
無限のサル定理 オーストラリア 20241102

「AIの根は苦いが、その果実は甘い(笑)」 "The roots of AI are bitter, but its fruits are sweet (laughs)." - Aristotle (in the age of AI)




Some dissimilarities between Gendlin’s doctoral dissertation and “Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning”


Recollections of My Visit to Dr. Gendlin

人間の幸福とは何か 「閑暇と観照的生活について」【アリストテレス】

燕の季節。 For one swallow does not make a summer, nor does one day; and so too one day, or a short time, does not make a man blessed and happy.

Eflatun mu? Platon mu?

Büyük İskender'in hocası Aristo

Aristotle’s example of the acorn and the oak from Gendlin’s point of view

金のためにする仕事はみな、人の心を奪い堕落させる。 All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. https://meigen.club/aristotle/2/ #Aristotle #アリストテレス #格言 #fictitiousness #2021