CEA(がん胎児性抗原): 主に肺腺がんで高値を示しますが、消化管の悪性腫瘍や喫煙者、高齢者でも高値を示すことがあります。
CYFRA21-1(サイトケラチン19フラグメント): 非小細胞肺がん、特に扁平上皮がんで高値を示します。また、他のがんや良性疾患でも高値を示すことがあります。
SLX(シアリルLex-i抗原): 非小細胞肺がんで使用されることがあります。
SCC(扁平上皮がん関連抗原): 扁平上皮がんで高値を示すことが多いです。
ProGRP(ガストリン放出ペプチド前駆体): 小細胞肺がんで特に高値を示します。
NSE(神経特異エノラーゼ): 小細胞肺がんで高値を示すことが多いです。
Tumor markers that respond to lung cancer play an important role in the diagnosis, assessment of treatment effectiveness, and monitoring for recurrence of cancer. Here are some of the main tumor markers associated with lung cancer:
CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen): This marker is often elevated in lung adenocarcinoma but can also be high in gastrointestinal malignancies, smokers, and older individuals.
CYFRA21-1 (Cytokeratin 19 Fragment): This marker is elevated in non-small cell lung cancer, particularly in squamous cell carcinoma, and can also be elevated in other cancers and benign diseases.
SLX (Sialyl Lewis X-i Antigen): This marker is sometimes used in non-small cell lung cancer.
SCC (Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen): This marker is frequently elevated in squamous cell carcinoma.
ProGRP (Pro-Gastrin-Releasing Peptide): This marker is particularly elevated in small cell lung cancer.
NSE (Neuron-Specific Enolase): This marker is often elevated in small cell lung cancer.
These tumor markers cannot be used alone for a definitive diagnosis but can be used in conjunction with other tests to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. It is important to note that the levels of tumor markers can also vary due to factors other than cancer, so careful interpretation of results is necessary.