
寄り添う美容室 ー "閉じる" ことで生まれる新たな居場所〜 ANN Hair Salon Project〜




 街で愛されていた美容室を引き継ぎつつ、オーナーが変わり新たな特色を持った美容室をつくる上で、” どのように髪にコンプレックスをもつ人でも訪れやすい場所をつくるか ” というのがテーマであった。

既存店舗の持つ大きな開口部を活かしながら、どのような設えで、どれくらい、美容室を " 閉じる " のか。
” 閉じる ” ことで訪れる人に 寄り添うと共に、ちょうどいい距離感で街とつながる。街の美容室として愛される空間をつくるため、丁寧にスタディを重ねながら設計を行った。




一目でどんな空間、雰囲気かが分かるので自分好みの店に入りやすいなど、客側にも一定のメリットはあるように思う。しかし、近年はネット上での予約や紹介等が主な集客方法であることを考えると、果たして” ガラス張りの美容室 ” は、訪れる人にとって居心地の良い空間なのだろうか。


















Atelier 27 : マンツーマンでお客さんと向き合う姿勢、1人1人に寄り添った施術
 ・美容室をどのように”閉じる”か (街に対して閉じすぎない距離感)




奥行き方向に長い店舗形状を生かし、テキスタイルで緩やかに規定された場を積み重ねる(レイヤリングする)ことで、従来の見通しの良すぎる美容室と異なる、適度に ” 閉じた ” 美容室をつくる。




























その中で、空間を間仕切る垂直部材はテキスタイルと家具のみとする提案を行い、” その場の空気を纏う居場所 ”を設計することとなった。

study process













in conclusion


建築の一要素としてテキスタイルを扱うことで、建築部材とは異なった柔軟性や透過性、可変性などの性質を空間にもたらし、” その場の空気を纏う居場所 ”をつくりだした。



(write by 小関眞子  辻川巧 )




物件名称:atelier 27


atelier 27


設計担当 architecture

辻川巧(建築ユニット TAS) Takumi Tsujikawa

辻川樹(建築ユニット TAS) Tatsuki Tsujikawa

小関眞子 Maco Koseki

テキスタイルデザイナー textile designer

松井萌真 Mona Matsui

special thanks

竹腰康平 様 中村旨博 様
近藤祐介 様


"ANN Hair Salon Project": A New Place Created by "Closing" - A Beauty Salon That Embraces You

"Resolve Various Hair Issues and Make Customers Happy"

This was the request from the owner who held this sentiment and commissioned the design of a beauty salon. She specializes in hair straightening and attracts customers with various hair issues, including other professionals who want to learn her techniques.

Taking over a beloved beauty salon in town, the theme of creating a new salon with unique features while inheriting the existing one was "how to create a place where people with hair complexes can easily visit."

While utilizing the large opening of the existing store, the design carefully considered how much and how to "close" the salon, so that it could provide a space where customers feel embraced while maintaining an appropriate connection to the city. The design process involved meticulous study to create a space that would be loved as a beauty salon in town.

By picking up the elements that shape the space and considering the small relationships between the town, customers, and employees, the project explored the ideal form and suitable space for a beauty salon. In addition, in collaboration with a textile designer, the project sought to explore the relationship between new architecture and textiles.


Let's consider the storefront design of hair salons located in the city.

While walking through the streets, one may notice that hair salons with street-level storefronts often have large glass windows that allow passersby to see the treatment scenes inside. Such an open design with clear visibility might be advantageous for the salon's visibility, making it easier for people to notice its existence. Customers may also benefit from this as they can quickly get a sense of the space and atmosphere and find a salon that suits their preferences. However, considering that online reservation and referrals have become the primary means of attracting customers in recent years, one might wonder whether a "glass-fronted salon" is a comfortable space for visitors.

An overly open space can be unsettling if one is conscious of others' gazes.

In addition, some people may feel reluctant to go to a hair salon, thinking "I don't look fashionable enough to go there" or "Can I really go to such a sparkling place in my worn-out state?" Especially for those who have a hair-related complex and need to go to a salon, spending time in a space where they are exposed to others' gazes may be uncomfortable.

Despite being a place to become beautiful and meet a new self, hair salons can sometimes be intimidating due to their spatial design. On one hand, it is a place where visitors can become even more beautiful and where they can celebrate special occasions. On the other hand, it is a place where people with insecurities can visit, overcome their worries, and become a new self.

