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[00:00] Introduction
[02:21] Native Hawaiian discusses cultural landmarks, art and artifacts destroyed by Maui wildfire
As disaster recovery efforts ramp up on Maui, so too has the arduous search operation. The confirmed death toll now stands at 106 people and with most of those victims still unidentified, families and friends of the missing are left fearing the worst. Historic landmarks, art and artifacts have also been destroyed. Noelani Ahia discussed the cultural loss with Geoff Bennett.
《ハワイ山火事; マウイ島山火事; Maui; Hawaii; Noelani Ahia; Mauna Medic Healers Hui》
[10:22] News Wrap
Russian drone strikes damage port infrastructure along Danube in Ukraine: In our news wrap Wednesday, Ukraine resumed operations at ports along the Danube River after a night of Russian drone strikes, 55 people were killed in Libya during intense militia clashes, an explosion in the Dominican Republic claimed the lives of 25 people and Secretary of State Blinken spoke by phone with Paul Whelan, the American citizen wrongfully detained in Russia for more than four years.
《Republican Congressman George Santos; Sam Miele; The Marion County Record; 》
[12:42] A prosecutor in Kansas says police should return items seized during a raid on a local newspaper last week. Law enforcement stormed the office of The Marion County Record after claims that one of its staff members obtained information illegally. The attorney said there isn't enough evidence to link the alleged crime with the seized items or with that newsroom. [** 先日放送された関連ニュース ]
[13:49] A former fund-raiser for Republican Congressman George Santos [** 関連ニュース ] has been charged with wire fraud and identity theft. Sam Miele is accused of scheming to defraud donors and raise money for Santos' campaign by impersonating a high-ranking aide to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Miele pleaded not guilty to the charges today in a Brooklyn federal court.
[14:59] Congressional Hispanic Caucus asks Biden to investigate separation of fathers at border
Reports of inhumane treatment from the separation of families to razor wires on river buoys have put a spotlight on the tactics of Operation Lone Star, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's effort to control migration at the U.S.-Mexico border. Hispanic Democratic lawmakers are putting pressure on the Biden administration to investigate the claims. Laura Barrón-López discussed more with Geoff Bennett.
《Operation Lone Star; Eagle Pass, key border community; Congressman Joaquin Castro, Texas Democrat ; Uriel Garcia, Texas Tribune reporter; International Boundary and Water Commission, binational agency overseeing international Rio Grande territory》
[18:23] GEOFF BENNETT: On this issue of Democrats calling on the Biden administration to take action, the DOJ has done that, haven't they? Didn't the DOJ sue Texas over that floating barrier? [** 関連ニュース ]
[22:40]★今日のおすすめ★ 汚染処理水の海洋放出がもうすぐ始まる福島原発 その内部をリポート/Inside the Fukushima nuclear plant 12 years after catastrophic meltdown
Japan will soon begin the process of releasing radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean from the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant. As final preparations are being made, Science Correspondent Miles O'Brien has a rare look inside the facility.
《福島; 津波; 福島原発; 原発事故; 汚染処理水; tritium; トリチウム; 汚染処理水海洋放出; Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant; Miles O'Brien; Lake Barrett, paid consultant to the Toyota Electric Power Company; Three Mile Island meltdown; Nuclear Regulatory Commission; TEPCO; 東京電力; corium; 炉心溶融物; Akira Ono, leading the decontamination and decommissioning effort, TEPCO; decommissioning; 原発の廃炉; advanced liquid processing plant; removing 99.9999 percent of the radionuclides [ * = radioisotope = 放射性同位体 ] with one exception, an isotope called tritium; Tritium is a mildly radioactive form of hydrogen that occurs naturally; luminescent; tritiated water, radioactive water; Ken Buesseler, marine radiochemist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; triggering anger and concern from fishermen and neighboring countries;
[24:35] MILES O'BRIEN: The ultimate goal here is to develop robotic technology to safely remove, contain and store the wreckage of the three nuclear reactors, piles of degraded concrete, melted steel and uranium, with all of its radioactive isotopes. The lava-like piles are called corium [** = Corium, also called fuel-containing material (FCM) or lava-like fuel-containing material (LFCM), is a material that is created in a nuclear reactor core during a nuclear meltdown accident. Resembling lava in consistency, it consists of a mixture of nuclear fuel, fission products, control rods, structural materials from the affected parts of the reactor...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corium_(nuclear_reactor) (Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります) 炉心溶融物。] .
