ネコのボスにも人間のボスにも共通する特徴-Characteristics common to both cat bosses and human bosses-
Good news for those with big faces. In the world of cats, it is said that cats with larger faces are more likely to become "bosses", but what is it actually like in the human world? Some interesting things were written from "The world's most advanced psychology", so I will introduce some excerpts.
“Aileen Wong of the University of Wisconsin, USA, examined the faces of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.Most websites have a picture of the CEO's face, He used the face photo to find out the ratio of width and height. ”
"The larger the ratio, the wider the face is on the side, indicating that the overall size is larger. On the other hand, He also examined the 2003 and 2004 ROA (return on assets) of each company. It turns out that companies led by big-faced CEOs do better.”
Recently, it is said that both men and women are having a small face, but there are advantages to having a large face. It might be good to take a positive view, such as being easy to become a boss or doing well at work. I hope that this article will be of some help to you. See you soon. thank you very much.