【天使のような看護学生】リンパ芽球性リンパ腫・白血病 (6)








2つ目のレベルは、医療分野などでの早期就職につながる。高校、そして学校という意味の "Schule "があるが、高校や大学の最高レベルではない。高校は5年間、あるいは高校3年間と、より専門的な学習や訓練を2年間受けることになる。日本の高専に似ているだろう。(制度の変化により、高校が5年制から4年制になったり、年によっても変化があるよう。)



実は、この外科実習を終えた直後に入院したのよね...... XYZの観光を予定していた日に緊急入院になった。なんと儚い……










だから、彼女が私の側に居るからと母に再度海を直ぐに渡って来なくても大丈夫だと伝え、この "天使のような" 叔母がその代わりを務めてくれた。後に彼女が何をしようと、この時は私に必要なとても楽しくて優しい家族だった。











追記:このエピソードは些細なことの域を超えた、めっちゃ優しくて感激する友情の始まり。とはいえ、アリス本人から言わせたら、「人として当たり前のなんともない些細な対応」という。あなたにとってはちょっとした言葉や行動が、誰かの心に一生残り、人生を変えることもあるかもよ😉 そして、既にあなたも、多くの人々の心を動かして、気がつかないうちに沢山の人生に影響を与えているかもよ😉(アリスに限らず、私は病院でスタッフと交わした沢山の会話、ふとした一言、色々と救われている。)



There was an immigrant girl whom I met during her internship as a nursing student and my hospital stay immediately after my ‘internship.’ Let us call her Alice.

She wanted to become a doctor. So, she decided to go to nursing school, then apply to medical school thereafter.

In Germany,the have 3 levels of high school. The first is the easiest and shortest. This, I do not know much about. The second level is the one the most number of students seem to go through. He last is Gymnasium. Completing Gymnasium can lead to a high school diploma that qualifies to enter university. All other forms of high school doesn’t allow this direct application to university.

The second level leads to early employment in the medical field and perhaps other fields I’m not very familiar with. They have high school, then have “Schule” which means school, but not the highest level of high school or university. I think it’s 5 years of high school, or 3 years of high school plus 2 years of more specialized learning and training.

Alice was a Schwesternschülerin, meaning a female student in the nursing program.
She was very young and was interested in medical school.
Most of all, she was the sweetest and most caring person.

I actually was in Xxx for a surgery practikum, meaning a surgery practical. This is where medical students worked as staff to learn and train in the field. We had such practicals. One nursing practice at first years, then internal medicine and surgery in higher years. The last year if medical school is the training year. This is like PGY1, internship/ residency.

I actually landed in the hospital right after I completed this surgery practical…… on the day we had scheduled to sight see xyz.

After this urgent admission, I had been admitted to the ICU, then worked my way up to the normal ward and transfer to a physiotherapy hospital, then went home. Of course, with several cycles of therapy, I was readmitted for each cycle.

The first admission was when Alice and I met.

I was literally alone.

My hospital was at least an hour and a half away by car. My colleagues and friend visited me when they didn’t have work.

Still, my hospital stay was long. I couldn’t move at all. I couldn’t go out to buy stuff or have my family bring stuff.

Still, my hospital stay was long. I couldn’t move at all. I couldn’t go out to buy stuff or have my family bring stuff.

At the time, my psychopath Aunt came to visit me soon after her wedding with her second husband and spoke about her plan to live with my mom after my graduation from med school, after her husband died…… He was well and fully autonomous at the time……. (He actually did pass in exactly 2 years time, due to refusing dialysis for renal failure…… There’s an entire unbelievable story behind this, which I published in a book I never reread. It’s absolutely chilling…… But I won’t go into details here. It’ll be more “sane” if all the ’sh*t’ I saw and heard was a delusion or hallucination. Seriously, life can throw seriously f#*ked up sh*t at you, more surreal than fiction.)

Anyway, she seemed like the most helpful and cheerful kind person at the time. Kinda knowing her all my life, though we lived in different continents for the most part, her words, “I try to do good. I know I am not always a good person, but my faith helps me to at least do good as best to my ability,” (paraphrased) was very convincing.

Well, being from the opposite side of the globe, never in this town before, she was helpful, but wasn’t fluent in her actions of getting stuff and maneuvering. Still, I was deeply grateful at the time.

So, when my mom needed to arrange things at work to take time off to visit me, this angel-like aunt filled her place.

Alice saw my situation, with my blessings and massive challenges. As a kind student, she became a friend. She brought funny DVDs and a ton of snacks. Literally, she dropped by my hospital room after her internship ended, just to pop in and hand me a huge paper bag of DVDs and snacks to help me through my sudden highly debilitating hospitalization.

We exchanged WhatsApp contacts, and kept in touch for the entire duration I was in the country. I think we would’ve kept in touch, had I not lost my ### phone number. I used a prepaid SIM, so when I didn’t top up, the number was recycled.

I suck at keeping in touch with important fiends, when distance becomes a hurdle, don’t I?

Hahaha….. stuck in bed, the DVDs she brought literally saved my sanity. I could enjoy the shows, and I appreciate this new friendship. Her kindness was priceless. The text messages we exchanged, the conversations we had, the connection with the outside world in a country I had yet to build a foundation in, this really really helped.

She wanted to become a doctor, but her compassion and kindness and the unrestricted help that was in her nature is perfect for a nurse. She’s really meant to be a nurse, more than she might have realized at the time.

New friendships, the act of kindness, various wonderful people and occurrences at the hospital really made this entire battle bearable. After years, the only things I can remember are the positive memories.


ぜひサポートよろしくお願いします。 ・治療費 ・学費 等 に使用し、より良い未来の構築に全力で取り組みます。