

















西ヨーロッパのファシスト政権に関連したナショナリズム・モダニズムの盛り上がりから人気が高まった。 スタイルは古代ローマのスタイルに似ている。



Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler







そんな訳で、二日目は中心地とは全く逆方向へ。これが大正解。Chiosco San Lorenzoというカフェに気分で立ち寄ったら、そこで働いていたお姉さんの対応が神だった。何を注文するか全然決めていないまま、自分の順番が来た。「なにもわからんけど、イタリア人がローマで過ごす一日、みたいなテーマでふらふらしてる。地元民がよく頼む飲み物と軽食が欲しいんですけど」的なことを伝えた。そうすると、彼女のお気に入りの生姜が効いたレモンと人参が中心のミックスジュース、そして常連さんたちがよく食べるというトマトとパンのサンドイッチをオススメしてくれた。もう、言われた通り注文した。それがなんとも美味しかった。すごくフレンドリーな人で、おしぼり使う?とかこまめにコミュニケーションも取ってくれて、なんだかすごく好印象だった。そんな訳でちょっとお喋りもしていたら、そのエリアで大学生が集まるというバーも教えてくれた。やっぱり、旅はこうでなくっちゃ。そんな感じがした。観光客が交通機関を駆使して頑張って回ろうとするような場所に、自分は興味があまりない。ローカルの人と関わって、街に溶け込みながら体験したい!今振り返ると、自分について知ることが出来た瞬間だった。※パソコンにこれを打ち込んでいると、さらに、「そうだったそうだった」と納得。自分の価値観がどんどんと浮き上がってくる。



フォンタネッラ (Fontanella)とよばれる飲料用の噴水も相当数点在



CACIO E PEPE(=カチョ・エ・ペペ)
料理名はいくつかの中部イタリア語方言で「チーズと胡椒」という意味。 アルデンテに茹で上げたスパゲッティ、または伝統的にはトンナレッリをペコリーノ・ロマーノチーズとからませ、胡椒を多めに加える。




3日目も、またまた康弘は観光地の真逆の方向を目指してあるき始めた。「ローマの観光地は観光客でごった返し過ぎてて嫌い!」とガキみたいにイジになっていた笑 でも、その方向にも約40分歩けば綺麗な公園と、観光名所があった。ローマは広いのだ。









ウクライナ出身のお友達と別れを告げたあと、ちょっと時間は遅かったが、写真が撮りたくて、ふらふらと歩いていた。すると、アメリカから旅行で来てた三姉妹のおばさん達に話しかけられた。道に迷ってるけどこのGPS合ってるか携帯で確認して欲しいって言われてた。結局歩く方向が同じだったから、ホテルまで15分くらい話しながら楽しく一緒に歩いてた。そしたら別れ際に「ほんと助かったありがとう、なんもお金以外に持ってないけど、これでなんか美味しいの食べて」とか言いながら、財布に持ってた現金から35ユーロくれた。(35 ユーロ =5,515.50 円)ただ楽しく一緒に散歩してただけな感覚なのにこんなに感謝されるなんて!



俺のハンガーとか勝手に物色して使ってたやつが部屋にいた。朝5:30からガサガサ音を立てながら準備するインド人。 “I thought that was for common, sorry about that” と言ってきた、まあ謝ってるから許すけど、明らかに俺のベッドのフレームに引っかかっていて、横にも服が吊ってあったのに、それを取って自分のジャケットに使うだなんて、なしだろ。まあ減るもんじゃないから良いんだけど、感覚の違いに驚いた。


日本人男性、53歳の榎本さんがまさかの自分のベッドの上で寝ていた人だった。朝起きて、Heyと軽く挨拶をして話していたら、どうも日本人っぽい。しばらくお互い英語で話していたが、ふとした瞬間に、Wait… となって気づいた。面白い。榎本さんは大学教員で、折りたたみの自転車で、アッピア街道(現存するローマ街道の中でも最も有名なもののひとつで「街道の女王」の異名を持つ。)を走っているイケおじ。2時間近くお喋りしてた気がする、非常に楽しかった。旅行のこと、九州のこと(榎本さんは大分出身)、自転車のこと、車のこと、ブログのこと。たくさん話した。こういう素敵な出会いが旅を彩ってくれる。ローマでの最後の最後に良い思い出が出来た。実は、九州は福岡と長崎いがいしっかり見たことがない。だから、近いうちに行きたいと思っていた。また日本に戻ってから連絡するのが楽しみだ。一緒に教えてもらった絶景を見に行きたい。







Table of Contents

・Why Do I Write on Note?
・What Do I Write on Note?
・An Anecdote Before Going to Rome
・Arrival in Rome, at the Hostel
・Reading Articles While Traveling
・Exploring the Streets of Rome
・Discovering Myself
・Any Conversation Can Be a Starting Point
・Lunchtime, Cacio e Pepe
・Overpriced Dinner Experience
・Wishing to Visit Cafés Like a Local
・Tiramisu with a Person I Met in the Park
・Lovely American Ladies
・The Final Day in Rome, an Unpleasant Morning
・From an Unpleasant Morning to a Pleasant One
・In Conclusion

Why Do I Write on Note?

