un-go 因果(アンゴ)論 ver 12.0
(to) un-go
"因果(アンゴ)論" or "on Cause and its Fruits"
when the sound of piped orchestra breaks in, and all of the bronze instruments urging for the lifting tone.
he calls it the breaking of fast.
the breaking of sworn peace.
what a sabbath. he himself bethinks.
no one can prevent the disillusionment of one's appetite through music, though it also only serves to prove most healthy human primal instinct to seek out nutritious and health-giving things that people misconstrue as craving for things one has not by his station.
old guard bourgeoisie thinking, always thinking of stuffing things into caves.
cavemen themselves are capable of making tools and fires, you know.
the young man attending the concert keeps around him an he-devil, though he borrows and dwells in the body of a woman. It was a dead woman who was young man's acquaintance but died in an unfortunate accident. The woman was the lead singer in an indie musician band that travels around war-ravaged areas and regions seeking to bring peace and comfort to people, especially children through music performance. There was one member among them who was a government spy. only children warmed up to them but only for the chocolate bars and candies they brought. They died when they got caught up in the guerilla warfare between a squadron of the local national liberation front and a detachment of the anti-terrorist expedition army of Japan.
The young man found the woman he once knew dying in a pool of blood. the devil has eaten her soul and taken possession of her body. The devil was an idolum brought by Japanese soldiers in ancient time to foreign soil for good luck in their invasion of enemy territories, the enemies who were once their Neighbours. but when they were defeated in the war they abandoned him while running away for their life towards home soil in fear.
The devil cannot bring back dead life,
but he is powerful otherwise.
the young man buried other members of the music band, but took the devil back with him to Japan. He was a refugee but takes up an odd job to find out about and search for things for others, missing or concealed things. Like honour, purpose, faith, passions in life, noble spirit, wisdom, love, power, richness. all those that affirm and grant true values to life, that are missing, in Japan after yet another military squabble over some land, political influences or resources or rights to disposable labour force.
it is rather cynical way to go about it. but the young man who keeps the devil around him is just your common odd job man, a factotum pretending detective. Just something people need when they cannot trust the nation's policemen.
He keeps the devil around him, sometimes keeps him away from others by concealing him in his heart, the he-devil in the form of a woman. It is kind of a business arrangement that they should be colleagues. But it was also because he had lost a bet to the devil and had to take it upon himself to allow the devil to do this job in the wider world and on a wider stage, like in Japan.
The devil can do mostly nothing, save for constantly giving human doubt in things
by questioning, and by questioning this one and only
Thing alone, which he knows not and wishes to know.
the question he asks is thus, usually
You there,
And a human being who has been asked this, to this question and this question alone can only answer Truth.
The young man feeds the truth to the devil, for the devil hungers eternally for nothing but truth, to satiate his protruding stomach always devoid of it. the arrangement is like so, the young man feeds the devil with veritable truth, so the devil might further help the young man to find more truths to feed him. This was his pact with the devil, he that dwells within him borrowing the illusory form of a dead woman, who is always jealous of truer and more real things and would ask all who are under her spell to do this one thing for her- find and grant her Truth, the true antidote to all her impotence and many illnesses upon this Earth.
Although to be clear, he can do nothing significant while he stays here on earth, but plead or seduce others into doing his bidding by postulating suggestive questions, he is a devil after all. One must know that he is powerless in front of real powers of creation. He only lives through the powers' begotten fruits and forgets where the seeds came from and where is the root.
A devil can do nothing of real effect in the universe, but still he constantly pesters the natural processes of creation. He sows doubts among people, in the things most unlikely to merit doubts. Like doubts for the truth within the righteous virtues of most righteous and virtuous saints, and within the most corrupted evil of most evil and corrupted murderers.
He does nothing, and only asks for one Thing. He is only a searching creature, always searching, he the searcher, searching neither above nor below the ground, but upon it. Searching for one Thing,
thus, when God comes to deliver judgement upon the devil, who sins the most by having doubt, and doubt in everything, even so including God, the devil does not resist. nor does anything novel, creative or meaningful. He simply asks again, "Why?" Just like he does from the beginning of time.