Therefore, the question arises: can the difficulty and intimidation associated with going to a hair salon be mitigated by altering the spatial design?

With this thought in mind, the design of a hair salon that empathizes with visitors has begun.


Location and Surrounding Environment

The location is a 12-minute walk from the train station. It is situated in a residential area one street back from the main road, in a green and lush neighborhood with a housing complex in front and a large park nearby. The road in front of the store, which is also a living street where many locals walk, is a busy thoroughfare used as a shortcut to the main road.

Existing Store

The planned location is a store that has already been set up, and when the previous beauty salon was investigated, it was frequently seen that people in the town would drop in and have a casual chat with the former owner, and it had also become a place for local residents to relax. There is a significantly large opening compared to the storefront, and it is common to see passersby peeking inside. Next to it is an old-fashioned milk shop that can be considered a place that supports the lives of local residents.

Please find below the English translation of the text:

Design requirements

While the existing store had only one shampoo station and two cutting chairs, the new plan required two shampoo stations and three cutting chairs. It was also necessary to provide adequate waiting and backroom spaces, as well as sufficient storage space.


As previously mentioned, the beauty salon specializes in hair straightening, which is a time-consuming process that can take up to four hours when combined with cutting and coloring. Compared to a typical beauty salon, clients tend to spend a lot of time at the salon, and hairdressers have to work one-on-one with each client. Therefore, the salon aimed to create a space that prioritized the "personal space" of each client, rather than an open salon environment. At the same time, since the location had been a cherished community space for a long time, it was also desired that the salon be a space that was not completely closed off from the community.

Therefore, they considered creating an open space that would be "closed" through a specific design process, without completely cutting off the salon from the community.

Proposal summary

Atelier 27: One-on-one interactions with clients, personalized services, an environment that makes it easy for clients with hair insecurities to visit, a space that provides a sense of security, awareness of the problems caused by excessively open "glass-walled salons," and the challenge of how to "close off" the salon without completely isolating it from the community.


"Layering of space."

Utilizing the elongated shape of the store in the depth direction, a beauty salon is created that is moderately "closed" and different from traditional beauty salons that have a too clear view by layering spaces that are gently defined by textiles.

Layering refers to "stacking" layers. It is similar to wearing a shirt over another shirt or wearing a long-sleeved shirt under a short-sleeved shirt to create a contrast of colors or to achieve a see-through effect. For example, in mountaineering, the layering system involves wearing three layers of clothing: an outer layer, a middle layer, and a base layer. By adjusting the number of layers according to the weather and level of activity, a comfortable internal climate is maintained, and the optimal clothing is selected to maximize performance. Therefore, "layer" is not just a simple "layer," but the term "layering" implies a kind of layer with certain properties that contain air between layers.

"Layering of space" imagines the relationships that arise from stacking spaces, including the ambiance and environment of the space (elements that can be experienced through the five senses, such as sightlines, light, color, sound, and enclosure). It produces differences in the quality of interactive spaces, rather than being one-directional.

To create a personal space that closely fits each person, the space is divided by textiles rather than walls, creating a nearly individualized private space. Using textiles with transparency rather than walls produces spaces with different qualities that are layered. The quality of the space is high resolution and studied in detail using models and mock-ups.

Textiles are arranged in a planar manner with free curves and overlap with arches with different curvatures in the cross-section to create a space containing a variety of environments. For example, even the lighting environment changes every moment depending on the weather, people's presence, and the swaying of the textiles. In addition to lighting, various factors interact, creating a complex space. For those who spend a long time in the space, it creates a place where they can feel a certain naturalness.

Furthermore, the space becomes "selective" by moving. As a basic rule, the space towards the back becomes more private, and a gradient of spaces is created, allowing visitors to choose their comfortable space from different environments. By moving the textiles, people with complexes, customers with children, town people who come to chat, friends, and couples who visit together, people from various backgrounds can enjoy their own comfortable space.


00_ Existing hair salon (problem awareness of hair salons with too much visibility)

A hair salon with too much visibility due to its glass walls can become an uncomfortable place for customers. People who have trouble with their hair or have personal insecurities may feel more uneasy about going to such a salon.

