
Koneido@Tsukuba ShoppingまめいちMameichi 4/21

Hello everyone!I'm Koneido(康寧堂)。I'm Japanese poet who compose
classic Chinese poetry.
the other day, I open the store on ”Mameichiまめいち”market.
I open a store since 2020 winter.
this market open third Sunday by month.
I recommend this market to shopping of Tsukuba city environs.

This day sunny and warm!

I had many customers.
The first, carnation of three color is sold.
Thank you!

Next, postcard of Japanese quince"木瓜” is sold, thank you!

Camellia stamp is sold. This customer is acquaintance from "好きだ展"in
2024, and  he came from faraway ! I'm very glad.
And he ordered a stamp of craving seal to to me. Thank you very much!!😭


Postcard carnation sold again, carnation color of that card is purple.

Last , co merchant  of まめいち ordered tote bag to me. Thank you!!

thanks to everyone, I get many sales. thank you very much!

Koneido effort to exhibition and sale of Japan or China art work.
In third Sunday, let's coming "まめいちMameichi" !