Right now, I'm in a place called Malmo in Sweden. I wonder why I'm writing a note about Italy at this moment. I wanted to preserve various things before I forget, but I find myself quite occupied writing my daily journal and updating Instagram to keep my friends updated on my travels. Before I realized it, I hadn't been writing notes at all. My initial plan was to document my experiences in each destination as a world travel series on Note. However, every day is so stimulating, and my curiosity often leads me to walk too much, making time always seem insufficient. Writing notes became less of a priority amidst all this.

Still, I want to write; I have this urge, and that's why I'm writing like this. I can't help but wonder how happy my future self would be to read these notes. Besides, my friends and family could read them too. Furthermore, it could serve as proof of my passion for writing. Perhaps, in the future, it might lead to opportunities as a writer or blogger. And above all, writing is enjoyable. But, during travels, priorities inevitably shift.

What Do I Write on Note?

Nevertheless, I still want to write, and that's why I'm writing like this. Figuring out what to write is incredibly challenging, though. I think what I want to include are moments when my heart was moved. Surprising things, moments of joy, and things that frustrated me... All of these are crucial elements, I believe, to understand myself better. By sharing these valuable experiences in this format, I hope I can offer my friends and family new insights.

This time, I want to focus on the parts that left a lasting impression.

An Anecdote Before Going to Rome

Before going to Rome, I was in Naples, and I visited Pompeii early in the morning. Later, at my hostel in Naples, a couple from Paris, France, was cooking during lunchtime. I was researching trains and such in the common area. After a while, when I took a break, I started a conversation with them, and they turned out to be interesting people. The man worked as an IT engineer. I didn't get to know what the woman did for a living, but the couple doesn't use airplanes due to environmental concerns. They prefer traveling by train. They enjoy exploring cities and trying local foods, just like me. Naples, in their opinion, is vibrant, and they find it fascinating to see people's lives here, especially in comparison to Paris. I agreed; Naples indeed has an incredible energy. I found them very easy to talk to, and we resonated well. Through our conversation, I felt a surge of energy. I could end my time in Naples on such a positive note before heading to Rome.

Arrival in Rome, at the Hostel

Once again, I found myself in a situation that felt all too familiar. I hadn't yet purchased a SIM card, so, predictably, I couldn't find my way to the hostel. I ended up asking a passerby for directions (street names) and thankfully, they kindly guided me. For some reason, perhaps due to being Japanese or just a personal trait, I hesitate to ask questions that I could easily find the answers to by Googling. However, imagining the situation from the other person's perspective, it doesn't seem like a terrible thing after all.

Staying at hostels always feels like a game of chance. You never know who you'll encounter. There might be no one at all. That day, I happened to check in at the same room with two people (a DJ duo from Belgium, who were going to finish a music event that night and heading back right after resting). It's a common occurrence in budget hostels, where the reception is often way too casual. Despite informing the reception of our check-in time, the staff arrived late. The three of us exchanged glances and shared a wry smile. Right after that, the receptionist, who referred to me as "Brother," started giving us one-sided self-introductions, including details about his hometown. Hmmm, people like him who communicate in this manner can be considered as negative examples. It's something I need to be careful about. He isn't a bad person, but he lacks a certain sensitivity. Yeah, well, that's the extent of my complaints.

Reading Articles While Traveling

On this day, I read many articles about Italian lifestyles, thought processes, and the culture and atmosphere of the people in Naples. Reading something while traveling and then experiencing the real world, where words and reality link up one after the other, feels incredibly fascinating. Here are my notes from that day.

Fascist Architecture
Architectural style developed by fascist society architects in the early 20th century

Late 1920s
Popularized due to the rise of nationalism and modernism associated with fascist regimes in Western Europe. The style resembles ancient Roman architecture.

Buildings from the Fascist Era
Characterized by simplicity and symmetry, lacking exaggerated designs.
One of the attempts made by Mussolini to unify the nation's citizens, create a new national culture, and demonstrate the state's absolute rule.

Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler

・Rapid decline of fascist political ideology
・Axis Powers' defeat in World War II
→ New fascist architecture became rare

I think it will become more interesting. Rather than just admiring a building, understanding the background information about why it was created, gives me a deeper and more satisfying understanding. Reading about this mysterious world, I feel like I've gained a bit more insight today.