01_ Zoning based on hair salon functions

The hair salon's functions are divided into four categories, and the public areas such as the waiting room and private areas such as the backroom are zoned in a layered manner.

02_ Zoning derived from the store's concept

To create a space that caters to each individual, the cut space, where customers spend a lot of time, is characterized for each seat. By further subdividing the public and private areas into four stages, the space gradually changes in a gradient manner.

03_ Layering of space using textiles

Each space is gently partitioned using textiles to create variations in the environment. Differences in elements such as sightlines, light, color, sound, and enclosure subtly create variations in the cut space environment that people feel. By creating different seating areas for each individual, it becomes possible for each person to select a comfortable space.

On the Relationship Between Textiles and Architecture

In architecture, textiles are often treated as mere accessories. While architects may consider color coordination, materials, and textures, textiles are typically thought of as "curtains" and are regarded as separate from the building itself.

What if we were to view textiles not as accessories, but as an integral part of architecture?

We can treat textiles as equivalent to the elements used to construct a building, such as floors, walls, ceilings, pillars, and beams. By using a material with the flexibility and translucency of cloth, it becomes possible to create spaces that feel like multiple private rooms, even in narrow spaces with long depths. The variability of the cloth and the mobility created by hanging it on curtain rails can also reduce the sense of compression. By creating flexible spaces with a range of seating options, we can create a small space that incorporates a variety of environments.

With these ideas in mind, for this project, textile designer Moema Matsui participated in the planning process from the very beginning, learning about the characteristics of textiles and studying international examples. We worked together to create spaces that are made possible by both architecture and textiles.

During the planning process, we had several meetings before settling on the concept diagram. We proposed using only textiles and furniture as vertical elements to divide the space, resulting in the design of a "place to inhabit surrounded by the atmosphere of the space."

In considering the role of textiles in shaping the space, we proceeded with caution, giving careful consideration to every aspect of the design.

Design Phase

Using a 1/10 scale model, we considered the shape of the textiles, the placement of the curtain rails, and the texture of the materials. We carefully studied the relationships between various elements that shape the environment, such as movement, lines of sight, field of view, translucency of materials, and how they appear when sitting, in order to create a space that is considerate of the people who will visit.

Although the space is not very large, we explored how the quality of the space changes in each location through careful consideration of subtle relationships.

Construction Phase

We set up mockups using nonwoven fabric and made on-site adjustments to the shape and placement of the textiles. We confirmed that the shapes and positions we considered with the 1/10 scale model generally had the expected effect.

We studied the relationships between the mirrors, the movement lines, the field of view when sitting in each seat, the direction of sight, and the way the light enters the space in concrete terms. We determined the dimensions of the textile arch shape, the relationship between the textile and the floor, and the size of the textile around the mirrors, which act as sleeve walls, in detail. It was a delicate operation, but as the impression of the space is largely determined by these factors, the designer and the textile designer worked together, sharing their opinions.

After installing the lighting, we adjusted the color tones to match the natural light. We finalized the materials and colors of the textiles to be used in the actual space on-site.

Considering the existing buildings and the deep depth of the store, we adopted a yellowish tone that provides warmth while ensuring brightness. With regards to the materials, we asked the textile designer to propose various possibilities from the early planning stages, and we had several meetings to discuss them. By the end of the detailed design phase, we had decided on materials with a mesh-like texture that have translucency, and those with a natural feel that is not made of synthetic fibers. We also searched (and struggled) to find textiles that can make large curtains without seams.

In Conclusion:

Through this project, we reconsidered the way hair salons operate and considered how to "close" what is currently open. While it is easy to physically "close" by cutting off the line of sight, we came up with this proposal by carefully considering how to be close to people and how to maintain a distance from the city.

By handling textiles as an element of architecture, we brought properties such as flexibility, transparency, and variability that differ from building materials to the space, creating a "place to wear the air of the moment".

A hair salon with a soft, enveloping atmosphere that is familiar to local residents.

We hope that this space, which contains various environments despite its small size, will be a comfortable space for visitors and become a hair salon loved by the people of the city, "solving various hair troubles and making visitors happy".

(Written by Maco Koseki and Takumi Tsujikawa)


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the many people who helped us complete this project. Regarding construction, many people participated under the condition of self-construction. We have heard that both sewing and dyeing of textiles were challenging. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation in the midst of your busy schedule. Thank you very much.

