I doing yoga
Good morning⭐︎
I have been fasting since Thursday night.
Moon in Aries
It was a good day to get started.
・Brazil chocolate coffee 1 cup
・Medical herbal tea 1000ml
⭐︎Gotu kola
⭐︎Rose hips
・Black oolong tea 500ml
・glucose chocolate 1 piece
・peanuts and rice crackers a pinch
※My friend lunch
・7&i soy bean paste 1 cup
・Glucose 100% candy 1 piece
・watermelon 200 grams
fasting( ・∇・)?
Deep Red pomander
Serapis Bey quintessence
color breathing
Rainbow color
Chakra pose Solfeggio frequency color
7 lotus 963 violet
6 easy 852 royal blue
5 hare 741 blue
4.5 cow face turquoise
4 cat 639 greem
4 camel
3 Bow 528 yellow
2 bound angle 417 orange
1 Tree 396 red
playing it by ear
Enjoy your weekend!