
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.25]

PBS NewsHour Feb. 24, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:44] ★今日のおすすめ★ ウクライナ戦争1周年 現地リポート

[08:45] what the U.S. calls crimes against humanity that I have been reporting on committed by Russian forces who are waging total war. [* = total war is a strategy in which militaries use any means necessary to win, including those considered morally or ethically wrong in the context of warfare. The goal is not only to decimate but to demoralize the enemy beyond recovery so that they are unable to continue fighting. https://www.thoughtco.com/total-war-definition-examples-4178116]

[11:06] Artem Shalata is a Donetsk region war crimes prosecutor who is investigating the strike that he calls a violation of the rules of war. [* The rules of war, or international humanitarian law (as it is known formally) are a set of international rules that set out what can and cannot be done during an armed conflict. https://www.icrc.org/en/document/rules-war-why-they-matter]

[17:39] 今日のその他のニュース

[20:17] Meantime, Vice President Kamala Harris met today with reproductive rights [* 避妊や中絶など家族計画を行う権利。前にも説明しました ] advocates and defended access to abortion pills.

[21:50] トルコ・シリア地震発生から2週間 救助から復興へシフト

[24:13] This is what we call complex [* 複合的な] trauma, because, OK, the incident happened the first time, but now it is reoccurring.

[26:15] We were calling out: "Civil defense [* = The Syria Civil Defence = White Helmets 前に説明しました], please help us. We are going to die."

[27:22] マルコムX 半世紀以上前の暗殺の真相解明求め遺族が提訴

[30:38] I'm extremely gratified and really had no way of knowing, going into this, [* これを始めた時に。この件に関わり始めた頃には。当初 ] that it would culminate in such a spectacular victory. I think it's unprecedented in U.S. history that that's ever happened.

[31:12] 議会襲撃事件 監視カメラ映像をFox Newsだけに開示

[32:07] And has been a megaphone for baseless conspiracy theories that deflect blame from former President Trump, including the idea that rioters on January 6 were actually victims of a government false flag plot. [* false flag= 偽旗(作戦) 。にせ旗。 A diversionary or propaganda tactic of deceiving an adversary into thinking that an operation was carried out by another party.]

[33:35] McCarthy told The New York Times this week that the tapes belong to the public and he wants sunshine on them.[* 公の目にさらす。日の目を見るようにする]

[34:58]★今日のおすすめ★ 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る

[36:40] I guess their argument is that the people on the committee were not exactly friends to Donald Trump, and so somebody who is more friendly to Donald Trump should have a whack at it. And so you want to pick the Edward R. Murrow of our day, Tucker Carlson. [* Murrowが信頼を集めたジャーナリストだったのに対して、比較にもならない、ジャーナリストとも呼べないようなCarlsonを「現代版Murrow」と皮肉り、監視ビデオの開示相手としてCarlsonを選んだ下院議長の見識のなさも嘲笑している。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_R._Murrow ]

[38:48] So the fact that 47 percent of Republicans say that it's too much, and 54 percent of Trump voters say that it's too much, to my mind, says that, after the president releases his budget on March 9, or when the president goes back to Congress for more funding, that we will then start to see this friction that we have only been talking about in theory play out in public. And I think, from the administration's perspective, that kind of daylight [* (一致団結していたものが分かれて出来る)すき間。意見の不一致 (figurative) Emotional or psychological distance between people, or disagreement.(wiktionary)] is not helpful,

[40:10] And, this week, Ron DeSantis went on "FOX & Friends," and he sort of danced between the two [* 一方の立場をとったり、もう一方の立場をとったりして、はっきりさせない。あいまいな立場をとる ] , sort of edging a little toward -- but what you're seeing is a party bitterly divided over something of real substance.

[40:39] Here's just a snippet of what you were saying a year ago when it came to [* when it comes to = with regard to; as for …に関して・…について ] the war in Ukraine.

[42:42] There's been a global decoupling of our economies.[* グローバル経済で世界の経済が相互依存・統合の方向へ向かっていたのに対し、分離・分断の方向へ大きく舵を切ったこと] Energy flows have radically changed. Russia and China have come together.

[43:22] Could China's entry into this war, as we have seen U.S. officials warning against the provision of lethal aid [* = 武器援助。前に説明しました], could that change the direction of the war?

[44:35] Yes, unfortunately, because of our oceans, and most of the American people have no real skin in the game [* = a stake], it's easy for us to go from the euphoria of cheering on an underdog to, like, yes, this has been going on a while, I'm going to go on and think about other things.

[46:26]★今日のおすすめ★ 合同ウクライナバレー団が見せる勇気と強さ

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
