世界の名言集-World famous quotes-
”小さな出会いを大切に育てていくことで、 人生の中での 大きな出会いになることもある。”
”By cherishing and nurturing small encounters, they can sometimes turn into major encounters in life.”
”去る者は追わず 来る者は拒まず”
Don't chase those who leave, don't refuse those who come
”人生で絶対に忘れてはならない人は、 憎い人ではなく、好きな人だ。
人を憎み続けると 気持ちが荒れて自分が傷付く。
”The people you should never forget in life are not the people you hate, but the people you love. If you continue to hate people, your feelings will become irritated and you will end up hurting yourself. Live your life thinking only of the people you love.”