Observing Rome

I noticed that Rome has more wealthy people, and there are many clean and modern cars. That was the first thing that caught my eye. Naples, on the other hand, is rich in its own way with a charm of its own, but it also has many dirty cars. Of course, it probably depends on the area. However, Rome has wider roads and a more orderly impression. Yet, ancient ruins abound everywhere you walk.

Unfortunately, I realized I'm not very interested in ancient history during my travels. When people talk about ancient ruins, it somehow feels too disconnected from my current reality, and I can't relate or feel familiar with it. Therefore, I'm more interested in modern history, particularly around the time of the Second World War. And to be even more precise, I'm most intrigued by people's lives. Thus, I honestly didn't enjoy the central touristy areas of Rome. Everywhere you look, it's full of tourists, and when you glance at the terrace seats on the street, all you hear are languages other than Italian. It's not that hearing Italian makes it better, but it's a bit disillusioning. I want to see the real Italy, but I don't want to have a meal while listening to jokes from middle-aged men on vacation from America.

Getting to Know Myself

So, on the second day, I ventured in the opposite direction of the city center. It turned out to be a great decision. I spontaneously stopped by a café called Chiosco San Lorenzo, and the service I received from the waitress there was amazing. I hadn't decided what to order when my turn came. I said, "I have no idea, but I'm wandering around Rome like an Italian for a day. I want to try the local people's favorite drinks and snacks." She recommended a mixed juice with ginger, lemon, and carrots, which was her favorite, and a tomato and cheese sandwich that regulars often ordered. I ordered exactly what she suggested, and it was absolutely delicious. She was incredibly friendly, offering me a wet wipe and engaging in frequent conversations. I left the café feeling very happy.

As I chatted with her, she told me about a bar where local university students hang out in the same area. That's what travel should be about, I thought. I'm not interested in places where tourists rush around using public transportation to see everything. I want to interact with locals and experience the city as if I'm blending into the culture. Looking back, that moment was when I truly got to know myself. As I type this on my computer, I find myself nodding in agreement. My values are becoming clearer and clearer.

Any Conversation Can Be a Starting Point

Feeling cheerful, I continued walking after leaving the café, enjoying street photography as always. I noticed a woman sitting in the shade, smoking a cigarette, looking straight chilling. I approached her and struck up a conversation. It turned out she was waiting for her boyfriend, who happened to be a professional street photographer – what a coincidence! She shared interesting details with me. The water from the taps in the city runs 24/7, and anyone can use it for free. Rome is truly the city of water. She told me it's safe to drink and people even wash their hands with it. She said, "It's great that you've come to a less touristy area, exploring the real Rome. Enjoy the authentic experience!" People with similar values can understand each other almost instantly, I felt. We chatted even after her boyfriend arrived. It was a delightful encounter. She expressed her desire to visit Japan. It's true what they say – the grass is always greener on the other side. Japanese people admire Europe, and it seems the feeling can go both ways.

I wonder how that couple is doing now. Maybe I should have exchanged contact. We could have met in Japan. By the way, here's some information about the water fountains in Rome:

Rome's Water Fountains
These fountains, affectionately called "Naso" (Nasone), are scattered throughout the city. There are also drinking fountains known as "Fontanella." They are adorned with marble sculptures, resembling beautiful works of art.

Lunch: Cacio e Pepe

While searching for Rome's exclusive foods on Google, I came across this dish. So, for lunch on the second day, I decided to try Cacio e Pepe. The rich cheese flavor was delightful. It was a bit too salty, but it paired perfectly with beer. Plus, the texture of the pasta was outstanding. I also enjoyed a tomato sauce pasta on the first night. It had a wonderfully chewy texture. I wish Japanese Italian restaurants would learn from the authentic Italian pasta and offer dishes with such great texture!

Dinner Scam

For dinner that night, I was craving risotto. I figured any restaurant serving risotto would be fine, so I asked a nearby restaurant, "Do you have risotto?" and walked in. Since I had a cheesy lunch, I wanted something tomato-based. Even though it wasn't on the menu, they said they could make one with mushrooms. I ordered it. But when I saw the bill, it was inexplicably 28€. Pasta dishes were around 15€. I asked if it was expensive because I had requested a custom dish, but they said it was the standard price for risotto. It was clearly unfair, but it was my fault for not confirming the price beforehand. I blamed myself while pledging never to make the same mistake again. What a terrible restaurant – I won't forget this experience, haha.

Wanting to Visit Cafés Like a Local

On the third day, once again, Yasu headed in the opposite direction of the tourist spots. "I hate the crowded tourist areas in Rome!" he teased childishly, laughing. But even in that direction, after about 40 minutes of walking, there was a beautiful park and some tourist attractions. Rome truly is vast.