[26:36] LAKE BARRETT: Water is injected at the top of the reactor vessel, you know, 40 50 feet above us, and it trickles down through this fuel debris onto the floor. MILES O'BRIEN: This steady stream of contaminated water has created a sorcerer's apprentice-style problem here. [** < The Sorcerer's Apprentice https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sorcerer's_Apprentice Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ] At first, they were generating between 130,000 and 160,000 gallons of radioactive water each and every day. In 2016, they completed a so-called ice wall, a $300 million subterranean perimeter of pipes cold enough to freeze the soil and keep much, but not all of the groundwater at bay.
[29:08] LAKE BARRETT: It's a chemical process, not a nuclear process. So it's like an ion-exchange resin in a home water softener [** water softner = A device which reduces the calcium and magnesium concentration of hard water by passing it through an ion exchange resin (wiktionary). ] .
[31:10]★今日のおすすめ★ Study estimates nearly half of U.S. water supply contaminated with 'forever chemicals'
A recent government study estimates nearly half of America’s tap water could contain toxic "forever chemicals" known as PFAS. These chemicals have been used in many everyday items since the 1940s from nonstick cookware to cosmetics to rain jackets. Exposure to them can lead to serious health outcomes. Stephanie Sy discussed the possible health implications and what can be done with Jamie DeWitt.
《PFAS; forever chemicals; half of America’s tap water could contain PFAS; 3M, a PFAS manufacturer; propose a more-than-$10 billion settlement; Jamie DeWitt; East Carolina University; about 14,000 individual chemicals; associated with chronic diseases, certain cancers; kidney cancer and testicular cancer etc.; multisystem toxicants; patients with more than 20 nanograms per mil in blood; EPA; only 6 PFAS are being recommended for regulatory action; 6種類のPFAS除去技術で他の多くのPFASも除去可能; reverse osmosis; 逆浸透圧浄水器が有効》
[34:18] In 2022, the National Academies came out with a report for clinicians, health care providers who might be treating people who are exposed to PFAS, and they had some specific recommendations for elevated standards of care that health care providers could give to patients who had concentrations greater than 20 nanograms per mil [** = milliliter ] of seven different PFAS in their blood.
[36:58]★今日のおすすめ★ 'The War Came to Us' offers reporter's perspective on Ukraine's fight against Russia
It's been nearly 18 months since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Tens of thousands of people have died as the brutal war grinds on. But even before the total invasion, this war has been going on for nearly a decade. Nick Schifrin discussed that with journalist Christopher Miller, author of the new book, "The War Came to Us."
《ウクライナ戦争の背景; 『The War Came To Us: Life and Death in Ukraine』; 新刊本; Christopher Miller, The Financial Times; Revolution of Dignity; reporting from Ukraine for 13 years》
[39:54] When you arrived in the Donbass as a Peace Corps volunteer so many years ago, you write that people there didn't think Kyiv cared very much about them or even considered them true Ukrainians. Do you think, as you would later write in the book, that that provided an opening for Putin to launch the Russian invasion in Eastern Ukraine in 2014?
CHRISTOPHER MILLER: It did. I think Putin found some fertile ground to exploit in 2014, which is why we saw some local Ukrainians take up arms against their own government and join these covert Russian forces, soldiers without insignia, and become a part of what the Russians presented at the time as a separatist uprising.
NICK SCHIFRIN: And that invasion, of course, followed what we now call the Revolution of Dignity, the Euromaidan protests in Kyiv, that you covered extensively. [** = The Revolution of Dignity, also known as the Maidan Revolution or the Ukrainian Revolution, took place in Ukraine in February 2014 at the end of the Euromaidan protests, when deadly clashes between protesters and state forces in the capital Kyiv culminated in the ousting of elected President Viktor Yanukovych and a return to the 2004 Constitution...
see also:
[41:17] This was a revolution that was bootstrapped [** to bootstrap = to carry out with minimum resources or advantages ] using kitchen utensils, digging up paving stones to defend themselves against attacking police forces.
[45:18] 再放送: もうすぐインドが人口世界第一位/気候変動が進む中14億人の食料をどう確保するか/India faces challenge of feeding its people as it becomes world's most populous nation
As India takes on the title of the world’s most populous nation, a question that looms thanks to climate change is how to feed 1.4 billion people. Small-scale farming families say crops are withering under record-high temperatures, cycles of drought and extreme rainfall and pest infestations. In partnership with the Pulitzer Center, Fred de Sam Lazaro reports for his series, Agents for Change.
《Green Revolution》
[52:07] Women's professional football players on the successes and challenges facing the sport
Boston is known as a sports-loving city, but there’s one team many might not know about. The Boston Renegades are a pro women’s tackle football team that has come to dominate their league. This story was produced as part of the PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs Summer Academy with mentor Michael Kaufman and student producers Angie Twombly, Keely Crawford, Sarah Youssef and Shawn McCarthy.
《Boston; Boston Renegades, tackle football team; NewsHour Student Reporting Labs journalism; Sarah Youssef》