Koneido@Tsukuba ShoppingまめいちMameichi 5/19
Hello everyone!I'm Koneido(康寧堂)。I'm Japanese poet who compose
classic Chinese poetry.
the other day, I open the store on ”Mameichiまめいち”market.
I open a store since 2020 winter.
this market open third Sunday by month.
I recommend this market to shopping of Tsukuba city environs.
This day, new green were beautiful.
I have many costumer. The first I delivered the tote bag that
ordered by Mameichi business partner to her.
Thank you!
Next, I sold postcard of rums-ear. Thank you very much!
Other, postcard bamboo shoots is sold. Thank you!
Postcard Calendula is sold more. Thank you!
Also repeater bought stamp of bottle and glass.
Thank you very much!
That day , I delivered seal craving stamp that ordered by acquaintance since
「好きだ!!展 」to him. This day he came from far away again.
I'm happy , Thank you!!😭
The last, I delivered tote bag that ordered by costumer in April to him.
He is very satisfied to my goods. Thank you!! 😭
thanks to everyone, I get many sales. thank you very much!
Koneido effort to exhibition and sale of Japan or China art work.
In third Sunday, let's coming "まめいちMameichi" !