
【英語で読書感想文】Disappearing Earth by Julia Phillips ジュリア・フィリップス『消失の惑星【ほし】』

Title: Disappearing Earth
Author: Julia Phillips

One summer, in Kamchatka peninsula, two little sisters went missing. There is an witness who saw the girls walking with a man but police couldn’t find any clue....

This is what happened in the first chapter of Disappearing Earth. This book does not have main protagonist but each chapter focuses on different women including the witness, the girl’s mother, and the policeman’s wife. I think this book is more of a collection of well-written short stories, but the characters are slowly connected against the backdrop of the missing girls.

Chapter by chapter, the time was passing with little progress on the missing children case. It’s not a mystery-oriented story, honestly the important plot is quite predictable and bit cheesy to me. However, I’m still thrilled at how the author controls everything carefully. Many women in the book are not satisfied with their lives and feel stuck in their situations. Reading their passive struggles tired me but I must admit they are very realistic.

Also, I’m glad that I learned new things about northeast Russia. Kamchatka peninsula is relatively close to northern Japan but I knew very little about the place. The author includes a lot of history, cultural traditions and even racial conflicts in the land. Phillips addresses the discrimination toward indigenous people in Russia which is a very important theme of the story. After reading this book, I found that the author is an American who has lived there and researched to write this story. I’m curious to know how the people who were born and raised there think of this story.


