








 Though it would not go very smoothly, I believe renewable energy needs to be promoted. This is due to the issue of global warming, the concern of public health, and the fact that the traditional energy is a finite source.
Firstly, the current energy of major use is generated by burning fossil fuels. This causes emission of CO2, which has been the very cause of global warming. The rise of the sea levels threatens lives of sea creatures and some lands have been even facing of disappearance in the near future. It would play a crucial role if we stopped using the traditional energy in order to save the earth.
Secondly, discovery of the sources for the current use of energy itself is not eco-friendly. Drilling coals or gas itself is actually harmful to humans. The neighboring areas result in having heavily polluted water, which has been all the time vital for local citizens.
Finally, the fact that the sources in the current use are finite is the reason for humans to avoid finding other resources. Energy such as solar and wind can last almost forever and thus, we can depend on them over and over again.
Though there would be some ways to go until it gets on the rails, I believe renewable energy needs to be dominant instead of the traditional energy as I described above.


 I believe that governments should spend no more money on genetic engineering technology. This is due to the major responsibilities of governments, profits of private corporation, and ethical points of dilemma.
Firstly, one of the most significant roles government plays is how to utilize its budgets effectively after collecting its sources from taxpayers. Governments should more concentrate on issues to be solved in all haste. Moreover, this area of genetic technology is associated in some ways with food production and medical and health fields. Governments should invest more on these basic areas to support the area in a wide meaning.
Secondly, private corporations need to keep healthy operations. The more they success in investigation of new technology, the more profits they approach. Thus, the new fields such as genetic engineering is ideal for these private corporation to pursuit.
Finally, genetic engineering is so new field that there is always ethical dilemma. One of the main goals in this area is to make better plants, animals, or even humans by recombining genes. This certainly has an aspect of ignoring the nature. Consequently, the issue is likely to remain controversial, and opponents never diminish.
I believe genetic technology should be supported by governments, in the view of the effective use of budgets, its characteristics which should be more concentrated on by private corporations, and remaining ethical issues to its area.











