
memo: my inner child

I’ve connected with my inner child.

It’s a bit hard to write this since it’s about myself, but I’ll be honest.

He’s a genius.

  1. Superficial tactics don’t work on him.
    He sees through them immediately.
    Trying to fool him will just backfire.

  2. He’s deeply loving.
    As a child, he loved creating stories for his parents.
    Looking back, those stories were a bit clumsy, maybe even bordering on exaggeration or fantasy.
    But it was his way of showing love.

  3. He’s great with computers.
    Since childhood, he’s been fascinated by robots and machines.
    In a cyber war, he’d probably be a formidable opponent.
    Challenging him isn’t the smartest move.

  4.  Music is him. The inner child is a whole other dimension. "He" and "music" are one and the same.
















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#インストゥルメンタル #Instrumental
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