
日常や日々の想い/My daily thoughts

私の日常や日々の想いなどの記事を集めたマガジンです。 My articles related to my daily life and thoughts.


Analysis of my note

Analysis of my note


Thank you so much for reading my note. I have been enjoying writing here. This article will be related to my previous article and I would like to analyze my note.

As I have mentioned about

Chatting with my mother

Chatting with my mother

I talked over the phone with my parents during the weekend. We just had a usual chat about how we were doing or some schedules that we were expecting.

I have been thinking of how I can communicate wi

朝ドラ ブギウギ

朝ドラ ブギウギ

I enjoy watching the morning drama "ブギウギ". The theme song is energetic and helps me to start my day positively.

Of course, the story is interesting to watch. The main character Suzuko is so wonderful

Find delight in my daily life

Find delight in my daily life

Busy days are continuing this week for me. Whenever I feel I'm rushing to do something, I try to calm myself and think of delight. 

My work is mainly office work, but I feel satisfied from what I'm d


Will I ever understand?


Fortunately, I don't need to seriously think of my life getting in danger from my daily life. However, I feel terrified from hearing the news in the Middle East. The conflicts of the Middl