To him, no one can refuse to answer anything regarding this word alone, but all must tell the truth. And no one can refuse to answer anything at all outright. He is the devil, this is his only function in the universe, and he is granted limited omnipotence, provided it is only in this asking function of his--- to ask Why, and cause doubts in everything created by men or cosmos. He is always there to ask, even at the moment when you are most sure of yourself---for example, at the highest triumph of your life, believing all your existence lead to and are made golden in this magic moment. In the next moment, all that you have believed to be the culmination of your destiny, promising so much above merely a mortal can dream of, all those sad expectations and mad hopes for a pitiable eternally half-knowing human, for some reason unknown would have either come an utterly unpredictable end in a graceless downfall that exposes rash misunderstandings and grave errors, or a graceful one with a similitude of folly, or simply its values and importance through the passage of infinite time, would come to pass too. And being exposed, leaving out or leaving behind, only raw and naked truth remains by mortal humans that went away, and these were the answers solicited by the devil in his questioning, in his doubting of all things. It is the triumph of something eternally changeless and perfect against temporal and fragile things, but that lasts no longer than a moment either.
Soon something new would emerge, and the devil would once more inquire against the old things by comparing it with a newer thing, or in the reverse.
"'Why?' "
I am always searching, neither here nor there, nor north nor south, nor west nor east. I am only searching, till the meaning of searching itself has become dubious and there is no true human and their humanity worth searching for left behind on the earth anymore.
The young man from the far east keeps the devil around him. it was a practical arrangement. he is a pretending detective, and the devil is his pretending assistant. However, he does not solve mysteries in crimes like real detectives do. That would mean to simply deliver a just sentence by way of pronouncing something is 'evil' upon its predetermined worth. That is not the Truth that he seeks for the sake of the devil inside him. "'evil'" is a mercurial and inordinate thing. The positive or negative market worth of something 'evil' always fluctuate according the justice system of that culture and era that gave birth to that 'evil ' itself. Justice against certain evil is only changeless when people still need it to protect them from that kind of evil of their time and place. And when evil dies there, they forgive or rather, forget. It is only through ever-present evil itself in a place or time we become good or just by being reminded constantly what evil is, in the vicinity of where human is.
but the young man does not seek justice. he is not a policeman, public persecutor or a judge. he is an odd job Man and a pretending detective, he detects and sorts out things in order, like Truth.
He does nothing significant, he only asks, sometimes he asks the ground, and sometimes living or sometimes dead constructs and matters upon it, whether they have a speaking tongue or not. He essentially does the same thing every time---he allows the devil inside him, a seductress feigning sympathy for those who are being questioned, to ask that one word she is allowed to ask of human or other things. Against everything, only one word. even if she asks the dead, the unknown, the mysterious, the natural and unnatural spirits…she may ask one question in a word they cannot refuse, and can only answer in infallible truth, to her question,
even against God.
the devil in the man, in the form of a beautiful woman dressed in the long dress made of sunlight, feigning sympathy for her victims again in order to find out the only Truth, she grows wings and flies to the space below the base of floating eternal kingdom of God above the clouds, and knocks twice upon that foundation level of Kingdom of God from below.
She waits for God to appear from above so she could ask her the usual question, with or without the help of angels.
and so God in ineffable glory of the heaven appears, burning as if happiest coal in the hearth, but so utterly blinding so you cannot see the colour of the flame.
She asks only one Word. though.
as always.
"'God'", she asks, "'Why?'"
and God spake, verily,
"'God is dead. '"
and it is so, for God is dead.
the flame burning the cosmos like a chunk of coal is black.
What a beautiful it is, the omnipotent God that has secretly plotted and orchestrated its death by its own Hand? since long before the birth and advent of mankind and their petty intelligence on a piece of ever-rotating moving rock, hopefully lasting for yet one more season as we speak, for yet one more miserable season.
God has made it true that God has never been, for God is dead. And it is the omnipotent God has made it so that he is and will always be dead. The only God that has murdered himself without Man knowing in God's long sleep.
the young man keeps the devil in his heart, he does not make an arrangement like the way of imprisonment feudal Daimyos did to princesses they favored. The arrangement was done simply because it was too much a pain in preventing her causing other humans, animals, vegetations, organic and inorganic things upon earth, or earth itself doubting themselves to death by the constant "Why". He let her out and accompany him buying grocery from department stores or going to the convenient store for a cheap 500 yen microwaved bento once in a while. He allows her to choose sweet pastries like manjuu 饅頭 or melonbread メロンパン sometimes.
The devil is a late-waker, she only gets out of bed after 2 pm at least. she looks like 14, but the annoyance with putting up with an immortal being that has lived for eternity and does nothing but asking for the truth behind everything, I assure you, is much greater than putting up with a 14-year-old delinquent girl-brat that is your cousin or younger sibling.
"Well, so. Shinjuurou.."
