Kagami no Kojo -The Solitary Castle in the Mirror-
Hello there.
I've just finished reading a novel, "Kagami no Kojo-The Solitary Castle in the Mirror-, " by Mizuki Tsujimura.
Honestly, although I tried to read translated into English and borrowed from the library, I had another five books to read then; in addition, it was too thick. So I judged I didn't have enough time to read it and should read the original one and returned it, and then I borrowed the original one again.
Several years ago, my book-warm friend recommended it, but I wasn't interested. However, a person I communicate with here, "note," suggested it, and then I felt like reading it.
As I started reading, I felt a heartrending thought and was drawn into the story. So I was reading it the entire day except for doing chores, eating, and bathing, and finally I finished reading it today. During reading, I inspected some suppositions, but these didn't come true.
My decision was correct; If I read in English, it took too much time and confusion since the story was very complicated. Hopefully, I'd love to read the English version someday.
That's all for today and see you around.