Chatting with my mother
I talked over the phone with my parents during the weekend. We just had a usual chat about how we were doing or some schedules that we were expecting.
I have been thinking of how I can communicate with my mother though we live in different areas in Japan. The places are not so far away but it takes about 3 hours drive to go see them. From my view, my father is mentally alright and he has things he can do like watching baseball games on tv. My mother also enjoys taking care of the vegetables in her garden. However, I have been worrying that my mother is sometimes stressed out from other houseworks she has to do.
My mother is a talkative person and she likes to talk whatever comes up to her mind. Over the phone, she can talk endlessly with me and we realized an hour has passed when we had finished talking this weekend. Well, this happens mostly all the time when I call my mother. I don't mind talking with her because I understand her character and she has many things to tell me.
One day when I went back home, I suggested her to send me emails whenever she wants. But she didn't take much care about it and she seems to hesitate to email me. Maybe texting on her smartphone everytime was bothering her. She prefers to talk instead of texting on the phone like my generation.
From the situtations above, I decided for myself to email my mother and call her more often. We do have a family Line group including my father, mother, and brother. But that's not enough for my mother. At least that's how I feel about her. She needs more time to talk or express her feelings with others. Moreover, she needs to talk with me. She can't complain everything to my father. Someone has to accept and understand her.
In the near future, I should be considering to live with my parents. My husband and I don't have plans to leave Japan for now. If we're continuing to live in Japan, we are thinking of living with my parents. They are doing well by themselves, but it may be necessary to think seriously about living with them.