"What is it?"
the young man was choosing rental films in a dvd rental shop to take home and watch alone. he watches old German and Czech films, a hobby from younger days. he was annoyed by how recently shops like this one only stock American films nowadays. He watches old anime through streaming so he doesn't complain about some of the more boring new animes getting made and taking up a big corner in the rental shop.
there is no clock tower in Tokyo, nor a church with a time keeping bell up in the church's belfry. but 12 times have the bell been struck, and the longest hand in Shinjuurous timepiece has revolved clockwise 12 times. and yet one more round circle is to be drawn. and soon, the inaudible bell is struck, tolling.
and the longest hand reaches beyond 12.
"Shinjuurou, so. Why?"
"Well, I am only searching…
and always searching for it. though I often forget what it should look like, what I am looking for."
this was probably a joke and he meant the film he was looking for.
but Why Not?
let the search for a fictious something being what drives a human does not sound so bad if it drives you to happiness and justice in life. who can refuse a good film, a novel, the Bible, romantic poetry or video game that makes living truly joyful in an artful lie!
maybe it is permitted to lie to the devil a little, who seeks only truth in the universe, even when often she finds in truth only ugliness and despair, against the wishes and expectations of God and human that has created her.
make her watch the old German or Czech film with the young man.
Some lies can be good, or lying could be good too. Perhaps when you have befriended her, a little lies couldn't harm if it makes life well at ease on earth.
the bell is ready to be struck one more time, past the 12 cycles of revolution it has already run. it returns to where it has begun before that 12 cycles of searching, for something, against the cruel clockwise turning hands of time.
**** (She then bears her fangs at me, shining like those of a tusked boar that killed western men, gods and godlings in the past in Greece. Her horns are menacing, like that of a draconic ruler's crown, full of unspoken laws that administer cruel justice. Well, what I said is probably a wrong answer. I'd better recant)
henceforth, I say
"'I was only kidding.
Truth, and Truth always.'"
when you keep a he devil in the form if a beautiful and seductive woman that always gives you doubt about everything, including the universe and yourself as well, you can only answer with honest truth.
un-go, whether to go or not to go…I am always searching.
even after human is no longer human.
I search, this is my only truth."
yet the devil tonight, who stayed up really late to observe me messing about with a smart electronic typewriter, grew bored, yawning, and after that she sat across me on the other side of table, with one hand supporting her chin while her bright wine-dark eyes staring at me, observing, her hand caressing my knotted and dirty hair unwashed for a whole day, asking that question again.
"'ye who seek only Truth and Truth only, Why?'"
thus, I replied, with a bit impatience to having to put up this brat again at 4-5 am and grinded out a whole poem written in both English and machine-crunched Japanese with some stolen Occitan pieces thrown in. I sincerely just wanted to get to bed and sleep till afternoon again like a lazy bum I am, so I just picked a most familiar line from an old book I read, once.
"'I am searching, always,'"
"'let me search, and even now.
so may I be banished from all Truths eternally.'"
'Even now, and till the end of eternity
as the brightest beacon in the mountains and its rising smoke that signals the search
never-extinguished yet always-relit again daily with purpose,
so I search, and in solitude away from Truth always.
banished, and always finding more things real becoming less true by the moment.
returning then once more always to the fuming beacon
warning the travelling skiffs and boats off shallows and signaling
curious fishmongers the depths of the sea,
the smoke rising that tells the unexplored joy and rich and despair downwards in ambiguously looming salty water, or at the bottom,
the firmly sunken black earth'
My mission is always against all things true and appear truthful, even if be and do so as if for all foreseeable eternity, always recurring and returning to human upon this earth. As my Lady demands me of, my job is to ask those things in nature and fancy regardless of whether they are of human shapes, always, this question and this question alone, paralleling my Friend Yuuki Shinjuurou from Mr Sagakuchi Ango's Meiji detective fiction and the anime Un-Go.
Ye, "'Eternally Returning things'"
ever so in the solid real, and more so in shaded fancy…
fact, fiction, faith…science.
wherefore? wherefore?
must I doubt?
May I be banished…
May I be banished from all Truths, for I am a searcher of un-go 因果 (ango / one cause and many fruits of things); a happy living troubadour questing for the elusive elfin treasure-trove told by tales in the dark dense woods of Half-Death, devoid of all warm and concrete Things and their meanings.
and within that hoard pray there be a shining coin made not of any metal,
crafted of yore by a Giant or tribe of Giants long forgotten,
exiled from both the solar and lunatic light
more perfect than science, more ancient than man;
telling me, through its own worth and as a token of my faith and courtly romance,
whether 'Eternity' is to go or to un-go.