
Inquiry - Questions and Tears

タイトル:「探求 - 問いと涙」


このアートワーク「探求 - 問いと涙」は、人間の探求心と内面的葛藤を象徴的に表現しています。画面には「What?」「Why?」という繰り返しの問いかけが配置され、それに対して「Up」「Down」という矢印が方向性を示唆しています。これは、人生の選択と方向性に対する永遠の問いと、その答えを求める探究心を示しています。画面の右側に描かれた涙を流す目は、この探求がもたらす感情の深さと、時に伴う苦悩を表現しています。


Title: "Inquiry - Questions and Tears"

Genre: Symbolic Art

"Inquiry - Questions and Tears" symbolically portrays the human spirit of inquiry and inner conflict. The artwork is arranged with repeated queries, "What?" and "Why?", accompanied by arrows pointing 'Up' and 'Down', suggesting directions. This represents the eternal questioning of life's choices and directions and the quest for answers. The eye shedding tears on the right side of the canvas expresses the emotional depth and sometimes the agony that this quest brings.

This piece challenges viewers to confront their inner selves, continually questioning while searching for the meaning of life. The tears represent not only suffering but also the emotional impact and release encountered on the path to insight. It communicates that the journey to truth is not easy but brings profound understanding and peace of mind.