At the café he arrived at, there were no apparent tourists. Perfect. The patrons around were regulars, such as middle-aged men who seemed idle despite it being a weekday, older gentlemen, and ladies. I enjoyed an espresso standing at the counter, engaging in brief conversations with the staff. There were people leaving the café with a lively demeanor, elderly individuals lingering with newspapers, people standing and chatting for about 20 minutes despite it being a standing café. There were various kinds of people. I thought it would be delightful if I could speak Italian.

One of the staff members was young and spoke English fluently, so I decided to ask a question. I inquired if these café counters were somewhat similar in atmosphere to bars where people drink alcohol. The response I received was, "It's a place where interactions between staff and other customers happen naturally, a fun environment. So, you're not entirely wrong." The café culture in Italy is truly wonderful.

Italy is often associated with passionate people, and I indeed felt warmth in the interactions between people. Phrases like "Grazie" and "Ciao" (thank you, goodbye) left a significant impression. Also, due to language differences, the conversations seemed rhythmic and enjoyable. I wondered how an Italian reading his words would feel; I would eagerly await their comments, as I chuckled hehe

Meeting People in the Park and Tiramisu

I had come to a lively area in Rome recommended by a local friend, but I didn't quite know where the main area was. So, I decided to relax in a square. I started a conversation with a girl sitting next to me, thinking she was Italian, but she turned out to be from Ukraine. Nevertheless, we were both solo travelers, so we decided to spend some time together. She was planning to fly back to Israel at 4:00 in the morning and wanted to have tiramisu one last time. We ended up having tiramisu together at a restaurant. It was a lovely time.

She shared stories about her two-year military service, how in Ukraine, they had to change their names because being Jewish meant being killed, stories about her parents, Hebrew, and even a tale about a bomb being found in her bag. Every story was incredibly fascinating. It felt like we had known each other for ages. It was an enjoyable two-hour conversation. This time, we exchanged contact information properly, and I look forward to meeting her again somewhere.

Wonderful American Ladies

After bidding farewell to his Ukrainian friend, Yasu wandered around, wanting to take pictures. I was approached by three American sisters who were on a trip. They were lost and wanted him to confirm if their GPS was accurate. As it turned out, we were headed in the same direction, so we chatted and walked together for about 15 minutes. When we parted ways, the ladies thanked him profusely and, despite having no money except for what they needed, handed me 35 euros from their wallet (35 euros = 5,515.50 yen). It felt strange to be so appreciated for just a pleasant stroll together!

I hope to find more wonderful ways to use money like this. I want to become a cool adult who, if helped by a young person on the street someday, can offer money with the same words. I was amazed by the differences in cultural perceptions.

Unpleasant Morning Turning into a Good One

In the morning, there was an Indian man in my room, rummaging through his things, and using my hangers. He was getting ready with noisy rustling sounds from 5:30. "I thought that was for common use, sorry about that," he said. Well, he apologized, so Yasu forgave him, but it was clear that he was using Yasu's bed frame, and his clothes were hanging there too. Yasu thought it was inappropriate. Well, it didn't cost me anything, so it was fine, but I was surprised by the difference in perceptions.

But what he thought would be an uncomfortable morning turned out to be a good one. The man, Mr. Enomoto, was sleeping above Yasu's bed. When we both woke up, we exchanged greetings, and as we talked, Yasu noticed something. "Wait..." I said, and suddenly realized that Mr. Enomoto was Japanese. It was amusing. Mr. Enomoto was a university professor who was cycling along the Appian Way (one of the most famous Roman roads, also known as the "Queen of Roads") with a folding bicycle. They talked for almost two hours, and it was incredibly enjoyable. They discussed travel, Kyushu (Mr. Enomoto was from Oita), cycling, cars, blogs, and more. Such wonderful encounters like this one truly enrich the experience of travel. Yasuhiro had a great memory to cherish from his last day in Rome. Actually, he hadn't explored Fukuoka and Nagasaki properly in Kyushu, so he planned to do that soon. He looked forward to contacting Mr. Enomoto after returning to Japan. He wanted to visit the scenic spots Mr. Enomoto had recommended together.

And so, my three days in Rome came to an end in the blink of an eye. But it was incredibly rich and fulfilling. If I ever return to Rome, I hope to delve even deeper into its hidden corners.

Note: The text has been condensed for clarity. by Chat GPT 

In Conclusion:

I've been typing away furiously for over an hour and a half, and I'm feeling a bit tired. I believe I've captured the significant events that left an impression on me during my time in Rome, so I'll stop here! The text has become quite lengthy, but I hope you enjoyed the concise subtitles that summarized my experiences. I have a tendency to keep going once I start writing, which can be a bit overwhelming. However, this trait ensures that my memories don't fade away completely, so I suppose it's not all bad!

Thank you so much for reading until the end! I look forward to meeting you again in my next note. Goodbye for now! 👋

