean. And it's easy to get away with it because no one's out there looking for it. So, oil spills are bad, but intentional spilling is much worse.