
Entwined Lies

Entwined Lies

タイトル (Title)
**絡み合う嘘 (Entwined Lies)**

ジャンル (Genre)
抽象アート (Abstract Art)

説明文 (Description)

「絡み合う嘘 (Entwined Lies)」は、視覚的な要素を通じて複雑な感情と人間関係の微妙さを表現する抽象アート作品です。左側に描かれた花は、絡み合った線によって形成され、その形が不規則で揺らぎがあることで、嘘の複雑さやその破壊力を象徴しています。この花は、表面的には美しく見えるが、その背後には不確実性や欺瞞が隠されていることを示唆しています。



"Entwined Lies" is an abstract art piece that uses visual elements to express the complexity of emotions and the subtleties of human relationships. The flower on the left side is formed by intertwined lines, symbolizing the complexity and destructive power of lies through its irregular and fluctuating shape. This flower suggests that while lies may appear beautiful on the surface, they hide uncertainty and deceit beneath.

On the right side, geometric squares are arranged with the word "LIE" subtly hidden within. These squares illustrate the contrast between order and chaos, symbolizing how lies exist between reality and illusion, making them visually difficult to discern. The arrangement and overlap of the squares represent the complex network of lies within human relationships and experiences, showing how lies influence people's actions and emotions.

This artwork invites viewers to reflect on the influence of lies and their intricate interconnections. The contrast between the flower and the geometric shapes emphasizes the delicate balance between natural deception and human creations, highlighting how our existence is both fragile and resilient.

