

PBS NewsHour June 21, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:27] 行方不明の潜水艇 懸命の捜索が続く中、海中の打音を捕捉か

[05:42] PETER GIRGUIS, Harvard University: Oftentimes, when organizations want to push the technology envelope [** < push the envelope = to go beyond established limits; to pioneer ] , they will use materials that are uncommon or take designs that have been -- haven't been tested.

[06:59] 今日の主要ニュース

[10:38] And, in Southern England, some 8,000 revelers descended on Stonehenge to mark the summer solstice. They gathered around the prehistoric stone circle to greet the sunrise on this longest day in the Northern Hemisphere. The crowd included Druids [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druidry_(modern) ] , tourists and locals all ushering in the official start of summer.

[11:30] ギリシャ沖の移民船沈没 数百人死亡/強まるギリシャへの批判

[16:06] MALCOLM BRABANT: Greece is under fire because of its hard-line anti-migrant policy, including proven cases of so-called pushbacks [** ギリシャが行っているpushbackとは何かの説明] , where rescued refugees have been taken back out to sea, in stark comparison to the Italians, who honor their obligations under international law.

[17:15] 最新世論調査結果/ロー対ウェイド判決破棄から一年 連邦最高裁への信頼は一年前に落ちたまま/積極的差別是正措置は継続すべきか/性別は2つだけか

[17:41] So, Lisa, confidence in the court dropped significantly after the Dobbs decision [** ロー対ウェイド判決を破棄した判決
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ドブス対ジャクソン女性健康機構事件 ] last year. Was that a short-term reaction, or does this poll show that the sentiment persisted?

[19:32] GEOFF BENNETT: Our team also asked about an issue before the court right now, affirmative action [** 積極的差別是正措置。アファーマティブ・アクション。人種的少数派に対する過去の差別を反省し、差別是正のために、少数派を優遇すること。https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirmative_action_in_the_United_States ] . What did we learn?

[22:09]★今日のおすすめ★ また最高裁に倫理問題 今度はSamuel Alito判事/ヘッジファンド・ マネージャーPaul Singerによる2008年のアラスカへの釣り旅行接待/その後Paul Singerが関係する10件以上の訴訟を最高裁が審理/この問題を報じたProPublicaのJosh Kaplan記者に聞く

[22:22] Coupled with previous reporting on the relationship of Justice Clarence Thomas and Republican megadonor Harlan Crow [** 以前の番組に出て来た関連ニュース ] , it raises serious ethical questions regarding the High Court.

[28:20]★今日のおすすめ★ 残りの会期に多くの重要な判決が控える連邦最高裁/最高裁担当のMarcia Coyleに聞く/積極的差別是正措置/バイデン政権の学生ローン返済免除/不法移民の国外退去手続き/州裁判所が州の選挙法を見直す権限縮小

[30:29] There was a question as to whether the plaintiffs in this case had legal standing [** = 当事者適格、原告適格。 以前の番組に詳しい説明があります ] .

[30:39] The states that have brought the challenges, they're red states led by Republican governors, and two individuals who brought a separate challenge, whether they actually have what the court requires for standing, and that is a concrete injury [** concrete injury = an injury (=損害) that is real and not abstract. Although the Supreme Court has not clearly articulated what makes a particular harm sufficiently concrete for standing purposes, it has provided some broad guidance.
https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artIII-S2-C1-6-4-2/ALDE_00012997/ ] . And it really is very attenuated [** to attenuate = to weaken. (この文脈では)原告としての適格性の基準は、具体的な損害を被った、あるいは被る可能性が高いということだが、ここで話題になっている訴訟の原告は、その基準をあまり満たしていないという意味 ] here, especially for the two individuals who brought the suit out of Texas. So it could kill the case. If the justices decide that they don't have standing, the case will be gone.

[34:56] トランプの海外ビジネスに新たな倫理問題/オマーン政府所有地の開発に関する30年契約/The New York Times紙のEric Lipton記者に聞く/利害の衝突の懸念

[40:38]★今日のおすすめ★ 岐路に立つアメリカ:分断の原因と解決策を探るシリーズの第9回/政治的分断を反映する教育委員会

シリーズ 第1回 第2回 第3回 第4回 
第5回 第6回 第7回 第8回

[44:09] But later that summer, a resolution was introduced against teaching Critical Race Theory [** 以前の番組に出てきました ] , or CRT, in this overwhelmingly white district.

[48:19] BRETT ZOOK, Parent: There is some agreement that some things are off-limits. My argument is, this is more about where to draw the line, and why not err on the side of caution? [** to err on the side of ... = to choose which mistake (err) will be perpetuated when all available options would result in different mistakes. どちらを選んでも間違いを犯す可能性があるなら…の方を選ぶ ]

[52:46] JEFF BROOKS: It had become very personal attacks on me, that I was a groomer [** < to groom = to attempt to gain the trust of (somebody, especially a minor) with the intention of subjecting them to abusive or exploitative behavior such as sexual abuse. 性的に利用するために子供を手なずける ] for children, that I supported kiddie porn.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

