
異性脳を身につけるちょっとした習慣②-Little habits to develop the opposite-sex brain-


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, I introduced some little habits to acquire the opposite sex brain. I said that it's a good idea to start by listening to the conversation of the people on either side of you at the same time. If you're interested, please check out that article. And this time, I'll introduce the contents of the title with an excerpt from "Male and Female Brain Strategy".


”What kind of practice can a female brain, which has superior emotions and intuition, do to acquire the "logical thinking" characteristic of a male brain? There is a little habit that can help you acquire a male brain while shopping. For example, you have a favorite bag. Try explaining why you bought it. If you ask this question to a person with a male brain, they will probably explain in detail why they bought it, saying "This is it, this is it, and this is why...".


”However, if you ask a female brain person the same thing, they will say, "Because I wanted it." Because they fell in love with it based on unconscious intuition, they cannot immediately answer the question, "Why is it my favorite?". Always give reasons for your choices. Break down your intuitive choices logically. Making this a habit will help you develop the skills to explain your feelings.


What did you all think? Did any of this ring a bell? Just knowing the differences between the female and male brains will allow you to understand the other person better. If you can understand the other person, your way of thinking will change, and you will be able to be more considerate in your actions and words. Why not give it a try? This is the last edition of the male-female brain strategy series. Thank you for reading so far. I hope to be able to provide you with new and useful information in the future. Thank you for your continued support. Until next time.


