
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.30☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour August 29, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[03:27] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: That interview and rally putting a cap on what the Harris campaign sees as an opportunity to win a state that President Biden narrowly carried in 2020.

[08:12] And I also spoke to a two-time Trump voter in North Carolina today, a woman as well who is a lifelong Republican, and she still is kind of undecided. And she said that the recent events at Arlington National Cemetery, Trump's actions, she didn't like it. She said that she felt as though he wasn't respectful. She said that she understands why he went there and the attention that he drew to Afghanistan withdrawal, but that she doesn't like that -- his behavior so far and feels as though that he's spiraling.

[12:26] LISA DESJARDINS: That's important. It's not new. Trump is instinctual. He is purposefully offensive when he wants to be. And what's important now is the timing of this and the key voter groups that could be affected. Particularly, let's talk about women. Now, the posts that Laura and Amna were talking about involved a picture of Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton together. And it raised Bill Clinton's affair with a White House intern when he was president. And it implied that Harris came into power by giving sexual favors. Now, that, of course, is made up. It is unfounded. And it is highly offensive to many women in general.

[** For further information, see: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-reposts-lewd-remark-about-harris-his-social-media-site-2024-08-29/ ]

[19:06] And a tae kwon do bronze went to Zakia Khudadadi, earning the first ever Paralympics medal for the Refugee Team, which represents more than 120 million displaced people worldwide.

[24:25] AMNA NAWAZ: And Steven, just to clarify, Abu Shuja'a, who you referenced there, that's the nom de guerre of Mohammed Jaber. It translates to father of the brave.

[26:09] STEVEN ERLANGER: Well, I think the Palestinian Authority is pretty well undermined in many ways, partly through its own faults, but also through the Israeli government's decision to withhold taxes from them,

[34:02] DR. PETER HOTEZ: Yes, it's a good question. I think we need to up our game in terms of doing active surveillance for these diseases. Right now, our surveillance system in the U.S. is extremely fragmented.

[39:54] PRANSHU VERMA: Yes, this is the big question here. It's opened up a can of worms. Are the people who own the tech companies liable for the content that is on their platforms? Now, in the United States, there's a rule in law that shields companies from being held liable for the content that they have put on their sites.

[43:57] Now, the secretary of state's office has said that the individuals who registered to vote under that previous law, that two-year waiting period law, they're not going to go and back and roll out on all of those people who registered to vote.

[44:16] However, it is on pause for anybody who didn't get in during that kind of loophole time. So the people that already registered, they should be good to go.

[46:49] JOHN YANG: And, of course, this is important because Nebraska splits its electoral votes by congressional district.

[** In Nebraska, electoral votes are not allocated using a winner-take-all system. Instead, 2 electoral votes go to the candidate who wins the statewide popular vote, while the remaining 3 electoral votes are distributed based on the results of each of the state's three congressional districts. ]



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