
DeepBody:新規論文から考える⑤ DRG(後根神経節)細胞のgenetic toolkitが明かす体性感覚細胞の形態と生理(1)

DeepBody:新規論文から考える⑤ DRG(後根神経節)細胞のgenetic toolkitが明かす体性感覚細胞の形態と生理(2)

DeepBody:新規論文から考える④ 神経堤細胞の神秘-第4胚葉:全身に広がり分化する細胞群の再認識

旧脳とは何のこと?なぜ呼吸運動に関係するの?-重要な「皮質下構造」(爬虫類脳 vs Splatter super cluster)-

CellCommuNet: an atlas of cell–cell communication networks from single-cell RNA sequencing of human and mouse tissues in normal and disease states





[論文] VAEの一部を線形化して解釈性を上げる試み

scHyena: Foundation Model for Full-Length Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis in Brain

Using LLMs and Explainable ML to Analyze Biomarkers at Single-Cell Level for Improved Understanding of Diseases

ProjectSVR: Mapping single-cell RNA-seq data to reference atlases by supported vector regression

Evaluating imputation methods for single-cell RNA-seq data

Mcadet: a feature selection method for fine-resolution single-cell RNA-seq data based on multiple correspondence analysis and community detection

Negative binomial count splitting for single-cell RNA sequencing data

Multimodal hierarchical classification of CITE-seq data delineates immune cell states across lineages and tissues

Quantitative assessment of single-cell RNA-seq clustering with CONCORDEX

Boosting Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Analysis with Simple Neural Attention

Gene knockout inference with variational graph autoencoder learning single-cell gene regulatory networks