『歎異抄』第二条 【英語訳】 Each of you has come to see me, crossing the borders of more than ten provinces at the risk of your life, solely with the intent of asking about the path to birth in the land of bliss.(
『歎異抄』後序 A Record in Lame Lament of Divergences, Postscript【英語訳】 I know nothing at all of good or evil...with a foolish being full of blind passions, in this fleeting world—this burning house—all matt
【英文】 “Saved by the inconceivable working of Amida’s Vow, I shall realize birth in the Pure Land”: the moment you entrust yourself thus to the Vow, so tha
●『歎異抄』序【英文】 A Record in Lame Lament of Divergences, Preface As I humbly reflect on the past [when the late Master was alive] and the present in my foolish mind, I cannot but lament the divergences fro